$ctx->{full_path} = $ctx->{base_path} . $self->cgi->path_info;
$ctx->{unparsed_uri} = $self->apache->unparsed_uri;
$ctx->{opac_root} = $ctx->{base_path} . "/opac"; # absolute base url
- my $oils_wrapper = $self->apache->headers_in->get('OILS-Wrapper') || '';
- $ctx->{is_staff} = ($oils_wrapper =~ /true/);
- $ctx->{proto} = 'oils' if $ctx->{is_staff};
- $ctx->{hostname} = 'remote' if $ctx->{is_staff};
+ my $xul_wrapper =
+ ($self->apache->headers_in->get('OILS-Wrapper') || '') =~ /true/;
+ if ($xul_wrapper) {
+ # XUL client
+ $ctx->{is_staff} = 1;
+ $ctx->{proto} = 'oils';
+ $ctx->{hostname} = 'remote';
+ }
$ctx->{physical_loc} = $self->get_physical_loc;
# capture some commonly accessed pages
$ctx->{user} = $e->requestor;
$ctx->{place_unfillable} = 1 if $e->requestor->wsid && $e->allowed('PLACE_UNFILLABLE_HOLD', $e->requestor->ws_ou);
+ # The browser client does not set an OILS-Wrapper header (above).
+ # The presence of a workstation and no header indicates staff mode.
+ # FIXME: this approach leaves un-wrapped TPAC's within the same
+ # browser (and hence same ses cookie) in an unnatural is_staff
+ # state. Consider alternatives for determining is_staff /
+ # is_browser_staff when $xul_wrapper is false.
+ if (!$xul_wrapper and $e->requestor->wsid) {
+ $ctx->{is_staff} = 1;
+ $ctx->{is_browser_staff} = 1;
+ }
$ctx->{user_stats} = $U->simplereq(