-Auto Suggest in Catalog Search 2.2\r
+Auto Suggest in Catalog Search\r
The auto suggest feature suggestions for completing search terms as the user enters his search query. Ten suggestions are the default, but the number of suggestions is configurable at \r
the database level. Scroll through suggestions with your mouse, or use the arrow keys to scroll through the suggestions. Select a suggestion to view records that are linked to \r
. Click *Update Setting*.
-Target Copies for Holds at Closed Libraries 2.2
+Target Copies for Holds at Closed Libraries
By default, when a patron places a hold on a title, the hold targeter will search for copies to fill the hold only at circulating libraries that are open. Copies at closed libraries
are not targeted to fill holds. When turned on, this feature enables Evergreen to target copies that have closed circulating libraries to fill holds. Two new org unit settings control this feature.