+ method => "user_visible_circs",
+ api_name => "open-ils.actor.history.circ.visible",
+ stream => 1,
+ signature => {
+ desc => 'Returns the set of opt-in visible circulations accompanied by circulation chain summaries',
+ params => [
+ { desc => 'Authentication token', type => 'string'},
+ { desc => 'User ID. If no user id is present, the authenticated user is assumed', type => 'number' },
+ { desc => 'Options hash. Supported fields are "limit" and "offset"', type => 'object' },
+ ],
+ return => {
+ desc => q/An object with 2 fields: circulation and summary.
+ circulation is the "circ" object. summary is the related "accs" object/,
+ type => 'object',
+ }
+ }
+ method => "user_visible_circs",
+ api_name => "open-ils.actor.history.hold.visible",
+ stream => 1,
+ signature => {
+ desc => 'Returns the set of opt-in visible holds',
+ params => [
+ { desc => 'Authentication token', type => 'string'},
+ { desc => 'User ID. If no user id is present, the authenticated user is assumed', type => 'number' },
+ { desc => 'Options hash. Supported fields are "limit" and "offset"', type => 'object' },
+ ],
+ return => {
+ desc => q/An object with 1 field: "hold"/,
+ type => 'object',
+ }
+ }
+sub user_visible_circs {
+ my($self, $conn, $auth, $user_id, $options) = @_;
+ my $is_hold = ($self->api_name =~ /hold/);
+ my $e = new_editor(authtoken => $auth);
+ return $e->event unless $e->checkauth;
+ $user_id ||= $e->requestor->id;
+ $options ||= {};
+ $options->{limit} ||= 50;
+ $options->{offset} ||= 0;
+ if($user_id != $e->requestor->id) {
+ my $perm = ($is_hold) ? 'VIEW_HOLD' : 'VIEW_CIRCULATIONS';
+ my $user = $e->retrieve_actor_user($user_id) or return $e->event;
+ return $e->event unless $e->allowed($perm, $user->home_ou);
+ }
+ my $db_func = ($is_hold) ? 'action.usr_visible_holds' : 'action.usr_visible_circs';
+ my $data = $e->json_query({
+ from => [$db_func, $user_id],
+ limit => $$options{limit},
+ offset => $$options{offset}
+ # TODO: I only want IDs. code below didn't get me there
+ # {"select":{"au":[{"column":"id", "result_field":"id",
+ # "transform":"action.usr_visible_circs"}]}, "where":{"id":10}, "from":"au"}
+ });
+ foreach (@$data) {
+ my $id = $_->{id};
+ if($is_hold) {
+ $conn->respond({hold => $e->retrieve_action_hold_request($id)});
+ } else {
+ $conn->respond({
+ circ => $e->retrieve_action_circulation($id),
+ summary => $U->create_circ_chain_summary($e, $id)
+ });
+ }
+ }
+ return undef;