PerlSendHeader On
allow from all
- # Example of overriding template paths. Template paths will be
- # checked in order of their appearance here. The server will then
- # go on to check template paths configured in oils_web.xml.
- # PerlAddVar OILSTemplatePath "/openils/var/templates_BranchABC"
- # PerlAddVar OILSTemplatePath "/openils/var/templates_SystemABC"
+ PerlSetVar OILSWebBasePath "/eg"
+ PerlSetVar OILSWebWebDir "/openils/var/web"
+ PerlSetVar OILSWebDefaultTemplateExtension "tt2"
+ PerlSetVar OILSWebDebugTemplate "true"
+ # -------------------------------------------------------
+ # Media Prefix. In the 3rd example, the protocol (http) is enforced
+ #PerlSetVar OILSWebMediaPrefix "/media"
+ #PerlSetVar OILSWebMediaPrefix ""
+ #PerlSetVar OILSWebMediaPrefix ""
+ # Locale messages files
+ PerlAddVar OILSWebLocale "en"
+ PerlAddVar OILSWebLocale "/openils/var/data/locale/messages.en.po"
+ PerlAddVar OILSWebLocale "en_ca"
+ PerlAddVar OILSWebLocale "/openils/var/data/locale/messages.en_ca.po"
+ PerlAddVar OILSWebLocale "fr_ca"
+ PerlAddVar OILSWebLocale "/openils/var/data/locale/messages.fr_ca.po"
+ # Templates will be loaded from the following paths in reverse order.
+ PerlAddVar OILSWebTemplatePath "/openils/var/templates"
+ PerlAddVar OILSWebTemplatePath "/openils/var/templates_localskin"
<IfModule mod_deflate.c>
SetOutputFilter DEFLATE
use constant OILS_HTTP_COOKIE_THEME => 'eg_theme';
use constant OILS_HTTP_COOKIE_LOCALE => 'eg_locale';
-my $web_config;
-my $web_config_file;
-my $web_config_edit_time;
-sub import {
- my $self = shift;
- $web_config_file = shift || '';
- unless(-r $web_config_file) {
- warn "Invalid web config $web_config_file\n";
- return;
- }
- check_web_config();
+# cache string bundles
+my @registered_locales;
sub handler {
my $r = shift;
- check_web_config($r); # option to disable this
my $ctx = load_context($r);
my $base = $ctx->{base_path};
+ if (!$tt) {
+ $r->log->error("Error creating template processor: $@");
+ return Apache2::Const::HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR;
+ }
$ctx->{encode_utf8} = sub {return encode_utf8(shift())};
unless($tt->process($template, {ctx => $ctx, ENV => \%ENV, l => $text_handler})) {
$r->print($data) if ($success);
sub load_context {
my $r = shift;
my $cgi = CGI->new;
my $ctx = {}; # new context for each page load
- $ctx->{$_} = $web_config->{base_ctx}->{$_} for keys %{$web_config->{base_ctx}};
+ $ctx->{base_path} = $r->dir_config('OILSWebBasePath');
+ $ctx->{web_dir} = $r->dir_config('OILSWebWebDir');
+ $ctx->{debug_template} = ($r->dir_config('OILSWebDebugTemplate') =~ /true/io);
+ $ctx->{media_prefix} = $r->dir_config('OILSWebMediaPrefix');
$ctx->{hostname} = $r->hostname;
$ctx->{base_url} = $cgi->url(-base => 1);
$ctx->{skin} = $cgi->cookie(OILS_HTTP_COOKIE_SKIN) || 'default';
$ctx->{theme} = $cgi->cookie(OILS_HTTP_COOKIE_THEME) || 'default';
$ctx->{proto} = $cgi->https ? 'https' : 'http';
- # Any paths configured in Apache will be placed in front of
- # any paths configured in the global oils_web.xml config.
- my @template_paths = $r->dir_config->get('OILSTemplatePath');
- unshift(@{$ctx->{template_paths}}, $_) for reverse @template_paths;
- $r->log->debug("template paths => @{$ctx->{template_paths}}");
+ my @template_paths = $r->dir_config->get('OILSWebTemplatePath');
+ $ctx->{template_paths} = [ reverse @template_paths ];
+ my %locales = $r->dir_config->get('OILSWebLocale');
+ load_locale_handlers($ctx, %locales);
$ctx->{locale} =
$cgi->cookie(OILS_HTTP_COOKIE_LOCALE) ||
my $ctx = shift;
my $path = $r->uri;
$path =~ s/$base\/?//og;
- my @parts = split('/', $path);
my $template = '';
my $page_args = [];
- my $as_xml = $ctx->{force_valid_xml};
- my $handler = $web_config->{handlers};
+ my $as_xml = $r->dir_config('OILSWebForceValidXML');
+ my $ext = $r->dir_config('OILSWebDefaultTemplateExtension');
+ my @parts = split('/', $path);
+ my $localpath = $path;
+ my @args;
while(@parts) {
- my $part = shift @parts;
- next unless $part;
- my $t = $handler->{$part};
- if(ref($t) eq 'PathConfig') {
- $template = $t->{template};
- $as_xml = ($t->{as_xml} and $t->{as_xml} =~ /true/io) || $as_xml;
- $page_args = [@parts];
- last;
- } else {
- $handler = $t;
- }
- }
- unless($template) { # no template configured
- # see if we can magically find the template based on the path and default extension
- my $ext = $ctx->{default_template_extension};
- my @parts = split('/', $path);
- my $localpath = $path;
- my @args;
- while(@parts) {
- last unless $localpath;
- for my $tpath (@{$ctx->{template_paths}}) {
- my $fpath = "$tpath/$localpath.$ext";
- $r->log->debug("egweb: looking at possible template $fpath");
- if(-r $fpath) {
- $template = "$localpath.$ext";
- last;
- }
+ last unless $localpath;
+ for my $tpath (@{$ctx->{template_paths}}) {
+ my $fpath = "$tpath/$localpath.$ext";
+ $r->log->debug("egweb: looking at possible template $fpath");
+ if(-r $fpath) {
+ $template = "$localpath.$ext";
+ last;
- last if $template;
- push(@args, pop @parts);
- $localpath = join('/', @parts);
- }
+ }
+ last if $template;
+ push(@args, pop @parts);
+ $localpath = join('/', @parts);
+ }
- $page_args = [@args];
+ $page_args = [@args];
- # no template configured or found
- unless($template) {
- $r->log->debug("egweb: No template configured for path $path");
- return ();
- }
+ # no template configured or found
+ unless($template) {
+ $r->log->debug("egweb: No template configured for path $path");
+ return ();
$r->log->debug("egweb: template = $template : page args = @$page_args");
return ($template, $page_args, $as_xml);
-# if the web configuration file has never been loaded or has
-# changed since the last load, reload it
-sub check_web_config {
- my $r = shift;
- my $epoch = stat($web_config_file)->mtime;
- unless($web_config_edit_time and $web_config_edit_time == $epoch) {
- $r->log->debug("egweb: Reloading web config after edit...") if $r;
- $web_config_edit_time = $epoch;
- $web_config = parse_config($web_config_file);
- }
# Create an I18N sub-module for each supported locale
# Each module creates its own MakeText lexicon by parsing .po/.mo files
sub load_locale_handlers {
my $ctx = shift;
- my $locales = $ctx->{locales};
+ my %locales = @_;
- my @locale_tags = sort { length($a) <=> length($b) } keys %$locales;
+ my @locale_tags = sort { length($a) <=> length($b) } keys %locales;
for my $idx (0..$#locale_tags) {
my $tag = $locale_tags[$idx];
+ next if grep { $_ eq $tag } @registered_locales;
my $parent_tag = '';
my $sub_idx = $idx;
- my $messages = $locales->{$tag};
+ my $messages = $locales{$tag};
$messages = '' if ref $messages; # empty {}
# TODO Can we do this without eval?
eval $eval;
- warn "$@\n" if $@; # TODO better logging
- }
-sub parse_config {
- my $cfg_file = shift;
- my $data = XML::Simple->new->XMLin($cfg_file);
- my $ctx = {};
- my $handlers = {};
- $ctx->{media_prefix} = (ref $data->{media_prefix}) ? '' : $data->{media_prefix};
- $ctx->{base_path} = (ref $data->{base_path}) ? '' : $data->{base_path};
- $ctx->{template_paths} = [];
- $ctx->{force_valid_xml} = ( ($data->{force_valid_xml}||'') =~ /true/io) ? 1 : 0;
- $ctx->{debug_template} = ( ($data->{debug_template}||'') =~ /true/io) ? 1 : 0;
- $ctx->{default_template_extension} = $data->{default_template_extension} || 'tt2';
- $ctx->{web_dir} = $data->{web_dir};
- $ctx->{locales} = $data->{locales};
- load_locale_handlers($ctx);
- my $tpaths = $data->{template_paths}->{path};
- $tpaths = [$tpaths] unless ref $tpaths;
- push(@{$ctx->{template_paths}}, $_) for @$tpaths;
- for my $handler (@{$data->{handlers}->{handler}}) {
- my @parts = split('/', $handler->{path});
- my $h = $handlers;
- my $pcount = scalar(@parts);
- for(my $i = 0; $i < $pcount; $i++) {
- my $p = $parts[$i];
- unless(defined $h->{$p}) {
- if($i == $pcount - 1) {
- $h->{$p} = PathConfig->new(%$handler);
- last;
- } else {
- $h->{$p} = {};
- }
- }
- $h = $h->{$p};
+ if ($@) {
+ warn "$@\n" if $@;
+ } else {
+ push(@registered_locales, $tag);
- return {base_ctx => $ctx, handlers => $handlers};
-package PathConfig;
-sub new {
- my($class, %args) = @_;
- return bless(\%args, $class);
# base class for all supported locales
package OpenILS::WWW::EGWeb::I18N;