--- /dev/null
+<script type="text/javascript">
+ /* Checks to see if a given type of added content has data to show.
+ * The first arg to callback() is boolean indicating the presence of data */
+ function acIsAvailable(ident, type, callback) {
+ var url = '/opac/extras/ac/' + type + '/html/' + ident;
+ dojo.xhr('HEAD', {
+ url : url,
+ failOk : true, // http://bugs.dojotoolkit.org/ticket/11568
+ error : function(err) { callback(false, ident, type); },
+ load : function(result) { callback(true, ident, type); }
+ });
+ }
+ [%- # XXX revisit when ident=ctx.bre_id
+ ident = ctx.record_attrs.isbn_clean || ctx.record_attrs.upc;
+ IF ident;
+ FOR type IN ctx.added_content.keys;
+ IF ctx.added_content.$type.status == '3' # status unknown %]
+ dojo.addOnLoad(function() {
+ var ident = '[% ident %]';
+ var type = '[% type %]';
+ acIsAvailable(ident, type, function(avail, ident, type) {
+ if (avail) {
+ [% IF CGI.param('expand') == 'addedcontent' %]
+ // if the content is available, un-hide the tab
+ dojo.removeClass(dojo.byId('ac:' + type), 'hidden');
+ [% ELSE %]
+ // if no default type is selected on the main tab link
+ // set one here, since we have available content
+ var link = dojo.query('[name=addedcontent]')[0];
+ var href = link.getAttribute('href');
+ if (!href.match('[\&;]ac=')) {
+ href = href.replace('#addedcontent', ';ac=' + type + '#addedcontent');
+ dojo.attr(link, 'href', href);
+ dojo.attr(dojo.query('[name=addedcontent_lbl]')[0], 'href', href);
+ }
+ [% END %]
+ }
+ });
+ });
+ [% END; # IF status unknown
+ END;
+ END; # IF ident
+ %]
[% END; # use_autosuggest %]
-[% IF ctx.page == 'record' %]
-<script type="text/javascript">
- /* Checks to see if a given type of added content has data to show.
- * The first arg to callback() is boolean indicating the presence of data.
- */
- function acIsAvailable(ident, type, callback) {
- var url = '/opac/extras/ac/' + type + '/html/' + ident;
- dojo.xhr('HEAD', {
- url : url,
- failOk : true, // http://bugs.dojotoolkit.org/ticket/11568
- error : function(err) { callback(false, ident, type); },
- load : function(result) { callback(true, ident, type); }
- });
- }
- [%- # XXX revisit when ident=ctx.bre_id
- ident = ctx.record_attrs.isbn_clean || ctx.record_attrs.upc;
- IF ident;
- FOR type IN ctx.added_content.keys;
- IF ctx.added_content.$type.status == '3' # status unknown %]
- dojo.addOnLoad(function() {
- var ident = '[% ident %]';
- var type = '[% type %]';
- acIsAvailable(ident, type, function(avail, ident, type) {
- // if the content is available, un-hide the tab
- if (avail) dojo.removeClass(dojo.byId('ac:' + type), 'hidden');
- });
- });
- [% END; # IF status unknown
- END;
- END; # IF ident
- %]
-[% END; # page=record -%]
+[% INCLUDE "opac/parts/acjs.tt2" IF ctx.page == 'record' %]
[%- END; # want_dojo -%]
FOR type IN ctx.added_content.keys;
IF ctx.added_content.$type.status != '2'; # not available
hide_ac = 0;
+ END;
+ IF ctx.added_content.$type.status == '1';
SET default_ac = type UNLESS default_ac;
<a name='[% name %]' href='[% href %]'><img alt='[% extra.label %]' src='[% img_url %]'/></a>
- <a href='[% href %]' class="rdetail_extras_lbl">[% extra.label %]</a>
+ <a name='[% name %]_lbl' href='[% href %]' class="rdetail_extras_lbl">[% extra.label %]</a>
<div class='rdetail_extras_div'>