--- /dev/null
+-- SELECT evergreen.upgrade_deps_block_check('XXXX', :eg_version);
+UPDATE config.org_unit_setting_type
+SET datatype = 'link', fm_class = 'vms'
+WHERE name = 'vandelay.default_match_set'
+AND datatype = 'string'
+AND fm_class IS NULL;
+\echo Existing vandelay.default_match_set that do not
+\echo correspond to match sets
+SELECT aou.shortname, aous.value
+FROM actor.org_unit_setting aous
+JOIN actor.org_unit aou ON (aou.id = aous.org_unit)
+WHERE aous.name = 'vandelay.default_match_set'
+AND (
+ value !~ '^"[0-9]+"$'
+ OR
+ oils_json_to_text(aous.value)::INT NOT IN (
+ SELECT id FROM vandelay.match_set
+ )
+\echo And now deleting the bad values, as otherwise they
+\echo will break the Library Settings Editor.
+FROM actor.org_unit_setting aous
+WHERE aous.name = 'vandelay.default_match_set'
+AND (
+ value !~ '^"[0-9]+"$'
+ OR
+ oils_json_to_text(aous.value)::INT NOT IN (
+ SELECT id FROM vandelay.match_set
+ )