+ # Support multiscript records via alternate graphic 880 fields
+ # get_graphic_880s(target_field='100')
+ # See "Model A" in http://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/ecbdmulti.html
+ # and $6 description in http://www.loc.gov/marc/bibliographic/ecbdcntf.html
+ MACRO get_graphic_880s BLOCK;
+ FOR node IN xml.findnodes('//*[@tag="' _ target_field _ '"]');
+ raw_vals = [];
+ core_val = '';
+ FOR subnode IN node.findnodes('./*[not(contains("w 0 5 6 8 9", @code))]');
+ raw_vals.push(subnode.textContent());
+ END;
+ core_val = raw_vals.join(" ");
+ raw_vals = [];
+ linked_fields = [];
+ FOR sub IN node.findnodes('./*[@code="6"]');
+ linked_fields.push(sub.textContent);
+ END;
+ graphics = [];
+ get_linked_880s;
+ graphic_880s.push({
+ primary => {"occur" => occurrence, "value" => core_val},
+ graphic => graphics
+ });
+ END;
+ END;
+ MACRO get_linked_880s BLOCK;
+ FOR link_field IN linked_fields;
+ target = target_field _ link_field.substr(3);
+ # Get the linked 880 value
+ raw_val = '';
+ dir = '';
+ occurrence = '';
+ script = '';
+ FOR node IN xml.findnodes('//*[@tag="880"]');
+ # Operate only on the target linked fields
+ FOR linknode IN node.findnodes('./*[@code="6"]');
+ lf = linknode.textContent();
+ IF lf.substr(0, target.length) == target;
+ occurrence = lf.substr(4, 2);
+ rawscript = lf.substr(7, 2);
+ SWITCH rawscript;
+ CASE '(3';
+ script = 'Arabic';
+ CASE '(B';
+ script = 'Latin';
+ CASE '$1';
+ script = 'CJK';
+ CASE '(N';
+ script = 'Cyrillic';
+ CASE '(S';
+ script = 'Greek';
+ CASE '(2';
+ script = 'Hebrew';
+ END;
+ rawdir = lf.substr(9, 1);
+ SWITCH rawdir;
+ CASE 'r';
+ dir = 'rtl';
+ END;
+ raw_vals = [];
+ FOR subnode IN node.findnodes('./*[not(contains("w 0 5 6 8 9", @code))]');
+ raw_vals.push(subnode.textContent());
+ END;
+ raw_val = raw_vals.join(" ");
+ END;
+ END;
+ END;
+ graphics.push({
+ occur => occurrence,
+ value => raw_val,
+ script => script,
+ dir => dir
+ });
+ END;
+ END;
# Extract MARC fields from XML
# get_marc_attrs( { marc_xml => doc } )
BLOCK get_marc_attrs;
args.issn = (args.issns.size) ? args.issn.0 : '';
+ graphic_880s = [];
+ get_graphic_880s(target_field='100');
+ args.graphic_authors = graphic_880s;
args.authors = [];
- FOR sub IN xml.findnodes('//*[@tag="100"]/*[@code="a"]');
- args.authors.push(sub.textContent);
+ FOR author IN args.graphic_authors;
+ args.authors.push(author.primary.value);
args.author = (args.authors.size) ? args.authors.0 : '';
# Avoid ugly trailing syntax on brief titles
args.title = args.title | replace('[:;/]$', '');
- # Provide correct spacing between the subfields
- titsubs = xml.findnodes('//*[@tag="245"]/*[@code]');
- titsubs_content = [];
- FOR sub IN titsubs; titsubs_content.push(sub.textContent); END;
- args.title_extended = titsubs_content.join(" ");
+ graphic_880s = [];
+ get_graphic_880s(target_field='245');
+ args.graphic_titles = graphic_880s;
+ args.titles = [];
+ FOR title IN args.graphic_titles;
+ args.titles.push(title.primary.value);
+ END;
+ args.title_extended = (args.titles.size) ? args.titles.0 : '';
args.pubplaces = [];
FOR sub IN xml.findnodes('//*[@tag="260"]/*[@code="a"]');
# Full publisher info
args.pubinfo = "$args.pubplace $args.publisher $args.pubdate";
+ graphic_880s = [];
+ get_graphic_880s(target_field='260');
+ args.graphic_pubinfos = graphic_880s;
+ args.pubinfos = [];
+ FOR pubinfo IN args.graphic_pubinfos;
+ args.pubinfos.push(pubinfo.primary.value);
+ END;
+ args.pubinfo = (args.pubinfos.size) ? args.pubinfos.0 : '';
args.summaries = [];
FOR sub IN xml.findnodes('//*[@tag="520"]/*[@code="a"]');
args.summary = (args.summaries.size) ? args.summaries.0 : '';
+ # 250 gets pride of place for edition statement, and is the
+ # only logical choice for 880 graphic fields
+ graphic_880s = [];
+ get_graphic_880s(target_field='250');
+ args.graphic_editions = graphic_880s;
args.editions = [];
+ FOR edition IN args.graphic_editions;
+ args.editions.push(edition.primary.value);
+ END;
ed_hunt = xml.findnodes('//*[@tag="250"]/*[@code="a"]') ||
xml.findnodes('//*[@tag="534"]/*[@code="b"]') ||
args.phys_desc = phys_content.join(" ");
+ graphic_880s = [];
+ get_graphic_880s(target_field='505');
+ args.graphic_contents = graphic_880s;
+ FOR content IN args.graphic_contents;
+ args.contents.push(content.primary.value);
+ END;
+ args.content = (args.contents.size) ? args.contents.0 : '';
+ # Maintain contents_list in case any custom use was made of it
args.contents_list = [];
FOR sub IN xml.findnodes('//*[@tag="505"]');
- args.contents = args.contents_list.join(" ");
- args.content = (args.contents.size) ? args.contents.0 : '';
# MARC Callnumber
args.marc_cns = [];
loc_name = 'locg';
loc_value = CGI.param(loc_name) || CGI.param('loc') || ctx.search_ou;
qterm = '';
iprop = '';
tlabel = '';
+ graphics = [];
FOR subfield IN node.childNodes;
NEXT UNLESS subfield.nodeName == "subfield";
code = subfield.getAttribute('code');
relcode = subfield.textContent.substr(0,3);
tlabel = relators.$relcode || label;
+ IF code == '6';
+ linked_fields = [subfield.textContent()];
+ target_field = node.getAttribute('tag');
+ get_linked_880s;
+ END;
NEXT UNLESS code.match('[a-z]');
sf = subfield.textContent | html;
term = term _ ' ' _ sf;
ELSIF type == 'added';
iprop = ' itemprop="contributor"';
- '<a href="' _ url _ '"' _ iprop _ '>' _ term.replace('^\s+', '') _ '</a> (' _ author_type _ '). ';
+ '<a href="' _ url _ '"' _ iprop _ '>' _ term.replace('^\s+', '') _ '</a>';
+ FOREACH link880 IN graphics;
+ diratt = '';
+ IF link880.dir;
+ diratt = ' dir="' _ link880.dir _ '"';
+ END;
+ ' <span class="graphic880"' _ diratt _ '>';
+ link880.value | html;
+ '</span>';
+ END;
+ ' (' _ author_type _ '). ';
xpath = xpath || '//*[starts-with(@tag,"5")]';
FOR node IN ctx.marc_xml.findnodes(xpath);
all_content = [];
+ graphics = [];
FOR subfield IN node.childNodes;
NEXT UNLESS subfield.nodeName == "subfield";
code = subfield.getAttribute('code');
+ IF code == '6';
+ linked_fields = [subfield.textContent()];
+ target_field = node.getAttribute('tag');
+ get_linked_880s;
+ END;
NEXT UNLESS code.match('[a-z]');
total_contents = all_content.join(" ").replace('\s+$', '');
%] [% total_contents;
IF total_contents.size; "<br/>"; END;
+ FOREACH link880 IN graphics;
+ '<div class="graphic880"' _ link880.dir _ '>';
+ link880.value | html;
+ '</div>';
+ END;
xpath = xpath || '//*[starts-with(@tag,"6")]';
FOR node IN ctx.marc_xml.findnodes(xpath);
all_terms = [];
+ graphics = [];
FOR subfield IN node.childNodes;
NEXT UNLESS subfield.nodeName == "subfield";
code = subfield.getAttribute('code');
+ IF code == '6';
+ linked_fields = [subfield.textContent()];
+ target_field = node.getAttribute('tag');
+ get_linked_880s;
+ END;
NEXT UNLESS code.match('[a-z]');
IF code.match('[vxyz]'); " > "; END;
# at this point, we actually have a partial term to use.
<a href="[% mkurl(ctx.opac_root _ '/results', {qtype=>'subject', query=>total_term}, stop_parms); %]">[% single_term %]</a>
[%- END;
IF all_terms.size; "<br/>"; END;
+ FOREACH link880 IN graphics;
+ '<div class="graphic880"' _ link880.dir _ '>';
+ link880.value | html;
+ '</div>';
+ END;
[%- END %]
<h1 id='rdetail_title' itemprop="name">[% attrs.title_extended | html %]</h1>
+ [%-
+ FOR link880 IN attrs.graphic_titles;
+ FOR alt IN link880.graphic;
+ '<h2 class="graphic880"';
+ IF alt.dir;
+ ' dir="' _ alt.dir _ '"';
+ END;
+ '>'; alt.value | html; '</h2>';
+ END;
+ END;
+ -%]
[%- INCLUDE "opac/parts/record/authors.tt2" %]
<li id='rdetail_edition'>
<strong class='rdetail_label'>[% l("Edition:") %]</strong>
<span class='rdetail_value'>[% attrs.edition | html %]</span>
+ [%-
+ FOR entry IN attrs.graphic_editions;
+ FOR alt IN entry.graphic;
+ diratt = "";
+ IF alt.dir;
+ diratt = ' dir="' _ alt.dir _ '"';
+ END;
+ -%]
+ <div class="graphic880 rdetail_value"[% diratt %]>
+ [% alt.value | html %]
+ </div>
+ [%-
+ END;
+ END;
+ -%]
[%- END %]
[%- IF attrs.publisher %]
[%- IF attrs.pubdate; %]
<span itemprop="datePublished">[% attrs.pubdate | html; %]</span>
[%- END; %]
+ [%-
+ IF attrs.graphic_pubinfos.size > 0;
+ FOR entry IN attrs.graphic_pubinfos;
+ FOR alt IN entry.graphic;
+ diratt = "";
+ IF alt.dir;
+ diratt = ' dir="' _ alt.dir _ '"';
+ END;
+ -%]
+ <div class="graphic880"[% diratt %]>
+ [% alt.value | html %]
+ </div>
+ [%-
+ END;
+ END;
+ -%]
[%- END %]
[% HTML.attributes(title => l('Display record details for "[_1]"', attrs.title)) %]
class='search_link'>[% attrs.title | html %]</a>
+FOR entry IN attrs.graphic_titles;
+ FOR alt IN entry.graphic;
+ diratt = "";
+ IF alt.dir;
+ diratt = ' dir="' _ alt.dir _ '"';
+ END;
+<div class="graphic880"[% diratt %]>
+ [% alt.value | html %]
+ END;
<em><a title="[% l("Perform an Author Search") %]"
OR show_more_details.default == 'hide')
%] [% attrs.pubdate | html %]
[%- END -%]
+FOR entry IN attrs.graphic_authors;
+ FOR alt IN entry.graphic;
+ diratt = "";
+ IF alt.dir;
+ diratt = ' dir="' _ alt.dir _ '"';
+ END;
+<div class="graphic880"[% diratt %]>
+ [% alt.value | html %]
+ END;
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0"
<td valign="top">
<strong>[% l('Publisher:') %]</strong>
- <td>[% attrs.pubinfo | html %]</td>
+ <td>[% attrs.pubinfo | html %]
+FOR entry IN attrs.graphic_pubinfos;
+ FOR alt IN entry.graphic;
+ diratt = "";
+ IF alt.dir;
+ diratt = ' dir="' _ alt.dir _ '"';
+ END;
+<div class="graphic880"[% diratt %]>
+ [% alt.value | html %]
+ END;
[% END %]
[% IF attrs.isbns.size > 0 %]
<td valign="top">
<strong>[% l('Edition:') %]</strong>
- <td>[% attrs.edition | html %]</td>
+ <td>[% attrs.edition | html %]
+FOR entry IN attrs.graphic_editions;
+ FOR alt IN entry.graphic;
+ diratt = "";
+ IF alt.dir;
+ diratt = ' dir="' _ alt.dir _ '"';
+ END;
+<div class="graphic880"[% diratt %]>
+ [% alt.value | html %]
+ END;
[% END %]
[% IF attrs.phys_desc %]