# Makefile to install prerequisites for OpenSRF and Evergreen
-# Currently supports Debian (jessie, wheezy, squeeze), Ubuntu (12.04),
+# Currently supports Debian (jessie, wheezy), Ubuntu (12.04),
# Ubuntu (14.04) and Fedora (16 and 17).
# Installs Perl prereqs, libdbi, libdbi-drivers, and libyaz
# - or -
# make -f Makefile.install debian-wheezy
# - or -
-# make -f Makefile.install debian-squeeze
-# - or -
# make -f Makefile.install ubuntu-precise
# - or -
# make -f Makefile.install ubuntu-trusty
@make -f $(DIR)/Makefile.debian-jessie
@make -f $(DIR)/Makefile.debian-wheezy
- @make -f $(DIR)/Makefile.debian-squeeze
@make -f $(DIR)/Makefile.ubuntu-trusty
@make -f $(DIR)/Makefile.debian-jessie install_postgres_server
@make -f $(DIR)/Makefile.debian-wheezy install_postgres_server
- @make -f $(DIR)/Makefile.debian-squeeze install_postgres_server
@make -f $(DIR)/Makefile.ubuntu-trusty install_postgres_server
+++ /dev/null
-# install files for Debian Squeeze
-DIR = $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
-APT_BACKPORT_TOOL = aptitude -t squeeze-backports -yq
-APT_SAFE_TOOL = aptitude -P
-APT_TOOL=aptitude -yq
-export DEBS = \
- apache2-prefork-dev\
- aspell\
- aspell-en\
- libbusiness-creditcard-perl\
- libbusiness-isbn-data-perl\
- libbusiness-isbn-perl\
- libbusiness-issn-perl\
- libbusiness-onlinepayment-authorizenet-perl\
- libbusiness-onlinepayment-payflowpro-perl\
- libbusiness-onlinepayment-perl\
- libdate-manip-perl\
- libdatetime-format-builder-perl\
- libdatetime-format-iso8601-perl\
- libdatetime-format-mail-perl\
- libdatetime-perl\
- libdatetime-set-perl\
- libdatetime-timezone-perl\
- libdbd-pg-perl\
- libemail-send-perl\
- libemail-simple-perl\
- libgd-graph3d-perl\
- liblocale-maketext-lexicon-perl\
- liblog-log4perl-perl\
- libmarc-charset-perl \
- libmarc-record-perl\
- libmarc-xml-perl \
- libncurses5-dev\
- libnet-ip-perl\
- libnet-ldap-perl \
- libnet-server-perl\
- libnet-ssh2-perl\
- libnet-z3950-zoom-perl \
- libnspr4-dev\
- libole-storage-lite-perl\
- libparent-perl\
- libssh2-1-dev\
- libtest-warn-perl\
- libtest-output-perl\
- libtext-aspell-perl\
- libtext-csv-perl\
- libuniversal-require-perl\
- libunix-syslog-perl\
- libuuid-tiny-perl\
- libyaz-dev\
- libsoap-lite-perl\
- libbz2-dev\
- libparse-recdescent-perl\
- yaz
-export DEB_APACHE_MODS = \
- expires\
- include\
- proxy\
- proxy_http\
- rewrite
- deflate
-export CPAN_MODULES = \
- Excel::Writer::XLSX \
- Business::OnlinePayment::PayPal \
- Library::CallNumber::LC \
- Net::Z3950::Simple2ZOOM \
- RPC::XML \
- Template::Plugin::POSIX \
- SRU \
- Rose::URI \
- Safe
- Business::Stripe \
- Class::DBI::Frozen::301
- postgresql-9.1 \
- postgresql-contrib-9.1 \
- postgresql-plperl-9.1 \
- postgresql-server-dev-9.1
- libpq5 \
- libpq-dev \
- postgresql-client-9.1
-all: install_pgsql_client_backport_debs_91 install_yaz
- make -f $(DIR)/Makefile.debian install_debs
- make -f $(DIR)/Makefile.debian test_for_libdbi_pkg
- make -f $(DIR)/Makefile.common install_net_z3950_simpleserver
- make -f $(DIR)/Makefile.common install_cpan
- make -f $(DIR)/Makefile.common install_cpan_force
- make -f $(DIR)/Makefile.common install_libdbi
- make -f $(DIR)/Makefile.debian debian_sys_config
- if [ ! -d $(YAZ) ]; then wget $(YAZ_HOST)/$(YAZ).tar.gz; fi;
- tar xzf $(YAZ).tar.gz
- cd $(YAZ) && ./configure && make && make install && ldconfig
- @if [ `$(APT_TOOL) versions libpq5 | grep ^i|sed 's/^i[ \t]*//'|cut -d. -f1` -eq 8 ]; \
- then \
- echo -e "libpq5 / libpq-dev are installed as part of OpenSRF (a dependency" \
- "of apache2-prefork-dev), but these are the 8.4 versions and they" \
- "conflict with the 9.1 versions - so remove them, install the pinned" \
- "backports of 9.1, then reinstall the apache2-prefork-dev package.\n\n" \
- "**WARNING**: Saying 'Yes' to this step will _remove_ any PostgreSQL" \
- "databases that might currently exist on this machine." && \
- $(APT_SAFE_TOOL) remove libpq5 libpq-dev ; \
- fi
- $(APT_TOOL) install apache2-prefork-dev
- make -f $(DIR)/Makefile.common clean
- make -f $(DIR)/Makefile.debian clean
-# vim:noet:sw=4:ts=4:
* **PostgreSQL**: Version 9.3 is recommended. The minimum supported version
is 9.1.
* **Linux**: Evergreen 2.8 has been tested on Debian Jessie (8.0),
- Debian Wheezy (7.0), Debian Squeeze(6.0), Ubuntu Trusty Tahr (14.04),
+ Debian Wheezy (7.0), Ubuntu Trusty Tahr (14.04),
Ubuntu Precise Pangolin (12.04), and Fedora.
If you are running an older version of these distributions, you may want
to upgrade before upgrading Evergreen. For instructions on upgrading these
1. Begin by installing the most recent version of OpenSRF (2.4.0 or later).
You can download OpenSRF releases from http://evergreen-ils.org/opensrf-downloads/
-2. On many distributions, it is necessary to install PostgreSQL 9.1+ from external
+2. On some distributions, it is necessary to install PostgreSQL 9.1+ from external
- * On Debian Squeeze, open `/etc/apt/sources.list` in a text editor as the
- *root* Linux account and add the following line:
-[source, bash]
-deb http://backports.debian.org/debian-backports squeeze-backports main contrib
- * Ubuntu Precise and Trusty comes with PostgreSQL 9.1+, so no additional steps are required.
+ * Debian Wheezy and Jessie Ubuntu Precise and Trusty comes with
+ PostgreSQL 9.1+, so no additional steps are required.
* Fedora 19 and 20 come with PostgreSQL 9.2+, so no additional steps are required.
3. On Debian and Ubuntu, run `aptitude update` as the *root* Linux account to
retrieve the new packages from the backports repository.
4. Issue the following commands as the *root* Linux account to install
prerequisites using the `Makefile.install` prerequisite installer,
- substituting `debian-jessie`, `debian-wheezy`, `debian-squeeze`, `fedora`,
+ substituting `debian-jessie`, `debian-wheezy`, `fedora`,
`ubuntu-trusty`, or `ubuntu-precise` for <osname> below:
[source, bash]
make -f Open-ILS/src/extras/Makefile.install postgres-server-debian-jessie
make -f Open-ILS/src/extras/Makefile.install postgres-server-debian-wheezy
-make -f Open-ILS/src/extras/Makefile.install postgres-server-debian-squeeze
make -f Open-ILS/src/extras/Makefile.install postgres-server-ubuntu-precise
make -f Open-ILS/src/extras/Makefile.install postgres-server-ubuntu-trusty
make -f Open-ILS/src/extras/Makefile.install postgres-server-fedora
* **PostgreSQL**: Version 9.3 is recommended. The minimum supported version
is 9.1.
* **Linux**: Evergreen 2.10.1 has been tested on Debian Jessie (8.0),
- Debian Wheezy (7.0), Debian Squeeze(6.0), Ubuntu Trusty Tahr (14.04),
+ Debian Wheezy (7.0), Ubuntu Trusty Tahr (14.04),
Ubuntu Precise Pangolin (12.04), and Fedora.
If you are running an older version of these distributions, you may want
to upgrade before upgrading Evergreen. For instructions on upgrading these
* `debian-jessie` for Debian Jessie (8.0) (See https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1342227[Bug 134222] if you want to use EDI)
* `debian-wheezy` for Debian Wheezy (7.0)
- * `debian-squeeze` for Debian Squeeze (6.0)
* `ubuntu-trusty` for Ubuntu Trusty Tahr (14.04) (See https://bugs.launchpad.net/evergreen/+bug/1342227[Bug 134222] if you want to use EDI)
* `ubuntu-precise` for Ubuntu Precise Pangolin (12.04)
* `fedora` for Fedora