my @formats = qw/USMARC UNIMARC XML BRE ARE/;
-my ($config,$format,$encoding,$location,$dollarsign,$idl,$help,$holdings,$timeout,$export_mfhd,$type) = ('/openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml','USMARC','MARC8','','$',0,undef,undef,0,undef,'biblio');
+my ($config,$format,$encoding,$location,$dollarsign,$idl,$help,$holdings,$timeout,$export_mfhd,$type,$all_records) = ('/openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml','USMARC','MARC8','','$',0,undef,undef,0,undef,'biblio',undef);
'help' => \$help,
'items' => \$holdings,
'mfhd' => \$export_mfhd,
+ 'all' => \$all_records,
'location=s' => \$location,
'money=s' => \$dollarsign,
'config=s' => \$config,
if ($help) {
print <<"HELP";
This script exports MARC authority, bibliographic, and serial holdings
-records from an Evergreen database. Input to this script consists of
-a list of record IDs, with one record ID per line, corresponding to
-the record ID in the Evergreen database table of your requested record
+records from an Evergreen database.
+Input to this script can consist of a list of record IDs, with one record ID
+per line, corresponding to the record ID in the Evergreen database table of
+your requested record type.
+Alternately, passing the --all option will attempt to export all records of
+the specified type from the Evergreen database. The --all option starts at
+record ID 1 and increments the ID by 1 until the largest ID in the database
+is retrieved. This may not be very efficient for databases with large gaps
+in their ID sequences.
Usage: $0 [options]
--help or -h This screen.
are using --holdings and are exporting records that
have a lot of items attached to them.
--type or -t Record type (BIBLIO, AUTHORITY) [BIBLIO]
+ --all or -a Export all records; ignores input list
Additional options for type = 'BIBLIO':
--items or -i Include items (holdings) in the output
--location or -l MARC Location Code for holdings from
+To export a set of USMARC records in a file named "output_file" based on the
+IDs contained in a file named "list_of_ids":
cat list_of_ids | $0 > output_file
+To export a set of MARC21XML authority records in a file named "output.xml"
+for all authority records in the database:
+ $0 --format XML --type AUTHORITY --all > output.xml
my $start = time;
my $last_time = time;
-my %count = ();
+my %count = ('bib' => 0, 'did' => 0);
my $speed = 0;
-while ( my $i = <> ) {
+if ($all_records) {
+ my $top_record = 0;
+ if ($type eq 'biblio') {
+ $top_record = $editor->search_biblio_record_entry([
+ {deleted => 'f'},
+ {order_by => { 'bre' => 'id DESC' }, limit => 1}
+ ])->[0]->id;
+ } elsif ($type eq 'authority') {
+ $top_record = $editor->search_authority_record_entry([
+ {deleted => 'f'},
+ {order_by => { 'are' => 'id DESC' }, limit => 1}
+ ])->[0]->id;
+ }
+ for (my $i = 0; $i++ < $top_record;) {
+ export_record($i);
+ }
+} else {
+ while ( my $i = <> ) {
+ export_record($i);
+ }
+print "</collection>\n" if ($format eq 'XML');
+$speed = $count{did} / (time - $start);
+my $time = time - $start;
+print STDERR <<DONE;
+Exports Attempted : $count{bib}
+Exports Completed : $count{did}
+Overall Speed : $speed
+Total Time Elapsed: $time seconds
+sub export_record {
+ my $id = shift;
my $bib;
- my $r = $ses->request( "$type.record_entry.retrieve", $i, $flesh );
+ my $r = $ses->request( "$type.record_entry.retrieve", $id, $flesh );
my $s = $r->recv(timeout => $timeout);
if (!$s) {
- warn "\n!!!!! Failed trying to read record $i\n";
- next;
+ warn "\n!!!!! Failed trying to read record $id\n";
+ return;
if ($r->failed) {
- warn "\n!!!!!! Failed trying to read record $i: " . $r->failed->stringify . "\n";
- next;
+ warn "\n!!!!!! Failed trying to read record $id: " . $r->failed->stringify . "\n";
+ return;
if ($r->timed_out) {
- warn "\n!!!!!! Timed out trying to read record $i\n";
- next;
+ warn "\n!!!!!! Timed out trying to read record $id\n";
+ return;
$bib = $s->content;
- next unless $bib;
+ return unless $bib;
if ($format eq 'ARE' or $format eq 'BRE') {
print OpenSRF::Utils::JSON->perl2JSON($bib);
- next;
+ return;
try {
if ($export_mfhd and $type eq 'biblio') {
- my $mfhds = $editor->search_serial_record_entry({record => $i, deleted => 'f'});
+ my $mfhds = $editor->search_serial_record_entry({record => $id, deleted => 'f'});
foreach my $mfhd (@$mfhds) {
try {
my $r = MARC::Record->new_from_xml( $mfhd->marc, $encoding, $format );
stats() if (! ($count{bib} % 50 ));
-print "</collection>\n" if ($format eq 'XML');
-$speed = $count{did} / (time - $start);
-my $time = time - $start;
-print STDERR <<DONE;
-Exports Attempted : $count{bib}
-Exports Completed : $count{did}
-Overall Speed : $speed
-Total Time Elapsed: $time seconds
sub stats {
try {
no warnings;