import {StaffCatalogService} from '../catalog.service';
import {HoldsService, HoldRequest,
HoldRequestTarget} from '@eg/staff/share/holds/holds.service';
-import {ComboboxEntry} from '@eg/share/combobox/combobox.component';
+import {ComboboxEntry, ComboboxComponent} from '@eg/share/combobox/combobox.component';
import {PatronService} from '@eg/staff/share/patron/patron.service';
import {PatronSearchDialogComponent
} from '@eg/staff/share/patron/search-dialog.component';
phoneValue: string;
notifySms: boolean;
smsValue: string;
- smsCarrier: string;
suspend: boolean;
activeDate: string;
@ViewChild('patronSearch', {static: false})
patronSearch: PatronSearchDialogComponent;
+ @ViewChild('smsCbox', {static: false}) smsCbox: ComboboxComponent;
private router: Router,
private route: ActivatedRoute,
this.user = null;
this.notifyEmail = true;
this.notifyPhone = true;
+ this.notifySms = false;
this.phoneValue = '';
this.pickupLib = this.requestor.ws_ou();
this.currentUserBarcode = null;
this.multiHoldCount = 1;
+ this.smsValue = '';
+ if (this.smsCbox) { this.smsCbox.selectedId = null; }
// Avoid clearing the barcode in cases where the form is
// reset as the result of a barcode change.
case 'opac.default_phone':
this.phoneValue = value;
+ case 'opac.default_sms_carrier':
+ setTimeout(() => {
+ // timeout creates an extra window where the cbox
+ // can be rendered in cases where the hold receipient
+ // is known at page load time. This out of an
+ // abundance of caution.
+ if (this.smsCbox) {
+ this.smsCbox.selectedId = Number(value);
+ }
+ });
+ break;
+ case 'opac.default_sms_notify':
+ this.smsValue = value;
+ break;
notifyEmail: this.notifyEmail, // bool
notifyPhone: this.notifyPhone ? this.phoneValue : null,
notifySms: this.notifySms ? this.smsValue : null,
- smsCarrier: this.notifySms ? this.smsCarrier : null,
+ smsCarrier: this.smsCbox ? this.smsCbox.selectedId : null,
thawDate: this.suspend ? this.activeDate : null,
frozen: this.suspend,
holdableFormats: selectedFormats