+++ /dev/null
- <!-- This should match the Apache Directory/Location[Match] configuration path -->
- <base_path>/eg</base_path>
- <web_dir>/openils/var/web</web_dir>
- <!-- when locating files that don't have explicit handlers defined, assume the
- files have the following filename extension -->
- <default_template_extension>tt2</default_template_extension>
- <!-- Media Prefix. Allows static files to be served from an alternate domain/server
- Examples:
- # local URL path
- <media_prefix>/media</media_prefix>
- # server w/ path.
- <media_prefix>static.example.com/media</media_prefix>
- ===
- In the first 2 examples, the request protocol (http vs https) will
- match the protocol of the current page
- ===
- # full-qualified with static protocol
- <media_prefix>http://static.example.com/media</media_prefix>
- -->
- <media_prefix/>
- <!-- If set to true, all output will be parsed as XML before delivery to the client.
- If XML parsing fails, the error message, with HTML included, will be output as text/plain.
- XML parsing adds overhead, so this should only be used for debugging -->
- <force_valid_xml>false</force_valid_xml>
- <!-- Turn on template-toolkit debugging, which reports on undefined blocks, macros, etc. -->
- <debug_template>false</debug_template>
- <!--
- Supported locales. Locales with no message catalog will use the native template strings.
- All locales will fall back to native strings when a given string is not in the catalog
- -->
- <locales>
- <en_us/>
- <en_ca>/openils/var/data/locale/messages.en_ca.po</en_ca>
- <fr_ca>/openils/var/data/locale/messages.fr_ca.po</fr_ca>
- </locales>
- <!-- Where templates can be found. Paths will be checked in the order entered here.
- It's possible to override individual or sets of templates by putting them into
- a path in front of the default template path -->
- <template_paths>
- <path>/openils/var/templates</path>
- </template_paths>
- <handlers>
- <!-- add custom handlers here. These are for templates that live in non-obvious locations.
- In other words, if the path + default extension does not map directly to a template file -->
- <handler path='acq/fund/list' template='acq/financial/list_funds.tt2'/>
- <handler path='acq/fund/view' template='acq/financial/view_fund.tt2'/>
- <handler path='acq/funding_source/list' template='acq/financial/list_funding_sources.tt2'/>
- <handler path='acq/funding_source/view' template='acq/financial/view_funding_source.tt2'/>
- <handler path='acq/currency_type/list' template='acq/financial/list_currency_types.tt2'/>
- <handler path='acq/currency_type/view' template='acq/financial/view_currency_type.tt2'/>
- <handler path='acq/provider/list' template='acq/financial/list_providers.tt2'/>
- <handler path='acq/provider/view' template='acq/financial/view_provider.tt2'/>
- <handler path='vandelay/vandelay' template='vandelay/vandelay.tt2' as_xml='true'/>
- </handlers>
ln -sf rel_name/server server
-Create the oils_web.xml configuration file:
-Many administration interfaces, such as acquisitions, bookings, and various
-configuration screens, depend on the correct configuration of HTML templates.
-Copying the sample configuration file into place should work in most cases:
-[source, bash]
-cp /openils/conf/oils_web.xml.example /openils/conf/oils_web.xml
Change ownership of the Evergreen files: