my $class = shift;
local $_ = shift;
+ # remove C++ comments
+ s/\/\/.+$//sgmo;
+ # Convert JSON Unicode...
+ s/\\u(\d{4})/chr(hex($1))/esog;
# Grab strings...
my @strings = /"((?:(?:\\[\"])|[^\"])*)"/sog;
# Replace with code...
s/"(?:(?:\\[\"])|[^\"])*"/ shift(\@strings) /sog;
+ # Perlify hash notation
s/:/ => /sog;
- if (1) {
- # handle class blessings
- s/\/\*--\s*S\w*?\s+\S+\s*--\*\// bless(/sog;
- s/\/\*--\s*E\w*?\s+(\S+)\s*--\*\// => _json_hint_to_class("$1")) /sog;
- } else {
- #why don't I work?!?!
- #my $string = $_;
- #for my $hint (values %{$_class_map{hints}}) {
- # $string =~ s/\/\*--\s*S\w*?\s+$$hint{hint_re}\s*--\*\// bless(/sog;
- # $string =~ s/\/\*--\s*E\w*?\s+$$hint{hint_re}\s*--\*\// => "$$hint{name}") /sog;
- #}
- #$_ = $string;
- #s/\/\*--\s*\w+\s+\S+\s*--\*\///sog;
- }
+ # handle class blessings
+ s/\/\*--\s*S\w*?\s+\S+\s*--\*\// bless(/sog;
+ s/\/\*--\s*E\w*?\s+(\S+)\s*--\*\// => _json_hint_to_class("$1")) /sog;
s/\b(-?\d+\.?\d*)\b/ JSON::number::new($1) /sog;
s/true/ bless( {}, "JSON::bool::true") /sog;
s/false/ bless( {}, "JSON::bool::false") /sog;
my $ret;
return eval '$ret = '.$_;
return undef;
- #$json =~ s/\/\/.+$//gmo; # remove C++ comments
$json =~ s/(?<!\\)\$/\\\$/gmo; # fixup $ for later
$json =~ s/(?<!\\)\@/\\\@/gmo; # fixup @ for later
$perl =~ s/\f/\\f/sgo;
$perl =~ s/\r/\\r/sgo;
$perl =~ s/\n/\\n/sgo;
+ $perl =~ s/(\pM)/sprintf('\u%0.4x',ord($1))/sgoe;
$output = '"'.$perl.'"';
my $output = '';
if (!defined($perl)) {
- $output = 'null';
+ $output = " "x$depth unless($nospace);
+ $output .= 'null';
} elsif (ref($perl) and ref($perl) =~ /^JSON/) {
+ $output = " "x$depth unless($nospace);
$output .= $perl;
} elsif ( ref($perl) && exists($_class_map{classes}{ref($perl)}) ) {
my @array = @$perl;
$output .= perl2prettyJSON(\@array,undef,1);
- #$output .= " "x$depth;
$output .= ' /*--E '.$_class_map{classes}{ref($perl)}{hint}.'--*/';
} elsif (ref($perl) and ref($perl) =~ /HASH/) {
- #$depth++;
$output .= " "x$depth unless ($nospace);
$output .= "{\n";
my $c = 0;
$output .= "\n";
$output .= " "x$depth;
$output .= '}';
- #$depth--;
} elsif (ref($perl) and ref($perl) =~ /ARRAY/) {
- #$depth++;
$output .= " "x$depth unless ($nospace);
$output .= "[\n";
my $c = 0;
$output .= "\n";
$output .= " "x$depth;
$output .= "]";
- #$depth--;
} else {
$perl =~ s/\\/\\\\/sgo;
$perl =~ s/"/\\"/sgo;
$perl =~ s/\f/\\f/sgo;
$perl =~ s/\r/\\r/sgo;
$perl =~ s/\n/\\n/sgo;
+ $perl =~ s/(\pM)/sprintf('\u%0.4x',ord($1))/sgoe;
$output .= " "x$depth unless($nospace);
$output .= '"'.$perl.'"';