# Makefile to install prerequisites for OpenSRF and Evergreen
-# Currently supports Debian (squeeze), Ubuntu (10.04), Ubuntu (12.04) and
+# Currently supports Debian (wheezy, squeeze), Ubuntu (10.04), Ubuntu (12.04) and
# Fedora (16 and 17).
# Installs Perl prereqs, libjs with Perl wrapper, libdbi, libdbi-drivers, and libyaz
# usage:
+# make -f Makefile.install debian-wheezy
+# - or -
# make -f Makefile.install debian-squeeze
# - or -
# make -f Makefile.install ubuntu-lucid
# make -f Makefile.install fedora
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+# variables shared by all installers
# Make any assumptions about the shell being used explicit
+export SHELL=/bin/bash
+export LIBJS=js-1.7.0
+export LIBJS_PERL=JavaScript-SpiderMonkey-0.21
+export LIBJS_URL=http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/js/$(LIBJS).tar.gz
+export LIBJS_PERL_URL=http://mirror.datapipe.net/pub/CPAN/authors/id/T/TB/TBUSCH/$(LIBJS_PERL).tar.gz
# used for installing libjs lib and header files
+export JS_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/
+export LIBNET_Z3950_SIMPLESERVER=Net-Z3950-SimpleServer-1.15
+export LIBNET_Z3950_SIMPLESERVER_URL=http://ftp.indexdata.dk/pub/simpleserver/$(LIBNET_Z3950_SIMPLESERVER)
# The libdbi sources can be fetched from sourceforge.net. They are stored on
# the open-ils.org site now for ease of direct linking
-# We need a recent version of Yaz
-# Debian Lenny and Ubuntu 8.10 come with 3.0.34
-APT_TOOL=aptitude -yq
-APT_SAFE_TOOL=aptitude -P
-APT_BACKPORT_TOOL=aptitude -t squeeze-backports -yq
-# Fedora?
-FEDORA=$(shell uname -r | grep "\.fc[0-9][0-9]\.")
-# Fedora 64-bit?
-FEDORA_64=$(shell uname -r | grep "\.fc[0-9][0-9]\.x86_64")
-# Debian dependencies
-DEBS = \
- apache2-prefork-dev\
- aspell\
- aspell-en\
- check\
- libbusiness-creditcard-perl\
- libbusiness-onlinepayment-authorizenet-perl\
- libbusiness-onlinepayment-perl\
- libdatetime-format-builder-perl\
- libdatetime-format-iso8601-perl\
- libdatetime-format-mail-perl\
- libdatetime-perl\
- libdatetime-timezone-perl\
- libdatetime-set-perl\
- libdbd-pg-perl\
- libemail-send-perl\
- libemail-simple-perl\
- libgd-graph3d-perl\
- liblog-log4perl-perl\
- libmarc-record-perl\
- libncurses5-dev\
- libnet-ldap-perl \
- libnet-server-perl\
- libnet-ssh2-perl\
- libnspr4-dev\
- libole-storage-lite-perl\
- libspreadsheet-writeexcel-perl\
- libssh2-1-dev\
- libtest-warn-perl\
- libtext-aspell-perl\
- libtext-csv-perl\
- libuniversal-require-perl\
- libnet-ip-perl\
- liblocale-maketext-lexicon-perl\
- libunix-syslog-perl\
- libbz2-dev
-# Debian Lenny and Ubuntu Intrepid bundle recent versions of yaz
- libbusiness-isbn-perl\
- libbusiness-isbn-data-perl\
- libmarc-charset-perl \
- libmarc-xml-perl \
- libnet-z3950-zoom-perl \
- libyaz-dev \
- yaz
- libparent-perl \
- libuuid-tiny-perl
- libparent-perl
- libdbi-dev \
- libdbd-pgsql \
- libmarc-record-perl \
- libbusiness-edi-perl \
- liblibrary-callnumber-lc-perl \
- libsru-perl \
- libnet-z3950-simple2zoom-perl \
- libuuid-tiny-perl \
- libnet-https-any-perl \
- librpc-xml-perl
- aspell \
- aspell-en \
- bzip2-devel \
- check \
- check-devel \
- libdbi \
- libdbi-dbd-pgsql \
- libdbi-devel \
- libssh2-devel \
- libyaz \
- libyaz-devel \
- mingw32-nsiswrapper \
- mod_ssl \
- ncurses-devel \
- ncurses-libs \
- perl-parent \
- perl-Business-CreditCard \
- perl-Business-ISBN \
- perl-Business-ISBN-Data \
- perl-CPAN \
- perl-DBD-Pg \
- perl-Email-Send \
- perl-Email-Simple \
- perl-GDGraph3d \
- perl-JSON-XS \
- perl-LDAP \
- perl-Library-CallNumber-LC \
- perl-Locale-Codes \
- perl-MARC-Charset \
- perl-MARC-Record \
- perl-Net-IP \
- perl-Net-SSH2 \
- perl-OLE-Storage_Lite \
- perl-RPC-XML \
- perl-Spreadsheet-WriteExcel \
- perl-Test-Warn \
- perl-Text-Aspell \
- perl-Text-CSV \
- perl-Text-CSV_XS \
- perl-XML-Writer \
- postgresql-devel \
- readline-devel \
- tcp_wrappers-devel \
- wget \
- yaz
-# Note: B:O:AuthorizeNet 3.21 fails with https://rt.cpan.org/Public/Bug/Display.html?id=55172
-# Should be fixed in 3.22
-# MARC::Record 2.0.1+ is required but only 2.0.0 is packaged
- Business::OnlinePayment \
- Business::OnlinePayment::AuthorizeNet \
- Business::OnlinePayment::PayPal \
- MARC::File::XML \
- UUID::Tiny
-PGSQL_90_RPMS = \
- postgresql90 \
- postgresql90-contrib \
- postgresql90-devel \
- postgresql90-libs \
- postgresql90-plperl \
- postgresql90-server
- postgresql \
- postgresql-contrib \
- postgresql-libs \
- postgresql-plperl \
- postgresql-server
- libpq5 \
- libpq-dev \
- postgresql-client-9.0
- libpq5 \
- libpq-dev \
- postgresql-client-9.1
- postgresql-9.0 \
- postgresql-contrib-9.0 \
- postgresql-plperl-9.0 \
- postgresql-server-dev-9.0
- postgresql-9.1 \
- postgresql-contrib-9.1 \
- postgresql-plperl-9.1 \
- postgresql-server-dev-9.1
- expires\
- include\
- proxy\
- proxy_http\
- rewrite
- deflate
-# Chronically unpackaged CPAN modules
- Business::OnlinePayment::PayPal \
- Library::CallNumber::LC \
- Net::Z3950::Simple2ZOOM \
- Template::Plugin::POSIX \
- SRU \
- Rose::URI
-# More chronically unpackaged CPAN modules (available in Squeeze though)
- Business::CreditCard::Object \
- MARC::Record \
- Net::SSH2 \
- UUID::Tiny
-# Are we sure most distros don't come with an acceptable version of Safe.pm?
- Safe
-# Recent Debian/Ubuntus have libmarc-charset-perl, libmarc-xml-perl, libnet-z3950-zoom-perl
- Business::ISBN \
- Business::ISBN::Data \
- MARC::Charset \
- MARC::File::XML \
- Net::Z3950::ZOOM
- MARC::Record
- Class::DBI::Frozen::301
-# Debian Squeeze needs the following additional CPAN modules.
-# Lucid Lynx needs the following additional CPAN modules.
- Rose::URI \
-# Precise Pangolin needs the following CPAN modules. All others are
-# available as debs.
- Business::CreditCard::Object \
- Business::OnlinePayment::PayPal \
- Template::Plugin::POSIX \
- Rose::URI
+export LIBDBI=libdbi-0.8.3
+export LIBDBI_DRIVERS=libdbi-drivers-0.8.3
+export LIBDBI_HOST=http://open-ils.org/~denials/evergreen
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
- @echo "please specify an OS" && exit 0
-# these should be the same for any distro
-install: install_cpan install_js_sm install_cpan_force
-fedora: install_fedora_rpms install_cpan_fedora install_cpan_marc install
-debian-squeeze: squeeze generic_debian
-squeeze: install_pgsql_client_backport_debs_91 install_extra_debs_squeeze install_cpan_squeeze
-generic_debian: install_debs install_yaz test_for_libdbi_pkg install debian_sys_config install_libdbi
-# Needs for Ubuntu Lucid Lynx (10.04 LTS):
-ubuntu-lucid: lucid generic_ubuntu
-lucid: install_pgsql_client_debs_90 install_extra_debs_lucid \
- install_cpan_marc_record install_yaz install_cpan_more \
- install_cpan_safe install_cpan_lucid install test_for_libdbi_pkg \
- install_libdbi
-# Needs for Ubuntu Precise Pangolin (12.04 LTS):
-ubuntu-precise: precise generic_ubuntu
-precise: install_pgsql_client_debs_91 install_extra_debs_precise \
- install_cpan_precise install_js_sm install_cpan_force
+# avoid hard-coding the path to related makefiles
+DIR = $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))/install
-# We don't do the "install" target on generic_ubuntu because newer
-# Ubuntu releases, like newer Debian releases, include packages for
-# many of those prerequisites.
-generic_ubuntu: install_debs debian_sys_config
-# - COMMON TARGETS ---------------------------------------------------------
-# Install the CPAN modules
-install_cpan: install_net_z3950_simpleserver
- for m in $(CPAN_MODULES); do perl -MCPAN -e "install \"$$m\";"; done
- for m in $(CPAN_MODULES_MORE); do perl -MCPAN -e "install \"$$m\";"; done
-# Install the CPAN modules for MARC functionality
-install_cpan_marc: install_cpan_marc_record
- for m in $(CPAN_MODULES_MARC); do perl -MCPAN -e "install \"$$m\";"; done
- for m in $(CPAN_MODULES_MARC_RECORD); do perl -MCPAN -e "install \"$$m\";"; done
- for m in $(CPAN_MODULES_FORCE); do \
- echo "force install $$m" | perl -MCPAN -e shell ;\
- done
-# Install the Safe Perl module
-# Is this really unpackaged everywhere except for Fedora?
- for m in $(CPAN_MODULES_SAFE); do perl -MCPAN -e "install \"$$m\";"; done
-# Install the CPAN modules for Fedora
- for m in $(FEDORA_CPAN); do \
- echo "force install $$m" | perl -MCPAN -e shell;\
- done
-# Install the CPAN modules needed for Squeeze
- for m in $(CPAN_MODULES_SQUEEZE); do perl -MCPAN -e "install \"$$m\";"; done
-# Install the CPAN modules needed for Lucid
- for m in $(CPAN_MODULES_LUCID); do perl -MCPAN -e "install \"$$m\";"; done
-# Install the CPAN modules needed for Precise
- for m in $(CPAN_MODULES_PRECISE); do perl -MCPAN -e "install \"$$m\";"; done
-# Install a known working version of YAZ
- if [ ! -d $(YAZ) ]; then wget $(YAZ_HOST)/$(YAZ).tar.gz; fi;
- tar xzf $(YAZ).tar.gz
- cd $(YAZ) && ./configure && make && make install && ldconfig
-# Install the custom spidermonkey libs and JavaScript-SpiderMonkey Perl modules
-install_js_sm: install_libjs install_spidermonkey
- if [ ! -f $(LIBJS).tar.gz ]; then wget $(LIBJS_URL); fi;
- tar -zxf $(LIBJS).tar.gz
- cd js/src/ && JS_DIST=/usr make -f Makefile.ref
- mkdir -p $(JS_INSTALL_PREFIX)/include/js/
- cp js/src/*.h $(JS_INSTALL_PREFIX)/include/js/
- cp js/src/*.tbl $(JS_INSTALL_PREFIX)/include/js/
- if [ ! -z $(FEDORA_64) ]; then \
- cp js/src/Linux_All_DBG.OBJ/*.so $(JS_INSTALL_PREFIX)/lib64/ && \
- cp js/src/Linux_All_DBG.OBJ/*.a $(JS_INSTALL_PREFIX)/lib64/; \
- else \
- cp js/src/Linux_All_DBG.OBJ/*.so $(JS_INSTALL_PREFIX)/lib/ && \
- cp js/src/Linux_All_DBG.OBJ/*.a $(JS_INSTALL_PREFIX)/lib/; \
- fi;
- ldconfig
- if [ ! -f $(LIBJS_PERL).tar.gz ]; then wget $(LIBJS_PERL_URL); fi;
- tar -zxf $(LIBJS_PERL).tar.gz
- if [ ! -z $(FEDORA_64) ]; then \
- sed -i -e 's/"\/usr\/lib"/"\/usr\/lib64"/' $(LIBJS_PERL)/Makefile.PL ; \
- fi;
- if [ ! -z $(FEDORA) ]; then \
- sed -i -e 's/js32.dll/libjs.so/' $(LIBJS_PERL)/Makefile.PL ; \
- fi;
- cd $(LIBJS_PERL) && perl Makefile.PL -E4X && make && make test && make install
- if [ ! -f $(LIBNET_Z3950_SIMPLESERVER).tar.gz ]; then wget $(LIBNET_Z3950_SIMPLESERVER_URL).tar.gz; fi;
- tar -zxf $(LIBNET_Z3950_SIMPLESERVER).tar.gz
- cd $(LIBNET_Z3950_SIMPLESERVER) && perl Makefile.PL && make && make test && make install
-# On Ubuntu and possibly Debian, the libdbi0 package prevents the
-# compiled-from-source version from being used and breaks the install.
-# This package might get installed depending on the install-time choices
-# for the distro. Test for its existence; if it's there, throw an error
-# message and exit.
- @if [ "$$(apt-cache policy libdbi0 | grep Installed | grep none | wc -l)" -eq 0 ]; then \
- echo "*** Detected locally installed libdbi0 package; you must remove this"; \
- echo "*** with a command like 'aptitude remove libdbi0' before proceeding"; \
- echo "*** to successfully install Evergreen."; \
- echo; \
- echo "*** Note: this may break other applications on your system."; \
- exit 0; \
- fi;
-# Install libdbi and the postgres drivers
- if [ ! -d $(LIBDBI) ]; then wget $(LIBDBI_HOST)/$(LIBDBI).tar.gz; fi;
- if [ ! -d $(LIBDBI_DRIVERS) ]; then wget $(LIBDBI_HOST)/$(LIBDBI_DRIVERS).tar.gz; fi;
- tar -zxf $(LIBDBI).tar.gz
- tar -zxf $(LIBDBI_DRIVERS).tar.gz
- cd $(LIBDBI) && ./configure --disable-docs && make all install
- cd $(LIBDBI_DRIVERS) && ./configure \
- --disable-docs --with-pgsql --enable-libdbi && make all install
- make -C $(LIBDBI) clean
- make -C $(LIBDBI_DRIVERS) clean
- make -C $(LIBJS_PERL) clean
- make -f Makefile.ref -C js/src/ clean
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
-# - DEBIAN ---------------------------------------------------------
- # link the apache modules in
- for m in $(DEB_APACHE_MODS); do a2enmod $$m; done;
- # keep the bad apache modules away
- for m in $(DEB_APACHE_DISMODS); do a2dismod $$m; done;
- # refresh the dynamic library cache
- ldconfig
-# Install the debian-specific dependencies
- $(APT_TOOL) install $(DEBS)
- @if [ `$(APT_TOOL) versions libpq5 | grep ^i|sed 's/^i[ \t]*//'|cut -d. -f1` -eq 8 ]; \
- then \
- echo -e "libpq5 / libpq-dev are installed as part of OpenSRF (a dependency" \
- "of apache2-prefork-dev), but these are the 8.4 versions and they" \
- "conflict with the 9.0 versions - so remove them, install the pinned" \
- "backports of 9.0, then reinstall the apache2-prefork-dev package.\n\n" \
- "**WARNING**: Saying 'Yes' to this step will _remove_ any PostgreSQL" \
- "databases that might currently exist on this machine." && \
- $(APT_SAFE_TOOL) remove libpq5 libpq-dev ; \
- fi
- $(APT_TOOL) install apache2-prefork-dev
- @if [ `$(APT_TOOL) versions libpq5 | grep ^i|sed 's/^i[ \t]*//'|cut -d. -f1` -eq 8 ]; \
- then \
- echo -e "libpq5 / libpq-dev are installed as part of OpenSRF (a dependency" \
- "of apache2-prefork-dev), but these are the 8.4 versions and they" \
- "conflict with the 9.0 versions - so remove them, install the pinned" \
- "backports of 9.0, then reinstall the apache2-prefork-dev package.\n\n" \
- "**WARNING**: Saying 'Yes' to this step will _remove_ any PostgreSQL" \
- "databases that might currently exist on this machine." && \
- $(APT_SAFE_TOOL) remove libpq5 libpq-dev ; \
- fi
- $(APT_TOOL) install apache2-prefork-dev
- $(APT_TOOL) install $(PGSQL_CLIENT_DEBS_91)
- $(APT_TOOL) install $(PGSQL_SERVER_DEBS_91)
-# Install the debian-specific dependencies for more modern distros
-install_extra_debs_squeeze: install_extra_debs
-# Install dependencies for Ubuntu 10.04:
-install_extra_debs_lucid: install_extra_debs
-# Install dependencies for Ubuntu 12.04:
-install_extra_debs_precise: install_extra_debs
- $(APT_TOOL) install $(EXTRA_DEBS)
-# ------------------------------------------------------------------
- yum -y update
- yum -y install $(FEDORA_RPMS)
- yum -y install $(PGSQL_FEDORA_RPMS)
-# We need to add /usr/local/lib to the ldconfig list of directories on CentOS,
-# if it is not already there
- if [ "$$(ldconfig -v 2> /dev/null | grep '^/usr/local/lib' | wc -l)" -eq 0 ]; then \
- echo '/usr/local/lib' >> /etc/ld.so.conf.d/local.conf; \
- ldconfig; \
- fi;
+ @echo "please specify an OS" && exit 0
+ @make -f $(DIR)/Makefile.debian-wheezy
+ @make -f $(DIR)/Makefile.debian-squeeze
+ @make -f $(DIR)/Makefile.ubuntu-lucid
+ @make -f $(DIR)/Makefile.ubuntu-precise
+ @make -f $(DIR)/Makefile.fedora
# vim:noet:sw=4:ts=4:
--- /dev/null
+# install files for Debian Squeeze
+DIR = $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
+APT_BACKPORT_TOOL = aptitude -t squeeze-backports -yq
+APT_SAFE_TOOL = aptitude -P
+export DEBS = \
+ apache2-prefork-dev\
+ aspell\
+ aspell-en\
+ libbusiness-creditcard-perl\
+ libbusiness-isbn-data-perl\
+ libbusiness-isbn-perl\
+ libbusiness-onlinepayment-authorizenet-perl\
+ libbusiness-onlinepayment-perl\
+ libdatetime-format-builder-perl\
+ libdatetime-format-iso8601-perl\
+ libdatetime-format-mail-perl\
+ libdatetime-perl\
+ libdatetime-set-perl\
+ libdatetime-timezone-perl\
+ libdbd-pg-perl\
+ libemail-send-perl\
+ libemail-simple-perl\
+ libgd-graph3d-perl\
+ liblocale-maketext-lexicon-perl\
+ liblog-log4perl-perl\
+ libmarc-charset-perl \
+ libmarc-record-perl\
+ libmarc-xml-perl \
+ libncurses5-dev\
+ libnet-ip-perl\
+ libnet-ldap-perl \
+ libnet-server-perl\
+ libnet-ssh2-perl\
+ libnet-z3950-zoom-perl \
+ libnspr4-dev\
+ libole-storage-lite-perl\
+ libparent-perl\
+ libspreadsheet-writeexcel-perl\
+ libssh2-1-dev\
+ libtext-aspell-perl\
+ libtext-csv-perl\
+ libuniversal-require-perl\
+ libunix-syslog-perl\
+ libuuid-tiny-perl\
+ libyaz-dev\
+ yaz
+export DEB_APACHE_MODS = \
+ expires\
+ include\
+ proxy\
+ proxy_http\
+ rewrite
+ deflate
+export CPAN_MODULES = \
+ Business::OnlinePayment::PayPal \
+ Library::CallNumber::LC \
+ Net::Z3950::Simple2ZOOM \
+ RPC::XML \
+ Template::Plugin::POSIX \
+ SRU \
+ Rose::URI \
+ Safe
+ Class::DBI::Frozen::301
+ postgresql-9.1 \
+ postgresql-contrib-9.1 \
+ postgresql-plperl-9.1 \
+ postgresql-server-dev-9.1
+ libpq5 \
+ libpq-dev \
+ postgresql-client-9.1
+ make -f $(DIR)/Makefile.debian install_debs
+ make -f $(DIR)/Makefile.debian test_for_libdbi_pkg
+ make -f $(DIR)/Makefile.common install_net_z3950_simpleserver
+ make -f $(DIR)/Makefile.common install_cpan
+ make -f $(DIR)/Makefile.common install_cpan_force
+ make -f $(DIR)/Makefile.debian install_js_sm
+ make -f $(DIR)/Makefile.debian debian_sys_config
+ @if [ `$(APT_TOOL) versions libpq5 | grep ^i|sed 's/^i[ \t]*//'|cut -d. -f1` -eq 8 ]; \
+ then \
+ echo -e "libpq5 / libpq-dev are installed as part of OpenSRF (a dependency" \
+ "of apache2-prefork-dev), but these are the 8.4 versions and they" \
+ "conflict with the 9.1 versions - so remove them, install the pinned" \
+ "backports of 9.1, then reinstall the apache2-prefork-dev package.\n\n" \
+ "**WARNING**: Saying 'Yes' to this step will _remove_ any PostgreSQL" \
+ "databases that might currently exist on this machine." && \
+ $(APT_SAFE_TOOL) remove libpq5 libpq-dev ; \
+ fi
+ $(APT_TOOL) install apache2-prefork-dev
+ make -f $(DIR)/Makefile.common clean
+ make -f $(DIR)/Makefile.debian clean
+# vim:noet:sw=4:ts=4: