--- /dev/null
+#include "osrf_prefork.h"
+#include <signal.h>
+/* true if we just deleted a child. This will allow us to make sure we're
+ not trying to use freed memory */
+int child_dead;
+int main();
+void sigchld_handler( int sig );
+int osrf_prefork_run(char* appname) {
+ if(!appname) fatal_handler("osrf_prefork_run requires an appname to run!");
+ int maxr = 1000;
+ int maxc = 10;
+ int minc = 3;
+ info_handler("Loading config in osrf_forker for app %s", appname);
+ object* max_req = osrf_settings_host_value_object("/apps/%s/unix_config/max_requests", appname);
+ object* min_children = osrf_settings_host_value_object("/apps/%s/unix_config/min_children", appname);
+ object* max_children = osrf_settings_host_value_object("/apps/%s/unix_config/max_children", appname);
+ if(!max_req) warning_handler("Max requests not defined, assuming 1000");
+ else maxr = max_req->num_value;
+ if(!min_children) warning_handler("Min children not defined, assuming 3");
+ else minc = min_children->num_value;
+ if(!max_children) warning_handler("Max children not defined, assuming 10");
+ else maxc = max_children->num_value;
+ free_object(max_req);
+ free_object(min_children);
+ free_object(max_children);
+ /* --------------------------------------------------- */
+ char* resc = va_list_to_string("%s_listener", appname);
+ if(!osrf_system_bootstrap_client_resc(
+ osrf_get_bootstrap_config(), osrf_get_config_context(), resc))
+ fatal_handler("Unable to bootstrap client for osrf_prefork_run()");
+ free(resc);
+ prefork_simple* forker = prefork_simple_init(
+ osrf_system_get_transport_client(), maxr, minc, maxc);
+ forker->appname = strdup(appname);
+ if(forker == NULL)
+ fatal_handler("osrf_prefork_run() failed to create prefork_simple object");
+ prefork_launch_children(forker);
+ info_handler("Launching osrf_forker for app %s", appname);
+ prefork_run(forker);
+ warning_handler("prefork_run() retuned - how??");
+ prefork_free(forker);
+ return 0;
+void osrf_prefork_register_routers() {
+ //char* router = osrf_config_value("//%s/
+void prefork_child_init_hook(prefork_child* child) {
+ if(!child) return;
+ info_handler("Child init hook for child %d", child->pid);
+ char* resc = va_list_to_string("%s_drone",child->appname);
+ if(!osrf_system_bootstrap_client_resc(
+ osrf_get_bootstrap_config(), osrf_get_config_context(), resc))
+ fatal_handler("Unable to bootstrap client for osrf_prefork_run()");
+ free(resc);
+void prefork_child_process_request(prefork_child* child, char* data) {
+ if(!child && child->connection) return;
+ /* construct the message from the xml */
+ debug_handler("Child %d received data from parent:\n%s\n", child->pid, data);
+ transport_message* msg = new_message_from_xml( data );
+ osrf_stack_transport_handler(msg, child->appname);
+ /*
+ transport_message* ret_msg = message_init(
+ msg->body, msg->subject, msg->thread, msg->sender, NULL );
+ client_send_message(child->connection, ret_msg);
+ message_free( ret_msg );
+ printf("Message body size %d\n", strlen(msg->body));
+ printf( "Message Info\n" );
+ printf( "%s\n", msg->sender );
+ printf( "%s\n", msg->recipient );
+ printf( "%s\n", msg->thread );
+ printf( "%s\n", msg->body );
+ printf( "%s\n", msg->subject );
+ printf( "%s\n", msg->router_from );
+ printf( "%d\n", msg->broadcast );
+ message_free( msg );
+ */
+prefork_simple* prefork_simple_init( transport_client* client,
+ int max_requests, int min_children, int max_children ) {
+ if( min_children > max_children )
+ fatal_handler( "min_children (%d) is greater "
+ "than max_children (%d)", min_children, max_children );
+ if( max_children > ABS_MAX_CHILDREN )
+ fatal_handler( "max_children (%d) is greater than ABS_MAX_CHILDREN (%d)",
+ max_children, ABS_MAX_CHILDREN );
+ /* flesh out the struct */
+ prefork_simple* prefork = (prefork_simple*) safe_malloc(sizeof(prefork_simple));
+ prefork->max_requests = max_requests;
+ prefork->min_children = min_children;
+ prefork->max_children = max_children;
+ prefork->first_child = NULL;
+ prefork->connection = client;
+ return prefork;
+prefork_child* launch_child( prefork_simple* forker ) {
+ pid_t pid;
+ int data_fd[2];
+ int status_fd[2];
+ /* Set up the data pipes and add the child struct to the parent */
+ if( pipe(data_fd) < 0 ) /* build the data pipe*/
+ fatal_handler( "Pipe making error" );
+ if( pipe(status_fd) < 0 ) /* build the status pipe */
+ fatal_handler( "Pipe making error" );
+ debug_handler( "Pipes: %d %d %d %d", data_fd[0], data_fd[1], status_fd[0], status_fd[1] );
+ prefork_child* child = prefork_child_init( forker->max_requests, data_fd[0],
+ data_fd[1], status_fd[0], status_fd[1] );
+ child->appname = strdup(forker->appname);
+ add_prefork_child( forker, child );
+ if( (pid=fork()) < 0 ) fatal_handler( "Forking Error" );
+ if( pid > 0 ) { /* parent */
+ signal(SIGCHLD, sigchld_handler);
+ (forker->current_num_children)++;
+ child->pid = pid;
+ info_handler( "Parent launched %d", pid );
+ /* *no* child pipe FD's can be closed or the parent will re-use fd's that
+ the children are currently using */
+ return child;
+ }
+ else { /* child */
+ debug_handler("I am new child with read_data_fd = %d and write_status_fd = %d",
+ child->read_data_fd, child->write_status_fd );
+ child->pid = getpid();
+ close( child->write_data_fd );
+ close( child->read_status_fd );
+ /* do the initing */
+ prefork_child_init_hook(child);
+ prefork_child_wait( child );
+ exit(0); /* just to be sure */
+ }
+ return NULL;
+void prefork_launch_children( prefork_simple* forker ) {
+ if(!forker) return;
+ int c = 0;
+ while( c++ < forker->min_children )
+ launch_child( forker );
+void sigchld_handler( int sig ) {
+ signal(SIGCHLD, sigchld_handler);
+ child_dead = 1;
+void reap_children( prefork_simple* forker ) {
+ pid_t child_pid;
+ int status;
+ while( (child_pid=waitpid(-1,&status,WNOHANG)) > 0)
+ del_prefork_child( forker, child_pid );
+ /* replenish */
+ while( forker->current_num_children < forker->min_children )
+ launch_child( forker );
+ child_dead = 0;
+void prefork_run(prefork_simple* forker) {
+ if( forker->first_child == NULL )
+ return;
+ transport_message* cur_msg = NULL;
+ while(1) {
+ if( forker->first_child == NULL ) {/* no more children */
+ warning_handler("No more children..." );
+ return;
+ }
+ debug_handler("Forker going into wait for data...");
+ sleep(2);
+ cur_msg = client_recv( forker->connection, -1 );
+ fprintf(stderr, "Got Data %f\n", get_timestamp_millis() );
+ if( cur_msg == NULL ) continue;
+ int honored = 0; /* true if we've serviced the request */
+ while( ! honored ) {
+ check_children( forker );
+ debug_handler( "Server received inbound data" );
+ int k;
+ prefork_child* cur_child = forker->first_child;
+ /* Look for an available child */
+ for( k = 0; k < forker->current_num_children; k++ ) {
+ debug_handler("Searching for available child. cur_child->pid = %d", cur_child->pid );
+ debug_handler("Current num children %d and loop %d", forker->current_num_children, k);
+ if( cur_child->available ) {
+ debug_handler( "sending data to %d", cur_child->pid );
+ message_prepare_xml( cur_msg );
+ char* data = cur_msg->msg_xml;
+ if( ! data || strlen(data) < 1 ) break;
+ cur_child->available = 0;
+ debug_handler( "Writing to child fd %d", cur_child->write_data_fd );
+ int written = 0;
+ fprintf(stderr, "Writing Data %f\n", get_timestamp_millis() );
+ if( (written = write( cur_child->write_data_fd, data, strlen(data) + 1 )) < 0 ) {
+ warning_handler("Write returned error %d", errno);
+ cur_child = cur_child->next;
+ continue;
+ }
+ fprintf(stderr, "Wrote %d bytes to child\n", written);
+ forker->first_child = cur_child->next;
+ honored = 1;
+ break;
+ } else
+ cur_child = cur_child->next;
+ }
+ /* if none available, add a new child if we can */
+ if( ! honored ) {
+ debug_handler("Not enough children, attempting to add...");
+ if( forker->current_num_children < forker->max_children ) {
+ debug_handler( "Launching new child with current_num = %d",
+ forker->current_num_children );
+ prefork_child* new_child = launch_child( forker );
+ message_prepare_xml( cur_msg );
+ char* data = cur_msg->msg_xml;
+ if( ! data || strlen(data) < 1 ) break;
+ new_child->available = 0;
+ debug_handler( "sending data to %d", new_child->pid );
+ debug_handler( "Writing to new child fd %d", new_child->write_data_fd );
+ write( new_child->write_data_fd, data, strlen(data) + 1 );
+ forker->first_child = new_child->next;
+ honored = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ if( !honored ) {
+ warning_handler( "No children available, sleeping and looping..." );
+ usleep( 50000 ); /* 50 milliseconds */
+ }
+ if( child_dead )
+ reap_children(forker);
+ fprintf(stderr, "Parent done with request %f\n", get_timestamp_millis() );
+ } // honored?
+ } /* top level listen loop */
+void check_children( prefork_simple* forker ) {
+ //check_begin:
+ int select_ret;
+ fd_set read_set;
+ FD_ZERO(&read_set);
+ int max_fd = 0;
+ int n;
+ struct timeval tv;
+ tv.tv_sec = 0;
+ tv.tv_usec = 0;
+ if( child_dead )
+ reap_children(forker);
+ prefork_child* cur_child = forker->first_child;
+ int i;
+ for( i = 0; i!= forker->current_num_children; i++ ) {
+ if( cur_child->read_status_fd > max_fd )
+ max_fd = cur_child->read_status_fd;
+ FD_SET( cur_child->read_status_fd, &read_set );
+ cur_child = cur_child->next;
+ }
+ FD_CLR(0,&read_set);/* just to be sure */
+ if( (select_ret=select( max_fd + 1 , &read_set, NULL, NULL, &tv)) == -1 ) {
+ warning_handler( "Select returned error %d on check_children", errno );
+ }
+ if( select_ret == 0 )
+ return;
+ /* see if one of a child has told us it's done */
+ cur_child = forker->first_child;
+ int j;
+ int num_handled = 0;
+ for( j = 0; j!= forker->current_num_children && num_handled < select_ret ; j++ ) {
+ if( FD_ISSET( cur_child->read_status_fd, &read_set ) ) {
+ printf( "Server received status from a child %d\n", cur_child->pid );
+ debug_handler( "Server received status from a child %d", cur_child->pid );
+ num_handled++;
+ /* now suck off the data */
+ char buf[64];
+ memset( buf, 0, 64);
+ if( (n=read(cur_child->read_status_fd, buf, 63)) < 0 ) {
+ warning_handler("Read error afer select in child status read with errno %d", errno);
+ }
+ debug_handler( "Read %d bytes from status buffer: %s", n, buf );
+ cur_child->available = 1;
+ }
+ cur_child = cur_child->next;
+ }
+void prefork_child_wait( prefork_child* child ) {
+ int i,n;
+ growing_buffer* gbuf = buffer_init( READ_BUFSIZE );
+ char buf[READ_BUFSIZE];
+ memset( buf, 0, READ_BUFSIZE );
+ for( i = 0; i!= child->max_requests; i++ ) {
+ n = -1;
+ clr_fl(child->read_data_fd, O_NONBLOCK );
+ while( (n=read(child->read_data_fd, buf, READ_BUFSIZE-1)) > 0 ) {
+ buffer_add( gbuf, buf );
+ memset( buf, 0, READ_BUFSIZE );
+ fprintf(stderr, "Child read %d bytes\n", n);
+ if( n == READ_BUFSIZE ) {
+ fprintf(stderr, "We read READ_BUFSIZE data....\n");
+ /* XXX */
+ /* either we have exactly READ_BUFSIZE data,
+ or there's more waiting that we need to grab*/
+ /* must set to non-block for reading more */
+ } else {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Read Data %f\n", get_timestamp_millis() );
+ prefork_child_process_request(child, gbuf->buf);
+ buffer_reset( gbuf );
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( n < 0 ) {
+ warning_handler( "Child read returned error with errno %d", errno );
+ break;
+ }
+ if( i < child->max_requests - 1 )
+ write( child->write_status_fd, "available" /*less than 64 bytes*/, 9 );
+ }
+ buffer_free(gbuf);
+ debug_handler("Child exiting...[%d]", getpid() );
+ exit(0);
+void add_prefork_child( prefork_simple* forker, prefork_child* child ) {
+ if( forker->first_child == NULL ) {
+ forker->first_child = child;
+ child->next = child;
+ return;
+ }
+ /* we put the child in as the last because, regardless,
+ we have to do the DLL splice dance, and this is the
+ simplest way */
+ prefork_child* start_child = forker->first_child;
+ while(1) {
+ if( forker->first_child->next == start_child )
+ break;
+ forker->first_child = forker->first_child->next;
+ }
+ /* here we know that forker->first_child is the last element
+ in the list and start_child is the first. Insert the
+ new child between them*/
+ forker->first_child->next = child;
+ child->next = start_child;
+ return;
+prefork_child* find_prefork_child( prefork_simple* forker, pid_t pid ) {
+ if( forker->first_child == NULL ) { return NULL; }
+ prefork_child* start_child = forker->first_child;
+ do {
+ if( forker->first_child->pid == pid )
+ return forker->first_child;
+ } while( (forker->first_child = forker->first_child->next) != start_child );
+ return NULL;
+void del_prefork_child( prefork_simple* forker, pid_t pid ) {
+ if( forker->first_child == NULL ) { return; }
+ (forker->current_num_children)--;
+ debug_handler("Deleting Child: %d", pid );
+ prefork_child* start_child = forker->first_child; /* starting point */
+ prefork_child* cur_child = start_child; /* current pointer */
+ prefork_child* prev_child = start_child; /* the trailing pointer */
+ /* special case where there is only one in the list */
+ if( start_child == start_child->next ) {
+ if( start_child->pid == pid ) {
+ forker->first_child = NULL;
+ close( start_child->read_data_fd );
+ close( start_child->write_data_fd );
+ close( start_child->read_status_fd );
+ close( start_child->write_status_fd );
+ prefork_child_free( start_child );
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ /* special case where the first item in the list needs to be removed */
+ if( start_child->pid == pid ) {
+ /* find the last one so we can remove the start_child */
+ do {
+ prev_child = cur_child;
+ cur_child = cur_child->next;
+ }while( cur_child != start_child );
+ /* now cur_child == start_child */
+ prev_child->next = cur_child->next;
+ forker->first_child = prev_child;
+ close( cur_child->read_data_fd );
+ close( cur_child->write_data_fd );
+ close( cur_child->read_status_fd );
+ close( cur_child->write_status_fd );
+ prefork_child_free( cur_child );
+ return;
+ }
+ do {
+ prev_child = cur_child;
+ cur_child = cur_child->next;
+ if( cur_child->pid == pid ) {
+ prev_child->next = cur_child->next;
+ close( cur_child->read_data_fd );
+ close( cur_child->write_data_fd );
+ close( cur_child->read_status_fd );
+ close( cur_child->write_status_fd );
+ prefork_child_free( cur_child );
+ return;
+ }
+ } while(cur_child != start_child);
+prefork_child* prefork_child_init(
+ int max_requests, int read_data_fd, int write_data_fd,
+ int read_status_fd, int write_status_fd ) {
+ prefork_child* child = (prefork_child*) safe_malloc(sizeof(prefork_child));
+ child->max_requests = max_requests;
+ child->read_data_fd = read_data_fd;
+ child->write_data_fd = write_data_fd;
+ child->read_status_fd = read_status_fd;
+ child->write_status_fd = write_status_fd;
+ child->available = 1;
+ return child;
+int prefork_free( prefork_simple* prefork ) {
+ while( prefork->first_child != NULL ) {
+ info_handler( "Killing children and sleeping 1 to reap..." );
+ kill( 0, SIGKILL );
+ sleep(1);
+ }
+ client_free(prefork->connection);
+ free(prefork->appname);
+ free( prefork );
+ return 1;
+int prefork_child_free( prefork_child* child ) {
+ free(child->appname);
+ close(child->read_data_fd);
+ close(child->write_status_fd);
+ free( child );
+ return 1;