$scope.me = null;
$scope.content = null; // this is where context menus dump their values
$scope.item_container = [];
+ $scope.in_handler = false;
+ $scope.ready = false;
$scope.$watch('content', function (newVal, oldVal) {
var input = $($element).find('input');
$scope.$watch('record.ready', function (newVal, oldVal) { // wait for the record to be loaded
- if (newVal) {
+ if (newVal && !$scope.ready) {
$scope.rtype = $scope.record.recordType();
egTagTable.fetchFFPosTable( $scope.rtype ).then(function (ff_list) {
angular.forEach(ff_list, function (ff) {
if (!$scope.me) {
if (ff.fixed_field == $scope.fixedField && ff.rec_type == $scope.rtype) {
$scope.me = ff;
+ $scope.ready = true;
$($element).children().css({ display : 'inline' });
var input = $($element).find('input');
input.attr('maxlength', $scope.me.length);
input.on('keyup', function(e) {
+ $scope.in_handler = true;
$scope.record.setFixedField($scope.me.fixed_field, input.val());
try { $scope.$parent.$digest(); } catch(e) {};
+ return $scope.me;
+ }).then(function (me) {
+ if (me) {
+ $scope.$watch(
+ function() {
+ return $scope.record.extractFixedField($scope.fixedField);
+ },
+ function (newVal, oldVal) {
+ if ($scope.in_handler) {
+ $scope.in_handler = false;
+ } else if (oldVal != newVal) {
+ $($element).find('input').val(newVal);
+ }
+ }
+ );
+ }
}).then(function () {
return egTagTable.fetchFFValueTable( $scope.rtype );
}).then(function (vlist) {