<script type="text/javascript" src='[% ctx.media_prefix %]/js/ui/default/acq/common/vlagent.js'> </script>
<script type="text/javascript" src='[% ctx.media_prefix %]/js/ui/default/acq/common/li_table.js'> </script>
<script type="text/javascript" src='[% ctx.media_prefix %]/js/ui/default/acq/financial/claim_voucher.js'> </script>
+<script type="text/javascript" src='[% ctx.media_prefix %]/js/file-saver/FileSaver.min.js'> </script>
<div id='acq-lit-table-container'>
<div> <!-- Container for actions selector and paging controls.
--- /dev/null
+/* FileSaver.js
+ * A saveAs() FileSaver implementation.
+ * 1.3.2
+ * 2016-06-16 18:25:19
+ *
+ * By Eli Grey, http://eligrey.com
+ * License: MIT
+ * See https://github.com/eligrey/FileSaver.js/blob/master/LICENSE.md
+ */
+/*global self */
+/*jslint bitwise: true, indent: 4, laxbreak: true, laxcomma: true, smarttabs: true, plusplus: true */
+/*! @source http://purl.eligrey.com/github/FileSaver.js/blob/master/FileSaver.js */
+var saveAs = saveAs || (function(view) {
+ "use strict";
+ // IE <10 is explicitly unsupported
+ if (typeof view === "undefined" || typeof navigator !== "undefined" && /MSIE [1-9]\./.test(navigator.userAgent)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var
+ doc = view.document
+ // only get URL when necessary in case Blob.js hasn't overridden it yet
+ , get_URL = function() {
+ return view.URL || view.webkitURL || view;
+ }
+ , save_link = doc.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "a")
+ , can_use_save_link = "download" in save_link
+ , click = function(node) {
+ var event = new MouseEvent("click");
+ node.dispatchEvent(event);
+ }
+ , is_safari = /constructor/i.test(view.HTMLElement) || view.safari
+ , is_chrome_ios =/CriOS\/[\d]+/.test(navigator.userAgent)
+ , throw_outside = function(ex) {
+ (view.setImmediate || view.setTimeout)(function() {
+ throw ex;
+ }, 0);
+ }
+ , force_saveable_type = "application/octet-stream"
+ // the Blob API is fundamentally broken as there is no "downloadfinished" event to subscribe to
+ , arbitrary_revoke_timeout = 1000 * 40 // in ms
+ , revoke = function(file) {
+ var revoker = function() {
+ if (typeof file === "string") { // file is an object URL
+ get_URL().revokeObjectURL(file);
+ } else { // file is a File
+ file.remove();
+ }
+ };
+ setTimeout(revoker, arbitrary_revoke_timeout);
+ }
+ , dispatch = function(filesaver, event_types, event) {
+ event_types = [].concat(event_types);
+ var i = event_types.length;
+ while (i--) {
+ var listener = filesaver["on" + event_types[i]];
+ if (typeof listener === "function") {
+ try {
+ listener.call(filesaver, event || filesaver);
+ } catch (ex) {
+ throw_outside(ex);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ , auto_bom = function(blob) {
+ // prepend BOM for UTF-8 XML and text/* types (including HTML)
+ // note: your browser will automatically convert UTF-16 U+FEFF to EF BB BF
+ if (/^\s*(?:text\/\S*|application\/xml|\S*\/\S*\+xml)\s*;.*charset\s*=\s*utf-8/i.test(blob.type)) {
+ return new Blob([String.fromCharCode(0xFEFF), blob], {type: blob.type});
+ }
+ return blob;
+ }
+ , FileSaver = function(blob, name, no_auto_bom) {
+ if (!no_auto_bom) {
+ blob = auto_bom(blob);
+ }
+ // First try a.download, then web filesystem, then object URLs
+ var
+ filesaver = this
+ , type = blob.type
+ , force = type === force_saveable_type
+ , object_url
+ , dispatch_all = function() {
+ dispatch(filesaver, "writestart progress write writeend".split(" "));
+ }
+ // on any filesys errors revert to saving with object URLs
+ , fs_error = function() {
+ if ((is_chrome_ios || (force && is_safari)) && view.FileReader) {
+ // Safari doesn't allow downloading of blob urls
+ var reader = new FileReader();
+ reader.onloadend = function() {
+ var url = is_chrome_ios ? reader.result : reader.result.replace(/^data:[^;]*;/, 'data:attachment/file;');
+ var popup = view.open(url, '_blank');
+ if(!popup) view.location.href = url;
+ url=undefined; // release reference before dispatching
+ filesaver.readyState = filesaver.DONE;
+ dispatch_all();
+ };
+ reader.readAsDataURL(blob);
+ filesaver.readyState = filesaver.INIT;
+ return;
+ }
+ // don't create more object URLs than needed
+ if (!object_url) {
+ object_url = get_URL().createObjectURL(blob);
+ }
+ if (force) {
+ view.location.href = object_url;
+ } else {
+ var opened = view.open(object_url, "_blank");
+ if (!opened) {
+ // Apple does not allow window.open, see https://developer.apple.com/library/safari/documentation/Tools/Conceptual/SafariExtensionGuide/WorkingwithWindowsandTabs/WorkingwithWindowsandTabs.html
+ view.location.href = object_url;
+ }
+ }
+ filesaver.readyState = filesaver.DONE;
+ dispatch_all();
+ revoke(object_url);
+ }
+ ;
+ filesaver.readyState = filesaver.INIT;
+ if (can_use_save_link) {
+ object_url = get_URL().createObjectURL(blob);
+ setTimeout(function() {
+ save_link.href = object_url;
+ save_link.download = name;
+ click(save_link);
+ dispatch_all();
+ revoke(object_url);
+ filesaver.readyState = filesaver.DONE;
+ });
+ return;
+ }
+ fs_error();
+ }
+ , FS_proto = FileSaver.prototype
+ , saveAs = function(blob, name, no_auto_bom) {
+ return new FileSaver(blob, name || blob.name || "download", no_auto_bom);
+ }
+ ;
+ // IE 10+ (native saveAs)
+ if (typeof navigator !== "undefined" && navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob) {
+ return function(blob, name, no_auto_bom) {
+ name = name || blob.name || "download";
+ if (!no_auto_bom) {
+ blob = auto_bom(blob);
+ }
+ return navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(blob, name);
+ };
+ }
+ FS_proto.abort = function(){};
+ FS_proto.readyState = FS_proto.INIT = 0;
+ FS_proto.WRITING = 1;
+ FS_proto.DONE = 2;
+ FS_proto.error =
+ FS_proto.onwritestart =
+ FS_proto.onprogress =
+ FS_proto.onwrite =
+ FS_proto.onabort =
+ FS_proto.onerror =
+ FS_proto.onwriteend =
+ null;
+ return saveAs;
+ typeof self !== "undefined" && self
+ || typeof window !== "undefined" && window
+ || this.content
+// `self` is undefined in Firefox for Android content script context
+// while `this` is nsIContentFrameMessageManager
+// with an attribute `content` that corresponds to the window
+if (typeof module !== "undefined" && module.exports) {
+ module.exports.saveAs = saveAs;
+} else if ((typeof define !== "undefined" && define !== null) && (define.amd !== null)) {
+ define("FileSaver.js", function() {
+ return saveAs;
+ });
--- /dev/null
+/*! @source http://purl.eligrey.com/github/FileSaver.js/blob/master/FileSaver.js */
+var saveAs=saveAs||function(e){"use strict";if(typeof e==="undefined"||typeof navigator!=="undefined"&&/MSIE [1-9]\./.test(navigator.userAgent)){return}var t=e.document,n=function(){return e.URL||e.webkitURL||e},r=t.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml","a"),o="download"in r,a=function(e){var t=new MouseEvent("click");e.dispatchEvent(t)},i=/constructor/i.test(e.HTMLElement)||e.safari,f=/CriOS\/[\d]+/.test(navigator.userAgent),u=function(t){(e.setImmediate||e.setTimeout)(function(){throw t},0)},s="application/octet-stream",d=1e3*40,c=function(e){var t=function(){if(typeof e==="string"){n().revokeObjectURL(e)}else{e.remove()}};setTimeout(t,d)},l=function(e,t,n){t=[].concat(t);var r=t.length;while(r--){var o=e["on"+t[r]];if(typeof o==="function"){try{o.call(e,n||e)}catch(a){u(a)}}}},p=function(e){if(/^\s*(?:text\/\S*|application\/xml|\S*\/\S*\+xml)\s*;.*charset\s*=\s*utf-8/i.test(e.type)){return new Blob([String.fromCharCode(65279),e],{type:e.type})}return e},v=function(t,u,d){if(!d){t=p(t)}var v=this,w=t.type,m=w===s,y,h=function(){l(v,"writestart progress write writeend".split(" "))},S=function(){if((f||m&&i)&&e.FileReader){var r=new FileReader;r.onloadend=function(){var t=f?r.result:r.result.replace(/^data:[^;]*;/,"data:attachment/file;");var n=e.open(t,"_blank");if(!n)e.location.href=t;t=undefined;v.readyState=v.DONE;h()};r.readAsDataURL(t);v.readyState=v.INIT;return}if(!y){y=n().createObjectURL(t)}if(m){e.location.href=y}else{var o=e.open(y,"_blank");if(!o){e.location.href=y}}v.readyState=v.DONE;h();c(y)};v.readyState=v.INIT;if(o){y=n().createObjectURL(t);setTimeout(function(){r.href=y;r.download=u;a(r);h();c(y);v.readyState=v.DONE});return}S()},w=v.prototype,m=function(e,t,n){return new v(e,t||e.name||"download",n)};if(typeof navigator!=="undefined"&&navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob){return function(e,t,n){t=t||e.name||"download";if(!n){e=p(e)}return navigator.msSaveOrOpenBlob(e,t)}}w.abort=function(){};w.readyState=w.INIT=0;w.WRITING=1;w.DONE=2;w.error=w.onwritestart=w.onprogress=w.onwrite=w.onabort=w.onerror=w.onwriteend=null;return m}(typeof self!=="undefined"&&self||typeof window!=="undefined"&&window||this.content);if(typeof module!=="undefined"&&module.exports){module.exports.saveAs=saveAs}else if(typeof define!=="undefined"&&define!==null&&define.amd!==null){define("FileSaver.js",function(){return saveAs})}
--- /dev/null
+The MIT License
+Copyright © 2016 [Eli Grey][1].
+Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
+The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ [1]: http://eligrey.com
--- /dev/null
+If you need to save really large files bigger then the blob's size limitation or don't have
+enough RAM, then have a look at the more advanced [StreamSaver.js](https://github.com/jimmywarting/StreamSaver.js)
+that can save data directly to the hard drive asynchronously with the power of the new streams API. That will have
+support for progress, cancelation and knowing when it's done writing
+FileSaver.js implements the `saveAs()` FileSaver interface in browsers that do
+not natively support it. There is a [FileSaver.js demo][1] that demonstrates saving
+various media types.
+FileSaver.js is the solution to saving files on the client-side, and is perfect for
+webapps that need to generate files, or for saving sensitive information that shouldn't be
+sent to an external server.
+Looking for `canvas.toBlob()` for saving canvases? Check out
+[canvas-toBlob.js][2] for a cross-browser implementation.
+Supported browsers
+| Browser | Constructs as | Filenames | Max Blob Size | Dependencies |
+| -------------- | ------------- | ------------ | ------------- | ------------ |
+| Firefox 20+ | Blob | Yes | 800 MiB | None |
+| Firefox < 20 | data: URI | No | n/a | [Blob.js](https://github.com/eligrey/Blob.js) |
+| Chrome | Blob | Yes | [500 MiB][3] | None |
+| Chrome for Android | Blob | Yes | [500 MiB][3] | None |
+| Edge | Blob | Yes | ? | None |
+| IE 10+ | Blob | Yes | 600 MiB | None |
+| Opera 15+ | Blob | Yes | 500 MiB | None |
+| Opera < 15 | data: URI | No | n/a | [Blob.js](https://github.com/eligrey/Blob.js) |
+| Safari 6.1+* | Blob | No | ? | None |
+| Safari < 6 | data: URI | No | n/a | [Blob.js](https://github.com/eligrey/Blob.js) |
+Feature detection is possible:
+try {
+ var isFileSaverSupported = !!new Blob;
+} catch (e) {}
+### IE < 10
+It is possible to save text files in IE < 10 without Flash-based polyfills.
+See [ChenWenBrian and koffsyrup's `saveTextAs()`](https://github.com/koffsyrup/FileSaver.js#examples) for more details.
+### Safari 6.1+
+Blobs may be opened instead of saved sometimes—you may have to direct your Safari users to manually
+press <kbd>⌘</kbd>+<kbd>S</kbd> to save the file after it is opened. Using the `application/octet-stream` MIME type to force downloads [can cause issues in Safari](https://github.com/eligrey/FileSaver.js/issues/12#issuecomment-47247096).
+### iOS
+saveAs must be run within a user interaction event such as onTouchDown or onClick; setTimeout will prevent saveAs from triggering. Due to restrictions in iOS saveAs opens in a new window instead of downloading, if you want this fixed please [tell Apple](https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=102914) how this bug is affecting you.
+FileSaver saveAs(Blob/File data, optional DOMString filename, optional Boolean disableAutoBOM)
+Pass `true` for `disableAutoBOM` if you don't want FileSaver.js to automatically provide Unicode text encoding hints (see: [byte order mark](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byte_order_mark)).
+### Saving text
+var blob = new Blob(["Hello, world!"], {type: "text/plain;charset=utf-8"});
+saveAs(blob, "hello world.txt");
+The standard W3C File API [`Blob`][4] interface is not available in all browsers.
+[Blob.js][5] is a cross-browser `Blob` implementation that solves this.
+### Saving a canvas
+var canvas = document.getElementById("my-canvas"), ctx = canvas.getContext("2d");
+// draw to canvas...
+canvas.toBlob(function(blob) {
+ saveAs(blob, "pretty image.png");
+Note: The standard HTML5 `canvas.toBlob()` method is not available in all browsers.
+[canvas-toBlob.js][6] is a cross-browser `canvas.toBlob()` that polyfills this.
+### Saving File
+You can save a File constructor without specifying a filename. The
+File itself already contains a name, There is a hand full of ways to get a file
+instance (from storage, file input, new constructor)
+But if you still want to change the name, then you can change it in the 2nd argument
+var file = new File(["Hello, world!"], "hello world.txt", {type: "text/plain;charset=utf-8"});
+![Tracking image](https://in.getclicky.com/212712ns.gif)
+ [1]: http://eligrey.com/demos/FileSaver.js/
+ [2]: https://github.com/eligrey/canvas-toBlob.js
+ [3]: https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=375297
+ [4]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/DOM/Blob
+ [5]: https://github.com/eligrey/Blob.js
+ [6]: https://github.com/eligrey/canvas-toBlob.js
+The `FileSaver.js` distribution file is compiled with Uglify.js like so:
+uglifyjs FileSaver.js --mangle --comments /@source/ > FileSaver.min.js
+# or simply:
+npm run build
+Please make sure you build a production version before submitting a pull request.
+npm install file-saver --save
+bower install file-saver
--- /dev/null
+ "name": "file-saver",
+ "main": "FileSaver.js",
+ "version": "1.3.3",
+ "homepage": "https://github.com/eligrey/FileSaver.js",
+ "authors": [
+ "Eli Grey <me@eligrey.com>"
+ ],
+ "description": "An HTML5 saveAs() FileSaver implementation",
+ "keywords": [
+ "filesaver",
+ "saveas",
+ "blob"
+ ],
+ "license": "MIT",
+ "ignore": [
+ "*",
+ "!FileSaver.*js",
+ "!LICENSE.md"
+ ]
--- /dev/null
+html {\r
+ background-color: #DDD;\r
+body {\r
+ -webkit-box-sizing: content-box;\r
+ -moz-box-sizing: content-box;\r
+ box-sizing: content-box;\r
+ width: 900px;\r
+ margin: 0 auto;\r
+ font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;\r
+ -webkit-box-shadow: 0 0 10px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .5);\r
+ -moz-box-shadow: 0 0 10px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .5);\r
+ box-shadow: 0 0 10px 2px rgba(0, 0, 0, .5);\r
+ padding: 7px 25px 70px;\r
+ background-color: #FFF;\r
+h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6 {\r
+ font-family: Georgia, "Times New Roman", serif;\r
+h2, form {\r
+ text-align: center;\r
+form {\r
+ margin-top: 5px;\r
+.input {\r
+ width: 500px;\r
+ height: 300px;\r
+ margin: 0 auto;\r
+ display: block;\r
+section {\r
+ margin-top: 40px;\r
+#canvas {\r
+ cursor: crosshair;\r
+#canvas, #html {\r
+ border: 1px solid #000;\r
+.filename {\r
+ text-align: right;\r
+#html {\r
+ -webkit-box-sizing: border-box;\r
+ -moz-box-sizing: border-box;\r
+ box-sizing: border-box;\r
+ overflow: auto;\r
+ padding: 1em;\r
--- /dev/null
+/*! FileSaver.js demo script
+ * 2016-05-26
+ *
+ * By Eli Grey, http://eligrey.com
+ * License: MIT
+ * See LICENSE.md
+ */
+/*! @source http://purl.eligrey.com/github/FileSaver.js/blob/master/demo/demo.js */
+/*jshint laxbreak: true, laxcomma: true, smarttabs: true*/
+/*global saveAs, self*/
+(function(view) {
+"use strict";
+// The canvas drawing portion of the demo is based off the demo at
+// http://www.williammalone.com/articles/create-html5-canvas-javascript-drawing-app/
+ document = view.document
+ , $ = function(id) {
+ return document.getElementById(id);
+ }
+ , session = view.sessionStorage
+ // only get URL when necessary in case Blob.js hasn't defined it yet
+ , get_blob = function() {
+ return view.Blob;
+ }
+ , canvas = $("canvas")
+ , canvas_options_form = $("canvas-options")
+ , canvas_filename = $("canvas-filename")
+ , canvas_clear_button = $("canvas-clear")
+ , text = $("text")
+ , text_options_form = $("text-options")
+ , text_filename = $("text-filename")
+ , html = $("html")
+ , html_options_form = $("html-options")
+ , html_filename = $("html-filename")
+ , ctx = canvas.getContext("2d")
+ , drawing = false
+ , x_points = session.x_points || []
+ , y_points = session.y_points || []
+ , drag_points = session.drag_points || []
+ , add_point = function(x, y, dragging) {
+ x_points.push(x);
+ y_points.push(y);
+ drag_points.push(dragging);
+ }
+ , draw = function(){
+ canvas.width = canvas.width;
+ ctx.lineWidth = 6;
+ ctx.lineJoin = "round";
+ ctx.strokeStyle = "#000000";
+ var
+ i = 0
+ , len = x_points.length
+ ;
+ for(; i < len; i++) {
+ ctx.beginPath();
+ if (i && drag_points[i]) {
+ ctx.moveTo(x_points[i-1], y_points[i-1]);
+ } else {
+ ctx.moveTo(x_points[i]-1, y_points[i]);
+ }
+ ctx.lineTo(x_points[i], y_points[i]);
+ ctx.closePath();
+ ctx.stroke();
+ }
+ }
+ , stop_drawing = function() {
+ drawing = false;
+ }
+ // Title guesser and document creator available at https://gist.github.com/1059648
+ , guess_title = function(doc) {
+ var
+ h = "h6 h5 h4 h3 h2 h1".split(" ")
+ , i = h.length
+ , headers
+ , header_text
+ ;
+ while (i--) {
+ headers = doc.getElementsByTagName(h[i]);
+ for (var j = 0, len = headers.length; j < len; j++) {
+ header_text = headers[j].textContent.trim();
+ if (header_text) {
+ return header_text;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ , doc_impl = document.implementation
+ , create_html_doc = function(html) {
+ var
+ dt = doc_impl.createDocumentType('html', null, null)
+ , doc = doc_impl.createDocument("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "html", dt)
+ , doc_el = doc.documentElement
+ , head = doc_el.appendChild(doc.createElement("head"))
+ , charset_meta = head.appendChild(doc.createElement("meta"))
+ , title = head.appendChild(doc.createElement("title"))
+ , body = doc_el.appendChild(doc.createElement("body"))
+ , i = 0
+ , len = html.childNodes.length
+ ;
+ charset_meta.setAttribute("charset", html.ownerDocument.characterSet);
+ for (; i < len; i++) {
+ body.appendChild(doc.importNode(html.childNodes.item(i), true));
+ }
+ var title_text = guess_title(doc);
+ if (title_text) {
+ title.appendChild(doc.createTextNode(title_text));
+ }
+ return doc;
+ }
+canvas.width = 500;
+canvas.height = 300;
+ if (typeof x_points === "string") {
+ x_points = JSON.parse(x_points);
+} if (typeof y_points === "string") {
+ y_points = JSON.parse(y_points);
+} if (typeof drag_points === "string") {
+ drag_points = JSON.parse(drag_points);
+} if (session.canvas_filename) {
+ canvas_filename.value = session.canvas_filename;
+} if (session.text) {
+ text.value = session.text;
+} if (session.text_filename) {
+ text_filename.value = session.text_filename;
+} if (session.html) {
+ html.innerHTML = session.html;
+} if (session.html_filename) {
+ html_filename.value = session.html_filename;
+drawing = true;
+drawing = false;
+canvas_clear_button.addEventListener("click", function() {
+ canvas.width = canvas.width;
+ x_points.length =
+ y_points.length =
+ drag_points.length =
+ 0;
+}, false);
+canvas.addEventListener("mousedown", function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ drawing = true;
+ add_point(event.pageX - canvas.offsetLeft, event.pageY - canvas.offsetTop, false);
+ draw();
+}, false);
+canvas.addEventListener("mousemove", function(event) {
+ if (drawing) {
+ add_point(event.pageX - canvas.offsetLeft, event.pageY - canvas.offsetTop, true);
+ draw();
+ }
+}, false);
+canvas.addEventListener("mouseup", stop_drawing, false);
+canvas.addEventListener("mouseout", stop_drawing, false);
+canvas_options_form.addEventListener("submit", function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ canvas.toBlobHD(function(blob) {
+ saveAs(
+ blob
+ , (canvas_filename.value || canvas_filename.placeholder) + ".png"
+ );
+ }, "image/png");
+}, false);
+text_options_form.addEventListener("submit", function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ var BB = get_blob();
+ saveAs(
+ new BB(
+ [text.value || text.placeholder]
+ , {type: "text/plain;charset=" + document.characterSet}
+ )
+ , (text_filename.value || text_filename.placeholder) + ".txt"
+ );
+}, false);
+html_options_form.addEventListener("submit", function(event) {
+ event.preventDefault();
+ var
+ BB = get_blob()
+ , xml_serializer = new XMLSerializer()
+ , doc = create_html_doc(html)
+ ;
+ saveAs(
+ new BB(
+ [xml_serializer.serializeToString(doc)]
+ , {type: "text/plain;charset=" + document.characterSet}
+ )
+ , (html_filename.value || html_filename.placeholder) + ".xhtml"
+ );
+}, false);
+view.addEventListener("unload", function() {
+ session.x_points = JSON.stringify(x_points);
+ session.y_points = JSON.stringify(y_points);
+ session.drag_points = JSON.stringify(drag_points);
+ session.canvas_filename = canvas_filename.value;
+ session.text = text.value;
+ session.text_filename = text_filename.value;
+ session.html = html.innerHTML;
+ session.html_filename = html_filename.value;
+}, false);
--- /dev/null
+/*! @source http://purl.eligrey.com/github/FileSaver.js/blob/master/demo/demo.js */
+(function(n){"use strict";var s=n.document,g=function(A){return s.getElementById(A)},b=n.sessionStorage,x=function(){return n.Blob},f=g("canvas"),r=g("canvas-options"),y=g("canvas-filename"),p=g("canvas-clear"),q=g("text"),t=g("text-options"),h=g("text-filename"),m=g("html"),e=g("html-options"),i=g("html-filename"),u=f.getContext("2d"),z=false,a=b.x_points||[],o=b.y_points||[],d=b.drag_points||[],j=function(A,C,B){a.push(A);o.push(C);d.push(B)},l=function(){f.width=f.width;u.lineWidth=6;u.lineJoin="round";u.strokeStyle="#000000";var B=0,A=a.length;for(;B<A;B++){u.beginPath();if(B&&d[B]){u.moveTo(a[B-1],o[B-1])}else{u.moveTo(a[B]-1,o[B])}u.lineTo(a[B],o[B]);u.closePath();u.stroke()}},c=function(){z=false},w=function(E){var D="h6 h5 h4 h3 h2 h1".split(" "),C=D.length,F,G;while(C--){F=E.getElementsByTagName(D[C]);for(var B=0,A=F.length;B<A;B++){G=F[B].textContent.trim();if(G){return G}}}},v=s.implementation,k=function(D){var B=v.createDocumentType("html",null,null),J=v.createDocument("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml","html",B),A=J.documentElement,H=A.appendChild(J.createElement("head")),K=H.appendChild(J.createElement("meta")),I=H.appendChild(J.createElement("title")),E=A.appendChild(J.createElement("body")),C=0,G=D.childNodes.length;K.setAttribute("charset",D.ownerDocument.characterSet);for(;C<G;C++){E.appendChild(J.importNode(D.childNodes.item(C),true))}var F=w(J);if(F){I.appendChild(J.createTextNode(F))}return J};f.width=500;f.height=300;if(typeof a==="string"){a=JSON.parse(a)}if(typeof o==="string"){o=JSON.parse(o)}if(typeof d==="string"){d=JSON.parse(d)}if(b.canvas_filename){y.value=b.canvas_filename}if(b.text){q.value=b.text}if(b.text_filename){h.value=b.text_filename}if(b.html){m.innerHTML=b.html}if(b.html_filename){i.value=b.html_filename}z=true;l();z=false;p.addEventListener("click",function(){f.width=f.width;a.length=o.length=d.length=0},false);f.addEventListener("mousedown",function(A){A.preventDefault();z=true;j(A.pageX-f.offsetLeft,A.pageY-f.offsetTop,false);l()},false);f.addEventListener("mousemove",function(A){if(z){j(A.pageX-f.offsetLeft,A.pageY-f.offsetTop,true);l()}},false);f.addEventListener("mouseup",c,false);f.addEventListener("mouseout",c,false);r.addEventListener("submit",function(A){A.preventDefault();f.toBlobHD(function(B){saveAs(B,(y.value||y.placeholder)+".png")},"image/png")},false);t.addEventListener("submit",function(A){A.preventDefault();var B=x();saveAs(new B([q.value||q.placeholder],{type:"text/plain;charset="+s.characterSet}),(h.value||h.placeholder)+".txt")},false);e.addEventListener("submit",function(B){B.preventDefault();var D=x(),A=new XMLSerializer,C=k(m);saveAs(new D([A.serializeToString(C)],{type:"text/plain;charset="+s.characterSet}),(i.value||i.placeholder)+".xhtml")},false);n.addEventListener("unload",function(){b.x_points=JSON.stringify(a);b.y_points=JSON.stringify(o);b.drag_points=JSON.stringify(d);b.canvas_filename=y.value;b.text=q.value;b.text_filename=h.value;b.html=m.innerHTML;b.html_filename=i.value},false)}(self));
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+<!DOCTYPE html>\r
+<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" dir="ltr" lang="en-US-x-Hixie">\r
+ <meta charset="utf-8"/>\r
+ <title>FileSaver.js demo</title>\r
+ <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://cdn.rawgit.com/eligrey/FileSaver.js/702cd2e820b680f88a0f299e33085c196806fc52/demo/demo.css"/>\r
+ <h1><a href="https://github.com/eligrey/FileSaver.js">FileSaver.js</a> demo</h1>\r
+ <p>\r
+ The following examples demonstrate how it is possible to generate and save any type of data right in the browser using the <code>saveAs()</code> FileSaver interface, without contacting any servers.\r
+ </p>\r
+ <section id="image-demo">\r
+ <h2>Saving an image</h2>\r
+ <canvas class="input" id="canvas" width="500" height="300"/>\r
+ <form id="canvas-options">\r
+ <label>Filename: <input type="text" class="filename" id="canvas-filename" placeholder="doodle"/>.png</label>\r
+ <input type="submit" value="Save"/>\r
+ <input type="button" id="canvas-clear" value="Clear"/>\r
+ </form>\r
+ </section>\r
+ <section id="text-demo">\r
+ <h2>Saving text</h2>\r
+ <textarea class="input" id="text" placeholder="Once upon a time..."/>\r
+ <form id="text-options">\r
+ <label>Filename: <input type="text" class="filename" id="text-filename" placeholder="a plain document"/>.txt</label>\r
+ <input type="submit" value="Save"/>\r
+ </form>\r
+ </section>\r
+ <section id="html-demo">\r
+ <h2>Saving rich text</h2>\r
+ <div class="input" id="html" contenteditable="">\r
+ <h3>Some example rich text</h3>\r
+ <ul>\r
+ <li><del>Plain</del> <ins>Boring</ins> text.</li>\r
+ <li><em>Emphasized text!</em></li>\r
+ <li><strong>Strong text!</strong></li>\r
+ <li>\r
+ <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" version="1.1" width="70" height="70">\r
+ <circle cx="35" cy="35" r="35" fill="red"/>\r
+ <text x="10" y="40">image</text>\r
+ </svg>\r
+ </li>\r
+ <li><a href="https://github.com/eligrey/FileSaver.js">A link.</a></li>\r
+ </ul>\r
+ </div>\r
+ <form id="html-options">\r
+ <label>Filename: <input type="text" class="filename" id="html-filename" placeholder="a rich document"/>.xhtml</label>\r
+ <input type="submit" value="Save"/>\r
+ </form>\r
+ </section>\r
+ <script async="" src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/eligrey/Blob.js/0cef2746414269b16834878a8abc52eb9d53e6bd/Blob.js"/>\r
+ <script async="" src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/eligrey/canvas-toBlob.js/f1a01896135ab378aa5c0118eadd81da55e698d8/canvas-toBlob.js"/>\r
+ <script async="" src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/eligrey/FileSaver.js/e9d941381475b5df8b7d7691013401e171014e89/FileSaver.min.js"/>\r
+ <script async="" src="https://cdn.rawgit.com/eligrey/FileSaver.js/597b6cd0207ce408a6d34890b5b2826b13450714/demo/demo.js"/>\r
--- /dev/null
+ "name": "file-saver",
+ "version": "1.3.3",
+ "description": "An HTML5 saveAs() FileSaver implementation",
+ "main": "FileSaver.js",
+ "scripts": {
+ "test": "echo \"Error: no test specified\" && exit 0",
+ "build": "uglifyjs FileSaver.js --mangle --comments /@source/ > FileSaver.min.js"
+ },
+ "repository": {
+ "type": "git",
+ "url": "https://github.com/eligrey/FileSaver.js"
+ },
+ "keywords": [
+ "filesaver",
+ "saveas",
+ "blob"
+ ],
+ "author": {
+ "name": "Eli Grey",
+ "email": "me@eligrey.com"
+ },
+ "license": "MIT",
+ "bugs": {
+ "url": "https://github.com/eligrey/FileSaver.js/issues"
+ },
+ "homepage": "https://github.com/eligrey/FileSaver.js#readme",
+ "devDependencies": {
+ "uglify-js": "^2.6.2"
+ },
+ "readme": "If you need to save really large files bigger then the blob's size limitation or don't have \nenough RAM, then have a look at the more advanced [StreamSaver.js](https://github.com/jimmywarting/StreamSaver.js)\nthat can save data directly to the hard drive asynchronously with the power of the new streams API. That will have\nsupport for progress, cancelation and knowing when it's done writing\n\nFileSaver.js\n============\n\nFileSaver.js implements the `saveAs()` FileSaver interface in browsers that do\nnot natively support it. There is a [FileSaver.js demo][1] that demonstrates saving\nvarious media types.\n\nFileSaver.js is the solution to saving files on the client-side, and is perfect for\nwebapps that need to generate files, or for saving sensitive information that shouldn't be\nsent to an external server.\n\nLooking for `canvas.toBlob()` for saving canvases? Check out\n[canvas-toBlob.js][2] for a cross-browser implementation.\n\nSupported browsers\n------------------\n\n| Browser | Constructs as | Filenames | Max Blob Size | Dependencies |\n| -------------- | ------------- | ------------ | ------------- | ------------ |\n| Firefox 20+ | Blob | Yes | 800 MiB | None |\n| Firefox < 20 | data: URI | No | n/a | [Blob.js](https://github.com/eligrey/Blob.js) |\n| Chrome | Blob | Yes | [500 MiB][3] | None |\n| Chrome for Android | Blob | Yes | [500 MiB][3] | None |\n| Edge | Blob | Yes | ? | None |\n| IE 10+ | Blob | Yes | 600 MiB | None |\n| Opera 15+ | Blob | Yes | 500 MiB | None |\n| Opera < 15 | data: URI | No | n/a | [Blob.js](https://github.com/eligrey/Blob.js) |\n| Safari 6.1+* | Blob | No | ? | None |\n| Safari < 6 | data: URI | No | n/a | [Blob.js](https://github.com/eligrey/Blob.js) |\n\nFeature detection is possible:\n\n```js\ntry {\n var isFileSaverSupported = !!new Blob;\n} catch (e) {}\n```\n\n### IE < 10\n\nIt is possible to save text files in IE < 10 without Flash-based polyfills.\nSee [ChenWenBrian and koffsyrup's `saveTextAs()`](https://github.com/koffsyrup/FileSaver.js#examples) for more details.\n\n### Safari 6.1+\n\nBlobs may be opened instead of saved sometimes—you may have to direct your Safari users to manually\npress <kbd>⌘</kbd>+<kbd>S</kbd> to save the file after it is opened. Using the `application/octet-stream` MIME type to force downloads [can cause issues in Safari](https://github.com/eligrey/FileSaver.js/issues/12#issuecomment-47247096).\n\n### iOS\n\nsaveAs must be run within a user interaction event such as onTouchDown or onClick; setTimeout will prevent saveAs from triggering. Due to restrictions in iOS saveAs opens in a new window instead of downloading, if you want this fixed please [tell Apple](https://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=102914) how this bug is affecting you.\n\nSyntax\n------\n\n```js\nFileSaver saveAs(Blob/File data, optional DOMString filename, optional Boolean disableAutoBOM)\n```\n\nPass `true` for `disableAutoBOM` if you don't want FileSaver.js to automatically provide Unicode text encoding hints (see: [byte order mark](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Byte_order_mark)).\n\nExamples\n--------\n\n### Saving text\n\n```js\nvar blob = new Blob([\"Hello, world!\"], {type: \"text/plain;charset=utf-8\"});\nsaveAs(blob, \"hello world.txt\");\n```\n\nThe standard W3C File API [`Blob`][4] interface is not available in all browsers.\n[Blob.js][5] is a cross-browser `Blob` implementation that solves this.\n\n### Saving a canvas\n\n```js\nvar canvas = document.getElementById(\"my-canvas\"), ctx = canvas.getContext(\"2d\");\n// draw to canvas...\ncanvas.toBlob(function(blob) {\n saveAs(blob, \"pretty image.png\");\n});\n```\n\nNote: The standard HTML5 `canvas.toBlob()` method is not available in all browsers.\n[canvas-toBlob.js][6] is a cross-browser `canvas.toBlob()` that polyfills this.\n\n### Saving File\n\nYou can save a File constructor without specifying a filename. The\nFile itself already contains a name, There is a hand full of ways to get a file\ninstance (from storage, file input, new constructor)\nBut if you still want to change the name, then you can change it in the 2nd argument\n\n```js\nvar file = new File([\"Hello, world!\"], \"hello world.txt\", {type: \"text/plain;charset=utf-8\"});\nsaveAs(file);\n```\n\n\n\n![Tracking image](https://in.getclicky.com/212712ns.gif)\n\n [1]: http://eligrey.com/demos/FileSaver.js/\n [2]: https://github.com/eligrey/canvas-toBlob.js\n [3]: https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=375297\n [4]: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/DOM/Blob\n [5]: https://github.com/eligrey/Blob.js\n [6]: https://github.com/eligrey/canvas-toBlob.js\n\nContributing\n------------\n\nThe `FileSaver.js` distribution file is compiled with Uglify.js like so:\n\n```bash\nuglifyjs FileSaver.js --mangle --comments /@source/ > FileSaver.min.js\n# or simply:\nnpm run build\n```\n\nPlease make sure you build a production version before submitting a pull request.\n\nInstallation\n------------------\n\n```bash\nnpm install file-saver --save\nbower install file-saver\n```\n",
+ "readmeFilename": "README.md",
+ "_id": "file-saver@1.3.3",
+ "_shasum": "cdd4c44d3aa264eac2f68ec165bc791c34af1232",
+ "_from": "file-saver@",
+ "_resolved": "https://registry.npmjs.org/file-saver/-/file-saver-1.3.3.tgz"
try {
- openils.XUL.contentToFileSaveDialog(
- value_list.join("\n"),
- );
+ if (window.IAMBROWSER) {
+ var blob = new Blob(value_list, {type: "text/plain;charset=utf-8"});
+ saveAs(blob, "export_attr_list.txt");
+ } else {
+ openils.XUL.contentToFileSaveDialog(
+ value_list.join("\n"),
+ );
+ }
} catch (E) {