--- /dev/null
+ css_colors = {
+ background = "#fff", # white
+ background_alert = "#ffcccc", # pink
+ background_invert = "#252525", # charcoal
+ text = "black", # black
+ text_alert = "red", # red
+ text_attention = "#ffcc33", # pumpkin orange
+ text_badnews = "#f41d36", # cherry red
+ text_goodnews = "#1dd93c", # lime green
+ text_greatnews = "green", # green
+ text_invert = "#fff", # white
+ text_match = "#c00", # deep red
+ primary = "#00593d", # dark green
+ primary_fade = "#007a54", # medium green
+ primary_offset = "#417860", # light_green
+ control = "#69A088", # lighter green
+ accent_light = "#ccc", # grey (light)
+ accent_lighter = "#ddd", # grey (lighter)
+ accent_lighter2 = "#d8d8d8", # grey (lighter again)
+ accent_lightest = "#eee", # grey (lightest)
+ accent_ultralight = "#f0f0f0", # ivory
+ accent_medium = "#999", # gun metal grey (medium)
+ accent_mediumdark = "#888", # gun metal grey (medium dark)
+ accent_dark = "#666", # gun metal grey (dark)
+ accent_darker = "#333", # gun metal grey (darker)
+ border_standard = "#e9ebf3", # light grey-blue
+ border_dark = "black", # black
+ border_alert = "red", # red
+ button_text = "#fbf9f9", # off-white
+ button_text_shadow = "#555555", # medium grey
+ table_heading = "#d8d8d8", # grey-blue
+ };
--- /dev/null
+<div id="footer-wrap">
+<div id="footer">
+ <a href="http://huntingtonu.ca/library/">[% l('Library Home') %]</a> |
+ <a href="http://huntingtonu.ca/library/contact-u/">[% l('Contact the Library') %]</a>
+ [%- IF ctx.timing %]
+ <div id="timing">
+ [% FOR event IN ctx.timing %]
+ At <span class="timing-time">[% event.0 | format("%0.4f") %]</span>:
+ <span class="timing-event">[% event.1 %]</span><br />
+ [% END %]
+ </div>
+ [%- END %]
+ <div id="copyright_text" style="margin-top: 2em;">
+ [% l('Copyright © 2006-[_1] Georgia Public Library Service, and others', date.format(date.now, '%Y')) %]
+ </div>
+ <div id="footer_logo">
+ [% l('Powered by') %]
+ <a href="http://evergreen-ils.org">
+ <img src="[% ctx.media_prefix %]/opac/images/eg_tiny_logo.png"
+ style="border:none; width: 94px; height: 16px;"
+ alt="[% l('Evergreen') %]"
+ />
+ </a>
+ </div>