Some of our technicians with 4:3 ratio monitors and a reasonable
font-size are unable to see the "Import Record" button on the Import via
Z39.50 screen, because the buttons in that row are laid out in a single,
non-wrapping row, and there is no affordance for scrolling over to the
Simply changing the containing "hbox" element to a "description" element
allows enough of the buttons to overflow to resolve the problem in our
Signed-off-by: Dan Scott <>
Signed-off-by: Ben Shum <>
Signed-off-by: Bill Erickson <>
<spacer flex="1"/>
<label id="overlay_tcn_indicator"/>
- <hbox>
+ <description>
<button id="page_next" label="&;" accesskey="&;" disabled="true"/>
<button id="z3950_list_actions" oncommand="this.firstChild.showPopup();"
<button id="marc_import_overlay" label="&;" accesskey="&;" disabled="true"/>
<button id="marc_import" label="&;" accesskey="&;" disabled="true"/>
<button id="toggle_form_btn" command="toggle_form"/>
- </hbox>
+ </description>
<hbox flex="1">
<image id="jacket_image" oils_persist="width"/>
<splitter id="jacket_splitter" collapse="before" oils_persist="state hidden" oils_persist_peers="jacket_image deck"><grippy id="jacket_splitter_grippy" /></splitter>