<div class="btn-group" dropdown is-open="gridRowCountIsOpen" ng-show="showPagination">
- <button type="button" title="[% ('Select Row Count') %]"
+ <button type="button" title="[% l('Select Row Count') %]"
class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle">
[% l('Rows [_1]', '{{limit()}}') %]
<span class="caret"></span>
+ <li ng-if="allowAll" >
+ <a href ng-click='offset(0);limit(10000);collect()'>[% l('All') %]</a>
+ </li>
<div class="btn-group" dropdown is-open="gridPageSelectIsOpen" ng-show="showPagination">
- <button type="button" title="[% ('Select Page') %]"
+ <button type="button" title="[% l('Select Page') %]"
class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle">
[% l('Page [_1]', '{{page()}}') %]
<span class="caret"></span>
// comma-separated list of supported or disabled grid features
// supported features:
// startSelected : init the grid with all rows selected by default
+ // allowAll : add an "All" option to row count (really 10000)
// -menu : don't show any menu buttons (or use space for them)
// -picker : don't show the column picker
// -pagination : don't show any pagination elements, and set
- // the limit to 1000
+ // the limit to 10000
// -actions : don't show the actions dropdown
// -index : don't show the row index column (can't use "index"
// as the idField in this case)
$scope.showIndex = (features.indexOf('-index') == -1);
+ $scope.allowAll = (features.indexOf('allowAll') > -1);
$scope.startSelected = $scope.selectAll = (features.indexOf('startSelected') > -1);
$scope.showActions = (features.indexOf('-actions') == -1);
$scope.showPagination = (features.indexOf('-pagination') == -1);