--- /dev/null
+Running JavaScript tests
+These tests have been created using the
+http://dojotoolkit.org/reference-guide/util/doh.html[Dojo Objective Harness
+(DOH)] testing framework.
+To run these tests from the command line:
+ 1. Download and extract a Dojo Toolkit source tarball:
+wget http://download.dojotoolkit.org/release-1.6.0/dojo-release-1.6.0-src.tar.gz
+tar xzf dojo-release-1.6.0-src.tar.gz
+ 2. Copy the OpenSRF JavaScript directory into the Dojo source tree and move
+ the 'DojoSRF.js' file into place:
+cp -r src/javascript dojo-release-1.6.0-src/opensrf
+mv dojo-release-1.6.0-src/opensrf/DojoSRF.js dojo-release-1.6.0-src/.
+ 3. Run the tests from the Dojo 'util/doh' directory, specifying the OpenSRF
+ test module:
+cd dojo-release-1.6.0-src/util/doh
+sh runner.sh testModule=opensrf.tests.module
--- /dev/null
+doh.register("JSONTests", [
+ function test_version() {
+ doh.assertTrue(JSON_version() == 'wrapper');
+ },
+ function test_js2JSON() {
+ // Solo nulls and booleans are stringified XXX
+ doh.assertTrue(js2JSON(null) === "null");
+ doh.assertTrue(js2JSON(true) === "true");
+ doh.assertTrue(js2JSON(false) === "false");
+ doh.assertTrue(js2JSON(0) === 0);
+ doh.assertTrue(js2JSON(1.5) === 1.5);
+ doh.assertTrue(js2JSON(.7) === .7);
+ doh.assertTrue(js2JSON("") == '""');
+ doh.assertTrue(js2JSON("foo") == '"foo"');
+ // Escape sequences
+ doh.assertTrue(js2JSON("foo\n\t\n") == '"foo\\n\\t\\n"');
+ doh.assertTrue(js2JSON({"foo":"bar"}) == '{"foo":"bar"}');
+ doh.assertTrue(js2JSON({"foo":true}) == '{"foo":true}');
+ doh.assertTrue(js2JSON({"foo":0}) == '{"foo":0}');
+ doh.assertTrue(js2JSON([0,"foo",null,"true",true]) === '[0,"foo",null,"true",true]');
+ // Order of object attributes is not guaranteed
+ doh.assertTrue(js2JSON({"foo":{"one":null,"two":2}}) == '{"foo":{"two":2,"one":null}}');
+ },
+ function test_js2JSONRaw() {
+ // Solo nulls and booleans are stringified XXX
+ doh.assertTrue(js2JSONRaw(null) === "null");
+ doh.assertTrue(js2JSONRaw(true) === "true");
+ doh.assertTrue(js2JSONRaw(false) === "false");
+ doh.assertTrue(js2JSONRaw(0) === 0);
+ doh.assertTrue(js2JSONRaw(1.5) === 1.5);
+ doh.assertTrue(js2JSONRaw(.7) === .7);
+ doh.assertTrue(js2JSONRaw("") == '""');
+ doh.assertTrue(js2JSONRaw("foo") == '"foo"');
+ // Escape sequences
+ doh.assertTrue(js2JSONRaw("foo\n\t\n") == '"foo\\n\\t\\n"');
+ doh.assertTrue(js2JSONRaw({"foo":"bar"}) == '{"foo":"bar"}');
+ doh.assertTrue(js2JSONRaw({"foo":true}) == '{"foo":true}');
+ doh.assertTrue(js2JSONRaw({"foo":0}) == '{"foo":0}');
+ doh.assertTrue(js2JSONRaw([0,"foo",null,"true",true]) === '[0,"foo",null,"true",true]');
+ // Order of object attributes is not guaranteed
+ doh.assertTrue(js2JSONRaw({"foo":{"one":null,"two":2}}) == '{"foo":{"two":2,"one":null}}');
+ },
+ function test_JSON2js() {
+ // Standalone quoted nulls and booleans are converted to primitives
+ doh.assertTrue(JSON2js(null) === null);
+ doh.assertTrue(JSON2js("null") === null);
+ doh.assertTrue(JSON2js(true) === true);
+ doh.assertTrue(JSON2js("true") === true);
+ doh.assertTrue(JSON2js(false) === false);
+ doh.assertTrue(JSON2js("false") === false);
+ // Zero is zero and only zero
+ doh.assertTrue(JSON2js(0) === 0);
+ // Empty string
+ doh.assertTrue(JSON2js('""') === "");
+ // String
+ doh.assertTrue(JSON2js('"foo"') == "foo");
+ // Array; access an index
+ doh.assertTrue(JSON2js('[0,1,2,3,4,5]')[1] == 1);
+ // Object; access a key
+ doh.assertTrue(JSON2js('{"foo":"bar"}').foo == "bar");
+ doh.assertTrue(JSON2js('{"foo":{"two":2,"one":null}}').foo.one === null);
+ doh.assertTrue(JSON2js('{"foo":{"two":2,"one":"null"}}').foo.one === "null");
+ }