$barred_hook = $U->is_true($new_patron->barred) ?
'au.barred' : 'au.unbarred';
+ # update the password by itself to avoid the password protection magic
+ if ($patron->passwd && $patron->passwd ne $old_patron->passwd) {
+ modify_migrated_user_password($e, $patron->id, $patron->passwd);
+ $new_patron->passwd(''); # subsequent update will set
+ # actor.usr.passwd to MD5('')
+ }
( $new_patron, $evt ) = _add_update_addresses($e, $patron, $new_patron);
$logger->info("Creating new user in the DB with username: ".$patron->usrname());
+ # do a dance to get the password hashed securely
+ my $saved_password = $patron->passwd;
+ $patron->passwd('');
$e->create_actor_user($patron) or return $e->die_event;
+ modify_migrated_user_password($e, $patron->id, $saved_password);
my $id = $patron->id; # added by CStoreEditor
$logger->info("Successfully created new user [$id] in DB");
unless $e->allowed('UPDATE_USER', $patron->home_ou);
- # update the password by itself to avoid the password protection magic
- if( $patron->passwd ) {
- modify_migrated_user_password($e, $patron->id, $patron->passwd);
- $patron->clear_passwd;
- }
if(!$patron->ident_type) {