_Circulation -> Register Patron_ from the menu bar, or *shift + F1*. The Patron
Registration form will display.
-image::media/circulation_patron_records-4.png[circulation_patron_records 4]
+image::media/circulation_patron_records-4.png[Patron registration form]
Mandatory fields display in yellow.
* These may be configured in the _Statistical Categories Editor_ (_Admin ->
Local Admin -> Statistical Categories Editor_).
* Staff accounts may also function as patron accounts.
+* You must select a _Main (Profile) Permission Group_ before the _Update Expire
+Date_ button will work, since the permission group determines the expiration date.
Select _Edit_ from the options that display at the top of the patron record.
-image::media/circulation_patron_records-9.png[circulation_patron_records 9]
+image::media/circulation_patron_records-9.png[Patron edit with summary display]
Edit information as required. When finished, select _Save_. If you attempt to
close out of the patron account before the information is received, an alert
After selecting _Save_, the page will refresh. The edited information will be
reflected in the patron summary pane.
-NOTE: If collapsed, you will need to manually ``un-collapse'' this pane.
+* You can resize the patron summary pane, or collapse and expand it using
+the button on the right border of the pane.
+* To quickly renew an expired patron, click the _Update Expire Date_ button.
+You will need a _Main (Profile) Permission Group_ selected for this to work,
+since the permission group determines the expiration date.
Renewing Library Cards