return [ map {$_->{queued_record}} @$data ];
+# tracks any import errors, commits the current xact, responds to the client
+sub finish_rec_import_attempt {
+ my %args = @_;
+ my $error = $args{import_error} || 'general.unknown';
+ my $evt = $args{evt};
+ my $rec = $args{rec};
+ my $e = $args{e};
+ # error tracking
+ if($rec) {
+ if($error or $evt) {
+ # since an error occurred, there's no guarantee the transaction wasn't
+ # rolled back. force a rollback and create a new editor.
+ $e->rollback;
+ $e = new_editor(xact => 1);
+ $rec->import_error($error);
+ if($evt) {
+ my $detail = sprintf("%s : %s", $evt->{textcode}, substr($evt->{desc}, 0, 140));
+ $rec->error_detail($detail);
+ }
+ my $method = 'update_vandelay_queued_bib_record';
+ $method =~ s/bib/authority/ if $args{type} eq 'auth';
+ $e->$method($rec) and $e->commit or $e->rollback;
+ } else {
+ # successful import
+ $e->commit;
+ }
+ } else {
+ # requested queued record was not found
+ $e->rollback;
+ }
+ # respond to client
+ if($args{report_all} or ($args{progress} % $args{step}) == 0) {
+ $args{conn}->respond({
+ total => $args{total},
+ progress => $args{progress},
+ imported => ($rec) ? $rec->id : undef,
+ err_event => $evt
+ });
+ # report often at first, climb quickly, then hold steady
+ $args{step} *= 2 unless $args{step} == 256;
+ }
sub import_record_list_impl {
my($self, $conn, $rec_ids, $requestor, $args) = @_;
my $overlay_map = $args->{overlay_map} || {};
my $type = $self->{record_type};
- my $total = @$rec_ids;
- my $count = 0;
my %queues;
- my $step = 1;
+ my %report_args = (
+ progress => 0,
+ step => 1,
+ conn => $conn,
+ total => scalar(@$rec_ids),
+ report_all => $$args{report_all}
+ );
my $auto_overlay_exact = $$args{auto_overlay_exact};
my $auto_overlay_1match = $$args{auto_overlay_1match};
my $merge_profile = $$args{merge_profile};
my $bib_source = $$args{bib_source};
- my $report_all = $$args{report_all};
my $overlay_func = 'vandelay.overlay_bib_record';
my $auto_overlay_func = 'vandelay.auto_overlay_bib_record';
my $update_queue_func = 'update_vandelay_bib_queue';
my $rec_class = 'vqbr';
- my %bib_sources;
my $editor = new_editor();
- my $sources = $editor->search_config_bib_source({id => {'!=' => undef}});
- foreach my $src (@$sources) {
- $bib_sources{$src->id} = $src->source;
- }
+ my %bib_sources;
+ my $sources = $editor->search_config_bib_source({id => {'!=' => undef}});
+ $bib_sources{$_->id} = $_->source for @$sources;
if($type eq 'auth') {
$overlay_func =~ s/bib/auth/o;
my @success_rec_ids;
for my $rec_id (@$rec_ids) {
+ my $error = 0;
my $overlay_target = $overlay_map->{$rec_id};
- my $error = 0;
my $e = new_editor(xact => 1);
+ $report_args{progress}++;
+ $report_args{e} = $e;
my $rec = $e->$retrieve_func([
{ flesh => 1,
unless($rec) {
- $conn->respond({total => $total, progress => ++$count, imported => $rec_id, err_event => $e->event});
- $e->rollback;
+ finish_rec_import_attempt(%report_args, evt => $e->event);
+ $report_args{rec} = $rec;
if($rec->import_time) {
if($U->event_code($record)) {
- $e->event($record);
- $e->rollback;
+ my $import_error = 'import.duplicate.tcn' if $record->{textcode} eq 'TCN_EXISTS';
+ finish_rec_import_attempt(%report_args, import_error => $import_error, evt => $record);
} else {
if($imported) {
push @success_rec_ids, $rec_id;
- $e->commit;
+ finish_rec_import_attempt(%report_args);
} else {
# Send an update whenever there's an error
- $conn->respond({total => $total, progress => ++$count, imported => $rec_id, err_event => $e->event});
- }
- if($report_all or (++$count % $step) == 0) {
- $conn->respond({total => $total, progress => $count, imported => $rec_id});
- # report often at first, climb quickly, then hold steady
- $step *= 2 unless $step == 256;
+ finish_rec_import_attempt(%report_args, evt => $e->event);
+ # import the copies
import_record_asset_list_impl($conn, \@success_rec_ids, $requestor);
- $conn->respond({total => $total, progress => $count});
+ $conn->respond({total => $report_args{total}, progress => $report_args{progress}});
return undef;
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# see if a valid circ_modifier was provided
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #if($copy->circ_modifier and not $e->retrieve_config_circ_modifier($item->circ_modifier)) {
if($copy->circ_modifier and not $e->search_config_circ_modifier({code=>$item->circ_modifier})->[0]) {
+ $report_args{import_error} = 'import.item.invalid.circ_modifier';
+ respond_with_status(%report_args, evt => $e->die_event);
+ next;
+ }
+ if($copy->location and not $e->retrieve_asset_copy_location($copy->location)) {
+ $report_args{import_error} = 'import.item.invalid.location';
respond_with_status(%report_args, evt => $e->die_event);
if($evt = OpenILS::Application::Cat::AssetCommon->create_copy($e, $vol, $copy)) {
try { $e->rollback } otherwise {}; # sometimes calls die_event, sometimes not
$report_args{evt} = $evt;
+ $report_args{import_error} = 'import.item.duplicate.barcode'
+ if $evt->{textcode} eq 'ITEM_BARCODE_EXISTS';
my $error = $args{import_error};
my $evt = $args{evt};
- if($error || $evt) {
+ if($error or $evt) {
my $item = $args{import_item};
if($evt) {
- my $detail = sprintf("%s : %s", $evt->{textcode}, substr($evt->{desc}, 0, 120));
+ my $detail = sprintf("%s : %s", $evt->{textcode}, substr($evt->{desc}, 0, 140));
$args{step} *= 2 unless $args{step} == 256;
- map { $_ => $args{$_} } qw/total progress success_count/
+ map { $_ => $args{$_} } qw/total progress success_count/,
+ err_event => $evt
(37, 'circ_lib.billing_address')
+INSERT INTO vandelay.import_error ( code, description ) VALUES ( 'general.unknown', oils_i18n_gettext('general.unknown', 'Import or Overlay failed', 'vie', 'description') );
+INSERT INTO vandelay.import_error ( code, description ) VALUES ( 'import.item.duplicate.barcode', oils_i18n_gettext('import.item.duplicate.barcode', 'Import failed due to barcode collision', 'vie', 'description') );
+INSERT INTO vandelay.import_error ( code, description ) VALUES ( 'import.item.invalid.circ_modifier', oils_i18n_gettext('import.item.invalid.circ_modifier', 'Import failed due to invalid circulation modifier', 'vie', 'description') );
+INSERT INTO vandelay.import_error ( code, description ) VALUES ( 'import.item.invalid.location', oils_i18n_gettext('import.item.invalid.location', 'Import failed due to invalid copy location', 'vie', 'description') );
+INSERT INTO vandelay.import_error ( code, description ) VALUES ( 'import.duplicate.sysid', oils_i18n_gettext('import.duplicate.sysid', 'Import failed due to system id collision', 'vie', 'description') );
+INSERT INTO vandelay.import_error ( code, description ) VALUES ( 'import.duplicate.tcn', oils_i18n_gettext('import.duplicate.sysid', 'Import failed due to system id collision', 'vie', 'description') );
+INSERT INTO vandelay.import_error ( code, description ) VALUES ( 'overlay.missing.sysid', oils_i18n_gettext('overlay.missing.sysid', 'Overlay failed due to missing system id', 'vie', 'description') );
+INSERT INTO vandelay.import_error ( code, description ) VALUES ( 'import.auth.duplicate.acn', oils_i18n_gettext('import.auth.duplicate.acn', 'Import failed due to Accession Number collision', 'vie', 'description') );
+INSERT INTO vandelay.import_error ( code, description ) VALUES ( 'import.xml.malformed', oils_i18n_gettext('import.xml.malformed', 'Malformed record cause Import failure', 'vie', 'description') );
+INSERT INTO vandelay.import_error ( code, description ) VALUES ( 'overlay.xml.malformed', oils_i18n_gettext('overlay.xml.malformed', 'Malformed record cause Overlay failure', 'vie', 'description') );
INSERT INTO config.org_unit_setting_type ( name, label, description, datatype ) VALUES (