+ checkout_is_for_hold
sub check_captured_holds {
- my $self = shift;
- my $copy = $self->copy;
- my $patron = $self->patron;
+ my $self = shift;
+ my $copy = $self->copy;
+ my $patron = $self->patron;
return undef unless $copy;
$logger->info("circulator: copy is on holds shelf, searching for the correct hold");
# Item is on the holds shelf, make sure it's going to the right person
- my $holds = $self->editor->search_action_hold_request(
+ my $hold = $self->editor->search_action_hold_request(
current_copy => $copy->id ,
{ limit => 1 }
- );
+ )->[0];
- if( $holds and $$holds[0] ) {
- return undef if $$holds[0]->usr == $patron->id;
+ if ($hold and $hold->usr == $patron->id) {
+ $self->checkout_is_for_hold(1);
+ return undef;
$logger->info("circulator: this copy is needed by a different patron to fulfill a hold");
my $results = $self->run_indb_circ_test;
unless($self->circ_test_success) {
- # no_item result is OK during noncat checkout
- unless(@$results == 1 && $results->[0]->{fail_part} eq 'no_item' and $self->is_noncat) {
- push @allevents, $self->matrix_test_result_events;
+ my @trimmed_results;
+ if ($self->is_noncat) {
+ # no_item result is OK during noncat checkout
+ @trimmed_results = grep { ($_->{fail_part} || '') ne 'no_item' } @$results;
+ }
+ if ($self->checkout_is_for_hold) {
+ # if this checkout will fulfill a hold, ignore CIRC blocks
+ # and rely instead on the (later-checked) FULFILL block
+ my @pen_names = grep {$_} map {$_->{fail_part}} @$results;
+ my $fblock_pens = $self->editor->search_config_standing_penalty(
+ {name => [@pen_names], block_list => {like => '%CIRC%'}});
+ for my $res (@$results) {
+ my $name = $res->{fail_part} || '';
+ next if grep {$_->name eq $name} @$fblock_pens or
+ ($self->is_noncat and $name eq 'no_item');
+ push(@trimmed_results, $res);
+ }
+ # update the final set of test results
+ $self->matrix_test_result(\@trimmed_results);
+ push @allevents, $self->matrix_test_result_events;
} else {
$penalties = $penalties->{fatal_penalties};
for my $pen (@$penalties) {
+ # CIRC blocks are ignored if this is a FULFILL scenario
+ next if $mask eq 'CIRC' and $self->checkout_is_for_hold;
my $event = OpenILS::Event->new($pen->name);
$event->{desc} = $pen->label;
push(@allevents, $event);
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# A hold FULFILL block is just like a CIRC block, except that FULFILL only
+# affects copies that will fulfill holds and CIRC affects all other copies.
+# If blocks exists, bail, push Events onto the event pile, and return true.
+# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+sub check_hold_fulfill_blocks {
+ my $self = shift;
+ # See if the user has any penalties applied that prevent hold fulfillment
+ my $pens = $self->editor->json_query({
+ select => {csp => ['name', 'label']},
+ from => {ausp => {csp => {}}},
+ where => {
+ '+ausp' => {
+ usr => $self->patron->id,
+ org_unit => $U->get_org_full_path($self->circ_lib),
+ '-or' => [
+ {stop_date => undef},
+ {stop_date => {'>' => 'now'}}
+ ]
+ },
+ '+csp' => {block_list => {'like' => '%FULFILL%'}}
+ }
+ });
+ return 0 unless @$pens;
+ for my $pen (@$pens) {
+ $logger->info("circulator: patron has hold FULFILL block " . $pen->{name});
+ my $event = OpenILS::Event->new($pen->{name});
+ $event->{desc} = $pen->{label};
+ $self->push_events($event);
+ }
+ $self->override_events;
+ return $self->bail_out;
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# When an item is checked out, see if we can fulfill a hold for this patron
$logger->info("circulator: found related hold to fulfill in checkout");
+ return if $self->check_hold_fulfill_blocks;
$logger->debug("circulator: checkout fulfilling hold " . $hold->id);
# if the hold was never officially captured, capture it.