-Kid's OPAC
+Kid's OPAC Configuration
+Skin Configuration
+The following example enables you to configure the alternate skin for the Kids
+[source, xml]
+% cp -r Open-ILS/examples/web/css/skin/kpac2 /openils/var/web/css/skin/
+% cp -r Open-ILS/examples/web/images/kpac/* /openils/var/web/images/kpac/ #
+does not clobber
+% mkdir /openils/var/templates_kpac2
+% cp -r Open-ILS/examples/web/templates/kpac /openils/var/templates_kpac2/
+Then set up 443/80 vhosts for serving the alternate skin in eg.conf, something
+along the lines of:
+[source, xml]
+<VirtualHost *:80>
+ ServerName xyz.dev198.esilibrary.com:80
+ DocumentRoot /openils/var/web/
+ DirectoryIndex index.xml index.html index.xhtml
+ Include eg_vhost.conf
+ <Location /eg/kpac>
+ PerlSetVar OILSWebContextLoader "OpenILS::WWW::EGKPacLoader"
+ PerlSetVar KPacConfigFile "/openils/conf/kpac.xml.example"
+ PerlAddVar OILSWebTemplatePath "/openils/var/templates"
+ PerlAddVar OILSWebTemplatePath "/openils/var/templates_kpac2"
+ </Location>
Considerations for Community Adoption
grid, determine how icons lead users to new pages, and define whether those icons
are canned searches or links to external resources. Documentation describing how
to use the configuration files is available in the Evergreen repository.
+// Push titles down one level.
+:leveloffset: 1
+// Return to normal title levels.
+:leveloffset: 0
// Push titles down one level.
Using the Staff Client