+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;use warnings;
-use OpenILS::System;
-use OpenILS::Utils::Config;
-use OpenILS::DomainObject::oilsMethod;
-use OpenILS::DomainObject::oilsPrimitive;
-use OpenILS::EX qw/:try/;
-$| = 1;
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Simple math shell where you can test the transport system.
-# Enter simple, binary equations ony using +, -, *, and /
-# Example: # 1+1
-# Usage: % perl math_shell.pl
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# load the config
-my $config = OpenILS::Utils::Config->current;
-# connect to the transport (jabber) server
-# build the AppSession object.
-my $session = OpenILS::AppSession->create(
- "math", username => 'math_bench', secret => '12345' );
-# launch the shell
-print "type 'exit' or 'quit' to leave the shell\n";
-print "# ";
-while( my $request = <> ) {
- chomp $request ;
- # exit loop if user enters 'exit' or 'quit'
- if( $request =~ /exit/i or $request =~ /quit/i ) { last; }
- # figure out what the user entered
- my( $a, $mname, $b ) = parse_request( $request );
- if( $a =~ /error/ ) {
- print "Parse Error. Try again. \nExample # 1+1\n";
- next;
- }
- try {
- # Connect to the MATH server
- if( ! ($session->connect()) ) { die "Connect timed out\n"; }
- } catch OpenILS::EX with {
- my $e = shift;
- die "* * Connection Failed with:\n$e";
- };
- my $method = OpenILS::DomainObject::oilsMethod->new( method => $mname );
- $method->params( $a, $b );
- my $req;
- my $resp;
- try {
- $req = $session->request( $method );
- # we know that this request only has a single reply
- # if your expecting a 'stream' of results, you can
- # do: while( $resp = $req->recv( timeout => 10 ) ) {}
- $resp = $req->recv( timeout => 10 );
- } catch OpenILS::EX with {
- # Any transport layer or server problems will launch an exception
- my $e = shift;
- die "ERROR Receiving\n $e";
- } catch Error with {
- # something just died somethere
- my $e = shift;
- die "Caught unknown error: $e";
- };
- if ( $resp ) {
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # $resp is an OpenILS::DomainObject::oilsResponse object. $resp->content() returns whatever
- # data the object has. If the server returns an exception that we're meant to see, then
- # the data will be an exception object. In this case, barring any exception, we know that
- # the data is an OpenILS::DomainObject::oilsScalar object which has a value() method
- # that returns a perl scalar. For us, that scalar is just a number.
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if( UNIVERSAL::isa( $resp, "OpenILS::EX" ) ) {
- throw $resp;
- }
- my $ret = $resp->content();
- print $ret->value();
- }
- $req->finish();
- print "\n# ";
-# disconnect from the MATH server
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# parse the user input string
-# returns a list of the form (first param, operation, second param)
-# These operations are what the MATH server recognizes as method names
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-sub parse_request {
- my $string = shift;
- my $op;
- my @ops;
- while( 1 ) {
- @ops = split( /\+/, $string );
- if( @ops > 1 ) { $op = "add"; last; }
- @ops = split( /\-/, $string );
- if( @ops > 1 ) { $op = "sub"; last; }
- @ops = split( /\*/, $string );
- if( @ops > 1 ) { $op = "mult", last; }
- @ops = split( /\//, $string );
- if( @ops > 1 ) { $op = "div"; last; }
- return ("error");
- }
- return ($ops[0], $op, $ops[1]);
+++ /dev/null
-#!/usr/bin/perl -w
-use strict;use warnings;
-use OpenILS::System;
-use OpenILS::Utils::Config;
-use OpenILS::DomainObject::oilsMethod;
-use OpenILS::DomainObject::oilsPrimitive;
-use OpenILS::EX qw/:try/;
-$| = 1;
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# This script makes a single query, 1 + 2, to the the MATH test app and prints the result
-# Usage: % perl math_simple.pl
-# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-# connect to the transport (jabber) server
-# build the AppSession object.
-my $session = OpenILS::AppSession->create(
- "math", username => 'math_bench', secret => '12345' );
-try {
- # Connect to the MATH server
- if( ! ($session->connect()) ) { die "Connect timed out\n"; }
-} catch OpenILS::EX with {
- my $e = shift;
- die "* * Connection Failed with:\n$e";
-my $method = OpenILS::DomainObject::oilsMethod->new( method => "add" );
-$method->params( 1, 2 );
-my $req;
-my $resp;
-try {
- $req = $session->request( $method );
- # we know that this request only has a single reply
- # if your expecting a 'stream' of results, you can
- # do: while( $resp = $req->recv( timeout => 10 ) ) {}
- $resp = $req->recv( timeout => 10 );
-} catch OpenILS::EX with {
- # Any transport layer or server problems will launch an exception
- my $e = shift;
- die "ERROR Receiving\n $e";
-} catch Error with {
- # something just died somethere
- my $e = shift;
- die "Caught unknown error: $e";
-if ( $resp ) {
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # $resp is an OpenILS::DomainObject::oilsResponse object. $resp->content() returns whatever
- # data the object has. If the server returns an exception that we're meant to see, then
- # the data will be an exception object. In this case, barring any exception, we know that
- # the data is an OpenILS::DomainObject::oilsScalar object which has a value() method
- # that returns a perl scalar. For us, that scalar is just a number.
- # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- if( UNIVERSAL::isa( $resp, "OpenILS::EX" ) ) {
- throw $resp;
- }
- my $ret = $resp->content();
- print "Should print 3 => " . $ret->value() . "\n";
-} else {
- die "No Response from Server!\n";
-# disconnect from the MATH server