# Don't wrap in l() here; do that where this format string is actually used.
SET HUMAN_NAME_FORMAT = '[_1] [_2] [_3] [_4] [_5]';
- # x and y are artifacts of using <input type="image" /> tags instead of
- # true submit buttons, and their values are never used. page is used, but
- # currently none of the use cases for rendering the query_string back
- # into page output call for propagating the value of the page variable.
- query_string = CGI.query_string |
- replace(';x=\d+','') | replace(';y=\d+','') | replace(';page=\d*', '') |
- replace(';', '&') | replace('&', '&');
- propagator = '?' _ query_string;
is_advanced = CGI.param("_adv").size;
is_special = CGI.param("_special").size;
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # mkurl()
+ # mkurl( destination_page, params_to_set, params_to_clear )
# Current page, updated params:
# mkurl('', {foo => 'bar', boo => 'baz'});
# New page, clear all existing params before applying new ones:
# mkurl('/fuz/buster', {foo => 'bar', boo => 'baz'}, 1);
- # Current page, clear the 'some_param' from the existing params:
+ # Current page, clear 'some_param' from the existing params:
# mkurl('', {foo => 'bar', boo => 'baz'}, ['some_param']);
MACRO mkurl(page, params, clear_params) BLOCK;
- # always remove these pesky artifacts
+ # x and y are artifacts of using <input type="image" /> tags
+ # instead of true submit buttons, and their values are never used.
cgi.delete('x', 'y');
# apply user params
FOR k IN params.keys;
encoded = [];
list = params.$k.0 ? params.$k : [params.$k];
- # CGI croaks on already-decoded strings. force-encode to be safe
+ # CGI croaks on already-decoded strings. force-encode to be safe.
FOR p IN list; encoded.push(ctx.encode_utf8(p)); END;
foo = cgi.param("-name", k, "-values", encoded);
+ # staying on the current page
cgi.url("-path" => 1, "-query" => 1);
[% class = 'search_page_nav_link';
href = '#';
IF page > 0;
- href = propagator _ '&page=' _ (page - 1);
+ href = mkurl('', {page => page - 1});
ELSE; class = class _ ' invisible'; END;
<a class='[% class %]' href='[% href %]'
[% class = 'search_page_nav_link';
href = '#';
IF (page + 1) < page_count;
- href = propagator _ '&page=' _ (page + 1);
+ href = mkurl('', {page => page + 1});
ELSE; class = class _ ' invisible'; END;
<a class='[% class %]' href='[% href %]'
<td class='result_table_pic_header' align='center'
width="78" nowrap="nowrap" valign="top">
[% ident = attrs.isbn_clean || attrs.upc; IF ident; %]
- <a href="[% ctx.opac_root %]/record/[% rec.id _ propagator %]"><img alt="[% l('Image of item') %]"
+ <a href="[% mkurl(ctx.opac_root _ '/record/' _ rec.id) %]"><img alt="[% l('Image of item') %]"
name='item_jacket' class='result_table_pic' width="55"
src='[% ctx.media_prefix %]/opac/extras/ac/jacket/small/[% ident %]' /></a><br />
[% END %]
<div class="bold">
<a title="[% attrs.title %]" name='item_title'
- href="[% ctx.opac_root %]/record/[% rec.id _ propagator %]"
+ href="[% mkurl(ctx.opac_root _ '/record/' _ rec.id) %]"
class='search_link'>[% attrs.title %]</a>
<div style="font-size:11px;">
<em><a title="[% l("Perform an Author Search") %]"
- href="[% ctx.opac_root %]/results?qtype=author&query=[%
- attrs.author | replace('[,\.:;]', '') | uri %]&loc=[% CGI.param('loc') | uri %]"
- class='search_link'>[% attrs.author %]</a></em>
+ href="[%-
+ authorquery = attrs.author | replace('[,\.:;]', '');
+ mkurl(ctx.opac_root _ '/results', {qtype => 'author', query => authorquery})
+ -%]">[% attrs.author | html_entity %]</a></em>
[% attrs.pubdate %]
<div style="width:250px;text-align:left;">
<div style="float:right;">
<div class="results_aux_utils opac-auto-010"><a
- href="[% ctx.opac_root %]/place_hold[% propagator; propagator.length > 1 ? "&" : ""; %]hold_target=[% rec.id %]&hold_type=T"
+ href="[% mkurl(ctx.opac_root _ '/place_hold', {hold_target => rec.id, hold_type => 'T'}) %]"
name="place_hold_link" class="no-dec"><img
src="[% ctx.media_prefix %]/images/green_check.png"
alt="[% l('Place hold') %]"/><span style="position:relative;top:-3px;left:3px;">[% l('Place Hold') %]</span></a>
<input type="hidden" name="record" value="[% rec.id %]" />
<div style="position:absolute;">
<div style="position:relative;top:5px; left: 25px;">
- <input type="submit" title="[% l(label _ ' my list') %]" value="[% l(label _ ' my list') %]" class="subtle-button" />
+ <input type="submit" title="[% l(label _ ' my list') %]"
+ value="[% l(label _ ' my list') %]" class="subtle-button" />
<input type="image"
alt="[% l(label _ ' my list') %]"
src="[% ctx.media_prefix %]/images/clipboard.png" />
- </form>
+ </form>
- <!-- <div style="padding-top:7px;" class="results_aux_utils">
- <a title="Reviews and More" target="_blank" class="no-dec"
- name="reviews_and_more" href="javascript:;"><img
- alt="[% l('Reviews and more') %]"
- src="[% ctx.media_prefix %]/images/starz.png" /> <span
- style="position:relative;top:-5px;">[% l('Reviews and More') %]</span></a>
- </div> -->