+ @file osrf_router_main.c
+ @brief top level of OSRF Router
+ This top level loads a configuration file and forks into one or more child
+ processes. Each child process configures itself, daemonizes itself, and then (via a
+ call to osrfRouterRun()) goes into an infinite loop to route messages among clients
+ and servers.
#include "osrf_router.h"
#include <opensrf/osrfConfig.h>
#include <opensrf/utils.h>
#include <opensrf/osrf_json.h>
#include <signal.h>
+ An osrfRouter contains various bits and scraps that the router uses for networking.
static osrfRouter* router = NULL;
+ @brief Respond to signal by exiting immediately.
+ @param signo The signal number.
void routerSignalHandler( int signo ) {
osrfLogWarning( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Received signal [%d], cleaning up...", signo );
raise( signo );
-static int setupRouter(jsonObject* configChunk);
+static void setupRouter(jsonObject* configChunk);
+ @brief The top-level function of the router program.
+ @param argc Number of items in command line.
+ @param argv Pointer to array of items on command line.
+ @return System return code.
+ Load configuration file, spawn one or more child processes, and exit.
int main( int argc, char* argv[] ) {
if( argc < 3 ) {
-int setupRouter(jsonObject* configChunk) {
+ @brief Configure and run a child process.
+ @param configChunk Pointer to a subset of the loaded configuration.
+ Configure oneself, daemonize, and then call osrfRouterRun() to go into an infinite
+ loop. Do not return unless something goes wrong.
+static void setupRouter(jsonObject* configChunk) {
- if(!jsonObjectGetKey(configChunk, "transport"))
- return 0; /* these are not the configs you're looking for */
+ jsonObject* transport_cfg = jsonObjectGetKey( configChunk, "transport" );
+ if( ! transport_cfg ) {
+ fprintf( stderr, "Child router process %ld has no transport configuration\n", (long) getpid() );
+ return; /* these are not the configs you're looking for */
+ }
- const char* server = jsonObjectGetString(jsonObjectFindPath(configChunk, "/transport/server"));
- const char* port = jsonObjectGetString(jsonObjectFindPath(configChunk, "/transport/port"));
- const char* username = jsonObjectGetString(jsonObjectFindPath(configChunk, "/transport/username"));
- const char* password = jsonObjectGetString(jsonObjectFindPath(configChunk, "/transport/password"));
- const char* resource = jsonObjectGetString(jsonObjectFindPath(configChunk, "/transport/resource"));
+ const char* server = jsonObjectGetString( jsonObjectGetKey( transport_cfg, "server" ) );
+ const char* port = jsonObjectGetString( jsonObjectGetKey( transport_cfg, "port" ) );
+ const char* username = jsonObjectGetString( jsonObjectGetKey( transport_cfg, "username" ) );
+ const char* password = jsonObjectGetString( jsonObjectGetKey( transport_cfg, "password" ) );
+ const char* resource = jsonObjectGetString( jsonObjectGetKey( transport_cfg, "resource" ) );
- const char* level = jsonObjectGetString(jsonObjectFindPath(configChunk, "/loglevel"));
- const char* log_file = jsonObjectGetString(jsonObjectFindPath(configChunk, "/logfile"));
- const char* facility = jsonObjectGetString(jsonObjectFindPath(configChunk, "/syslog"));
+ const char* level = jsonObjectGetString( jsonObjectGetKey( configChunk, "loglevel" ) );
+ const char* log_file = jsonObjectGetString( jsonObjectGetKey( configChunk, "logfile" ) );
+ const char* facility = jsonObjectGetString( jsonObjectGetKey( configChunk, "syslog" ) );
int llevel = 1;
if(level) llevel = atoi(level);
- if(!log_file) { fprintf(stderr, "Log file name not specified\n"); return -1; }
+ if(!log_file)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Log file name not specified for router\n");
+ return;
+ }
if(!strcmp(log_file, "syslog")) {
osrfLogInit( OSRF_LOG_TYPE_SYSLOG, "router", llevel );
osrfLogSetFile( log_file );
- osrfLogInfo( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Router connecting as: server: %s port: %s "
- "user: %s resource: %s", server, port, username, resource );
+ osrfLogInfo( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Router connecting as: server: %s port: %s "
+ "user: %s resource: %s", server, port, username, resource );
int iport = 0;
if(port) iport = atoi( port );
osrfLogError( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "We need trusted servers and trusted client to run the router...");
osrfStringArrayFree( tservers );
osrfStringArrayFree( tclients );
- return -1;
+ return;
router = osrfNewRouter( server,
if( (osrfRouterConnect(router)) != 0 ) {
fprintf(stderr, "Unable to connect router to jabber server %s... exiting\n", server );
- return -1;
+ return;
router = NULL;
- return -1;
+ return;