== Install Chrome Extension [Windows & Linux] ==
-. Open Chrome/Chromium and navigate to chrome://extensions
-. Enable "Developer Mode" along the top right of the page.
-. Click the "Load Unpacked Extension..." button.
-. Load the directory at Hatch => extension => app
-.. In Windows, the default location for the app directory will be
- C:\Program Files (x86)\Hatch\extension\app
+. Install the exenstion directly in the browser from the
+https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/hatch-native-messenger/ppooibdipmklfichpmkcgplfgdplgahl[Chrome App Store]
=== Optional: Debugging The Chrome Extension ===
+ * Navigate to chrome://extensions
+ * Enable "Developer Mode" along the top right of the page.
* Click the "Background Page" link to see the exension console.
* When the extension is loaded (or reloaded), it should show
"Connecting to native messaging host: org.evergreen_ils.hatch"
in the Background Page console with no errors.
* Use the "Reload" link to apply local changes made to the
- extension (e.g. main.js).
+ extension (e.g. main.js). (This might only work when installing
+ the exention manually via developer mode tools).
* See also https://developer.chrome.com/extensions/getstarted
=== Linux: Configure Native Messaging ===
== Using Hatch ==
-NOTE: At time of writing, the Evergreen server used must have the
-patches included in the
-http://git.evergreen-ils.org/?p=working/Evergreen.git;a=shortlog;h=refs/heads/user/berick/lp1646166-hatch-2.12-omnibus[Hatch 2.12 Omnibus Branch].
* In Chrome, navigate to the browser staff URL (https://HOSTNAME/eg/staff/).
* Open the Javascript console. It should show messages like:
--- /dev/null
+== Updating the Exstension On The Chrome Store ==
+=== Bump Version Numbers ===
+1. Modify the "version" string in extension/app/manifest.json
+2. Modify the VERSION* values in installer/windows/defines.nsh
+=== Create the app bundle ===
+cd extension/app/
+zip hatch-extension.zip *
+=== Upload The Extension Files ===
+1. Log in with user chromestore@evergreen-ils.org to the
+https://chrome.google.com/webstore/developer/dashboard[Chrome developer dashboard]
+2. Choose the "Edit" option next to "Hatch Native Messenger".
+3. Click the "Upload Updated Package" button and select your new
+ hatch-extension.zip file.