} else {
// service is specified, build a recipient address
// from the router, domain, and service
- int size = snprintf(recipientBuf, 128, "%s@%s/%s", routerName,
- domainName, trans->service);
+ int size = snprintf(recipientBuf, 128, "opensrf:service:%s", trans->service);
recipientBuf[size] = '\0';
osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Set recipient to %s", recipientBuf);
trans->recipient = recipientBuf;
transport_message* tmsg = message_init(
jsonBody, NULL, trans->thread, trans->recipient, NULL);
message_set_osrf_xid(tmsg, osrfLogGetXid());
- client_send_message(trans->handle, tmsg);
+ // Message destined for a service
+ char* send_to = trans->recipient;
+ if (strstr(send_to, "opensrf:service:")) {
+ char stbuf[1024 + 1];
+ snprintf(stbuf, 1024, "opensrf:router:%s", domainName);
+ send_to = stbuf;
+ }
+ client_send_message_to(trans->handle, tmsg, send_to);