ON ( au.id = ausp.usr AND ( ausp.stop_date IS NULL OR ausp.stop_date > NOW() ) )
LEFT JOIN config.standing_penalty csp
ON ( csp.id = ausp.standing_penalty AND csp.block_list LIKE '%CAPTURE%' )
+ FROM actor.org_unit_ancestor_setting('circ.pickup_hold_stalling.soft', h.pickup_lib)
+ ) AS pickup_stall ON TRUE
WHERE hm.target_copy = ?
- /* not protected, or protection is expired or we're in range */
+ /* not protected, or protection is expired or we're in range */
AND (cahp.id IS NULL OR (AGE(NOW(),acp.active_date) >= cahp.age OR cahp.prox >= hm.proximity))
- AND (AGE(NOW(),h.request_time) >= CAST(? AS INTERVAL) OR hm.proximity = 0 OR p.prox = 0)
+ /* the complicated hold stalling logic */
+ AND CASE WHEN pickup_stall.age IS NOT NULL AND h.request_time + pickup_stall.age::INTERVAL > NOW()
+ THEN -- pickup lib oriented stalling is configured for this hold's pickup lib, and it's "too young"
+ CASE WHEN p.prox = 0
+ THEN TRUE -- Cheap test: allow it when scanning at pickup lib
+ ELSE action.hold_copy_calculated_proximity( -- have to call this because we don't know if pprox will be included
+ h.id,
+ acp.id,
+ p.from_org -- equals scan lib, see first JOIN above
+ ) <= 0 -- else more expensive test for scan-lib calc prox
+ ELSE ( h.request_time + CAST(? AS INTERVAL) < NOW()
+ OR hm.proximity <= 0
+ OR p.prox = 0
+ ) -- not "too young" OR copy-owner/pickup prox OR scan-lib/pickup prox
+ /* simple, quick tests */
AND h.capture_time IS NULL
AND h.cancel_time IS NULL
AND (h.expire_time IS NULL OR h.expire_time > NOW())
'Soft stalling interval',
'coust', 'label'),
- 'How long to wait before allowing remote items to be opportunistically captured for a hold. Example "5 days"',
+ $$How long to wait before allowing opportunistic capture of holds with a pickup library other than the context item's circulating library$$, -- ' vim
+ 'coust', 'description'),
+ 'interval', null)
+,( 'circ.pickup_hold_stalling.soft', 'holds',
+ oils_i18n_gettext('circ.pickup_hold_stalling.soft',
+ 'Pickup Library Soft stalling interval',
+ 'coust', 'label'),
+ oils_i18n_gettext('circ.pickup_hold_stalling.soft',
+ 'When set for the pickup library, this specifies that only items scanned at the pickup library can be opportunistically captured for this time period. Example "5 days". This setting takes precedence over "Soft stalling interval" (circ.hold_stalling.soft).',
'coust', 'description'),
'interval', null)
--- /dev/null
+SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('XXXX', :eg_version);
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type
+ SET description = $$How long to wait before allowing opportunistic capture of holds with a pickup library other than the context item's circulating library$$ -- ' vim
+ WHERE name = 'circ.hold_stalling.soft';
+INSERT into config.org_unit_setting_type
+( name, grp, label, description, datatype, fm_class ) VALUES
+( 'circ.pickup_hold_stalling.soft',
+ 'holds',
+ 'Pickup Library Soft stalling interval',
+ 'When set for the pickup library, this specifies that only items scanned at the pickup library can be opportunistically captured for this time period. Example "5 days". This setting takes precedence over "Soft stalling interval" (circ.hold_stalling.soft).',
+ 'interval',
+ null