= Hold Groups Administration
-[indexterm:Hold Groups]
+indexterm:[Hold Groups]
There are several administrative elements described below which relate to the xref:circulation:basic_holds.adoc#hold_groups[Hold Groups] feature
processes the Hold Group user bucket each time a staff user requests it,
optionally randomize the hold request creation times, and create a hold
request for a specified title for a Hold Group member that does not
-already have an active hold on that title.
\ No newline at end of file
+already have an active hold on that title.
==== Simple configuration that can support multiple IdPs
.Simple configuration
<SPConfig xmlns="urn:mace:shibboleth:2.0:native:sp:config"
==== Configuration to support multiple Evergreen hostnames
.Configuration for multiple hostnames
<!-- Differences from the simple, single-host example are noted -->
<SPConfig xmlns="urn:mace:shibboleth:2.0:native:sp:config"
For some IdPs, such as SimpleSAMLphp, it can be necessary to add a
special security policy to security-policy.xml:
<Policy id="unsigned-slo">
<PolicyRule type="NullSecurity"/>
== Hold Groups
-[indexterm:Hold Groups,User Buckets,Hold Subscriptions]
+indexterm:[Hold Groups,User Buckets,Hold Subscriptions]
The Hold Groups feature allows library staff to create lists of
patrons that can then be used to place multiple title-level holds on the
This will open the Hold Group in the Current Users tab.
. Click the *Hold Groups* dropdown and choose *Delete Hold Group*.
-image::media/delete_hold_group.png[Delete Hold Group]
\ No newline at end of file
+image::media/delete_hold_group.png[Delete Hold Group]
=== Hold Groups
-[indexterm: Hold Groups]
+indexterm:[Hold Groups]
Screenshots in this section are taken from the Bootstrap OPAC (BOOPAC),
but similar functionality is available in the Template Toolkit OPAC