let query = ts.query[idx];
const joinOp = ts.joinOp[idx];
const matchOp = ts.matchOp[idx];
- const fieldClass = ts.fieldClass[idx];
+ let fieldClass = ts.fieldClass[idx];
// Bookplates are filters but may be displayed as regular
// text search indexes.
if (fieldClass === 'bookplate') { return ''; }
+ if (fieldClass === 'jtitle') { fieldClass = 'title'; }
let str = '';
if (!query) { return str; }
+ // Journal Title queries means performing a title search
+ // with a filter. Filters are global, so append to the front
+ // of the query.
+ if (ts.fieldClass.filter(fc => fc === 'jtitle').length > 0) {
+ str = 'bib_level(s) ' + str;
+ }
if (ts.hasBrowseEntry) {
// stored as a comma-separated string of "entryId,fieldId"
str += ` has_browse_entry(${ts.hasBrowseEntry})`;