const SET_AUTO_OVERRIDE_EVENTS = 'circ.selfcheck.auto_override_checkout_events';
const SET_PATRON_PASSWORD_REQUIRED = 'circ.selfcheck.patron_password_required';
function SelfCheckManager() {
this.cgi = new openils.CGI();
// are we currently performing a renewal?
this.isRenewal = false;
- // is a transaction pending?
- this.pendingXact = false;
// dict of org unit settings for "here"
this.orgSettings = {};
// Construct a mock checkout for debugging purposes
if(this.mockCheckouts = this.cgi.param('mock-circ')) {
if(res == 0) {
- return alert('login failed'); // TODO
+ // user-not-found results in login failure
+ this.handleXactResult('login', barcode, {textcode : 'ACTOR_USER_NOT_FOUND'});
var evt = openils.Event.parse(this.patron);
if(evt) {
+ this.handleXactResult('login', barcode, evt);
- // User login failed, why?
- switch(evt.textcode) {
- return alert('user not found'); // TODO
- case 'NO_SESSION':
- return alert('staff login timed out'); // TODO
+ } else {
- default:
- return alert('unexpected patron login error occured: ' + evt.textcode); // TODO
- }
+ dojo.byId('oils-selfck-status-div').innerHTML = '';
+ dojo.byId('oils-selfck-user-banner').innerHTML = 'Welcome, ' + this.patron.usrname(); // TODO i18n
+ this.drawCircPage();
- // patron login succeeded
- dojo.byId('oils-selfck-user-banner').innerHTML = 'Welcome, ' + this.patron.usrname(); // TODO i18n
- this.drawCircPage();
+ var stat = this.handleXactResult('checkout', barcode, result);
+ console.log("Circ resulted in " + js2JSON(result));
+ if(stat.override)
+ this.checkout(barcode, true);
+SelfCheckManager.prototype.handleXactResult = function(action, item, result) {
+ var displayText = '';
+ var popup = false;
+ // TODO handle lost/missing/etc checkin+checkout override steps
+ if(result.textcode == 'NO_SESSION') {
+ return this.logoutStaff();
+ } else if(result.textcode == 'SUCCESS') {
+ if(action == 'checkout') {
+ displayText = dojo.string.substitute(
+ localeStrings.CHECKOUT_SUCCESS, [item]);
+ this.displayCheckout(result);
- if(dojo.isArray(result)) {
- // list of results. See if we can override all of them.
+ } else if(action == 'renew') {
+ displayText = dojo.string.substitute(
+ localeStrings.RENEW_SUCCESS, [item]);
+ this.displayCheckout(result);
+ }
+ this.updateScanBox();
+ } else if(result.textcode == 'OPEN_CIRCULATION_EXISTS' && action == 'checkout') {
+ this.renew(item);
} else {
- var evt = openils.Event.parse(result);
- switch(evt.textcode) {
- // standard result events
+ var overrideEvents = this.orgSettings[SET_AUTO_OVERRIDE_EVENTS];
+ if(overrideEvents && overrideEvents.length) {
- case 'SUCCESS':
- this.displayCheckout(evt);
- break;
+ // see if the events we received are all in the list of
+ // events to override
+ if(!result.length) result = [result];
+ var override = true;
+ for(var i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
+ var match = overrideEvents.filter(
+ function(e) { return (e == result[i].textcode); })[0];
+ if(!match) {
+ override = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
- // TODO renewal
- break;
+ if(override)
+ return { override : true };
+ }
+ this.updateScanBox({select : true});
+ popup = true;
+ if(result.length)
+ result = result[0];
- case 'NO_SESSION':
- // TODO logout staff?
+ switch(result.textcode) {
+ displayText = dojo.string.substitute(
+ localeStrings.LOGIN_FAILED, [item]);
+ case 'already-out' :
+ displayText = dojo.string.substitute(
+ localeStrings.ALREADY_OUT, [item]);
- dojo.byId('oils-selfck-status-div').innerHTML = evt.textcode;
- this.updateScanBox({select:true});
+ console.error('Unhandled event ' + result.textcode);
+ if(action == 'checkout' || action == 'renew') {
+ displayText = dojo.string.substitute(
+ localeStrings.GENERIC_CIRC_FAILURE, [item]);
+ } else {
+ displayText = dojo.string.substitute(
+ localeStrings.UNKNOWN_ERROR, [result.textcode]);
+ }
- console.log("Circ resulted in " + js2JSON(result));
+ dojo.byId('oils-selfck-status-div').innerHTML = displayText;
+ if(popup && this.orgSettings[SET_ALERT_ON_CHECKOUT_EVENT])
+ alert(displayText);
+ return {};
* Renew an item
* Logout the patron and return to the login page
SelfCheckManager.prototype.logoutPatron = function() {
+ this.patron = null;
+ this.holdsSummary = null;
+ this.circSummary = null;
+ this.drawLoginPage();