my $class_node = $struct->classed_node($current_class);
- if ($req_ness eq $pkg->operator('disallowed')) {
- $class_node->add_dummy_atom( node => $class_node );
- $class_node->add_unphrase( $phrase );
- $phrase = '';
- #$phrase =~ s/(^|\s)\b/$1-/g;
- } else {
- $class_node->add_phrase( $phrase );
+ if ($req_ness eq $disallowed_op) {
+ $class_node->negate(1);
+ $class_node->add_phrase( $phrase );
# Cleanup the phrase to make it so that we don't parse things in it as anything other than atoms
$phrase =~ s/$phrase_cleanup_re/ /g;
if ($atom ne '' and !grep { $atom =~ /^\Q$_\E+$/ } ('&','|')) { # throw away & and |, not allowed in tsquery, and not really useful anyway
# $class_node->add_phrase( $atom ) if ($atom =~ s/^$required_re//o);
-# $class_node->add_unphrase( $atom ) if ($prefix eq '!');
$class_node->add_fts_atom( $atom, suffix => $truncate, prefix => $prefix, node => $class_node );
$struct->joiner( '&' );
# %opts supports two options at this time:
# no_phrases :
-# If true, do not do anything to the phrases and unphrases
+# If true, do not do anything to the phrases
# fields on any discovered nodes.
# with_config :
# If true, also return the query parser config as part of the blob.
return $self->{phrases};
-sub unphrases {
- my $self = shift;
- my @phrases = @_;
- $self->{unphrases} ||= [];
- $self->{unphrases} = \@phrases if (@phrases);
- return $self->{unphrases};
sub add_phrase {
my $self = shift;
my $phrase = shift;
return $self;
-sub add_unphrase {
+sub negate {
my $self = shift;
- my $phrase = shift;
+ my $negate = shift;
- push(@{$self->unphrases}, $phrase);
+ $self->{negate} = $negate if (defined $negate);
- return $self;
+ return $self->{negate};
sub query_atoms {
# break them into atoms as QP would, and remove any matching
# sequences of atoms from our abstract query.
- my $tmptree = $self->{plan}->{QueryParser}->new(query => '"'.$phrase.'"')->parse->parse_tree;
+ my $tmp_prefix = '';
+ $tmp_prefix = $QueryParser::parser_config{$pkg}{operators}{disallowed} if ($self->{negate});
+ my $tmptree = $self->{plan}->{QueryParser}->new(query => $tmp_prefix.'"'.$phrase.'"')->parse->parse_tree;
if ($tmptree) {
# For a well-behaved phrase, we should now have only one node
# in the $tmptree query plan, and that node should have an
last if $self->replace_phrase_in_abstract_query(
- QueryParser::_util::fake_abstract_atom_from_phrase($phrase, undef, $pkg)
- );
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- # Do the same as the preceding block for unphrases (negated phrases).
- if ($self->{unphrases} and not $opts{no_phrases}) {
- for my $phrase (@{$self->{unphrases}}) {
- my $tmptree = $self->{plan}->{QueryParser}->new(
- query => $QueryParser::parser_config{$pkg}{operators}{disallowed}.
- '"' . $phrase . '"'
- )->parse->parse_tree;
- if ($tmptree) {
- if ($tmptree->{query} and scalar(@{$tmptree->{query}}) == 1) {
- my $tmplist;
- eval {
- $tmplist = $tmptree->{query}->[0]->to_abstract_query(
- no_phrases => 1
- )->{children}->{'&'}->[0]->{children}->{'&'};
- };
- next if $@;
- foreach (
- QueryParser::_util::find_arrays_in_abstract($abstract_query->{children})
- ) {
- last if $self->replace_phrase_in_abstract_query(
- $tmplist,
- $_,
- QueryParser::_util::fake_abstract_atom_from_phrase($phrase, 1, $pkg)
+ QueryParser::_util::fake_abstract_atom_from_phrase($phrase, $self->{negate}, $pkg)