a2dissite default # OPTIONAL: disable the default site (the "It Works" page)
a2ensite eg.conf
+8. (Ubuntu): As the *root* Linux account, enable Apache to write
+ to the lock directory; this is currently necessary because Apache
+ is running as the `opensrf` user:
+chown opensrf /var/lock/apache2
Configure OpenSRF for the Evergreen application
[source, bash]
-osrf_ctl.sh -l -a start_all
+osrf_control -l --start-all
- ** If you receive the error message `bash: osrf_ctl.sh: command not found`,
+ ** If you receive the error message `bash: osrf_control: command not found`,
then your environment variable `PATH` does not include the `/openils/bin`
directory; this should have been set in the *opensrf* Linux account's
`.bashrc` configuration file. To manually set the `PATH` variable, edit the