--- /dev/null
+#!/usr/bin/perl -w
+use OpenSRF::System qw(/pines/conf/bootstrap.conf);
+use Data::Dumper;
+$| = 1;
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# This is a quick and dirty script to perform benchmarking against the math server.
+# Note: 1 request performs a batch of 4 queries, one for each supported method: add, sub,
+# mult, div.
+# Usage: $ perl math_bench.pl <num_requests>
+# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+my $count = $ARGV[0];
+unless( $count ) {
+ print "usage: $0 <service name> [<cvs repo base URL>]\n";
+ exit;
+my $cvs_base = $ARGV[1] || 'http://open-ils.org/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/ILS/Open-ILS/src/perlmods/';
+my $session = OpenSRF::AppSession->create( $ARGV[0] );
+my $req = $session->request('opensrf.system.method.all');
+while( my $meth = $req->recv(60) ) {
+ $meth = $meth->content;
+ my $api_name = $meth->{api_name};
+ my $api_level = int $meth->{api_level};
+ my $server_class = $meth->{server_class} || '**ALL**';
+ my $stream = int($meth->{stream} || 0);
+ my $cachable = int($meth->{cachable} || 0);
+ my $note = $meth->{note} || 'what I do';
+ my $package = $meth->{package};
+ (my $cvs = $package) =~ s/::/\//go;
+ my $method = $meth->{method};
+ $stream = $stream?'Yes':'No';
+ $cachable = $cachable?'Yes':'No';
+ print <<" METHOD";
+===== $api_name =====
+ * [[osrf-devel:terms#opensrf_api-level|API Level]]: $api_level
+ * [[osrf-devel:terms#opensrf_server_class|Server Class]]: $server_class
+ * Implementation Method: [[$cvs_base/$cvs.pm|$package\::$method]]
+ * Streaming [[osrf-devel:terms#opensrf_method|Method]]: $stream
+ * Cachable [[osrf-devel:terms#opensrf_method|Method]]: $cachable
+ * **Parameters:**
+ * //param1//\\\\ what it is...
+ * **Returns:**
+ * //Success//\\\\ successful format
+ * //Failure//\\\\ failure format (exception, etc)