return service.init_new_patron();
service.patron = current;
- return service.init_existing_patron(current)
+ return $q.when(service.init_existing_patron(current));
service.ingest_address = function(patron, addr) {
service.stat_cat_entry_maps[] = map.stat_cat_entry;
- return patron;
+ service.patron = patron;
service.init_new_patron = function() {
$scope.initTab ? // initTab comes from patron app
$scope.initTab('edit', $ : $q.when(),
- patronRegSvc.init()
+ patronRegSvc.init(),
- ]).then(function() {
+ ]).then(function(){ return patronRegSvc.init_patron(patronSvc ? patronSvc.current : null) })
+ .then(patronRegSvc.get_user_settings)
+ .then(function() {
// called after initTab and patronRegSvc.init have completed
- var prs = patronRegSvc; // brevity
// in standalone mode, we have no patronSvc
- $scope.patron = prs.init_patron(patronSvc ? patronSvc.current : null);
+ var prs = patronRegSvc;
+ $scope.patron = prs.patron;
$scope.field_doc = prs.field_doc;
$scope.edit_profiles = prs.edit_profiles;
$scope.ident_types = prs.ident_types;
$scope.stage_user_requestor = prs.stage_user_requestor;
$scope.user_settings = prs.user_settings;
- // clone the user settings back into the patronRegSvc so
- // we have a copy of the original state of the settings.
prs.user_settings = {};
- angular.forEach($scope.user_settings, function(val, key) {
- prs.user_settings[key] = val;
- });
function extract_hold_notify() {
- notify = $scope.user_settings['opac.hold_notify'];
+ var notify = $scope.user_settings['opac.hold_notify'];
if (!notify) return;
$scope.hold_notify_phone = Boolean(notify.match(/phone/));
$scope.hold_notify_email = Boolean(notify.match(/email/));