--- /dev/null
+use Test::More tests => 55;
+diag('Item price vs cost settings');
+use constant WORKSTATION_NAME => 'BR1-test-33-lp1905028-price-vs-cost.t';
+use constant WORKSTATION_LIB => 4;
+use strict; use warnings;
+use OpenILS::Utils::TestUtils;
+use OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor qw/:funcs/;
+use OpenILS::Utils::Fieldmapper;
+use OpenILS::Const qw(:const);
+use OpenILS::Application::AppUtils;
+our $U = 'OpenILS::Application::AppUtils';
+our $script = OpenILS::Utils::TestUtils->new();
+our $e = new_editor(xact => 1);
+delete_setting(1, OILS_SETTING_DEF_ITEM_PRICE);
+delete_setting(1, OILS_SETTING_MIN_ITEM_PRICE);
+delete_setting(1, OILS_SETTING_MAX_ITEM_PRICE);
+$e->commit; $e = new_editor(xact => 1); $e->init;
+my $def_price;
+my $min_price;
+my $max_price;
+my $charge_on_0;
+my $primary_field;
+my $backup_field;
+my $price;
+my $cost;
+my $value;
+my $copy = $e->search_asset_copy([{ id => 404 }, {} ])->[0];
+is($value, 0, 'no settings, price = undef, cost = undef, value = 0');
+is($value, 0, 'no settings, price = 0, cost = undef, value = 0');
+is($value, 2, 'no settings, price = 2, cost = undef, value = 2');
+is($value, 0, 'no settings, price = undef, cost = 0, value = 0');
+is($value, 0, 'no settings, price = 0, cost = 0, value = 0');
+is($value, 2, 'no settings, price = 2, cost = 0, value = 2');
+is($value, 0, 'no settings, price = undef, cost = 3, value = 0');
+is($value, 0, 'no settings, price = 0, cost = 3, value = 0');
+is($value, 2, 'no settings, price = 2, cost = 3, value = 2');
+adjust_setting(1, OILS_SETTING_DEF_ITEM_PRICE, 4);
+$e->commit; $e = new_editor(xact => 1); $e->init;
+is($value, 4, 'def item price = 4, price = undef, cost = undef, value = 4');
+is($value, 0, 'def item price = 4, price = 0, cost = undef, value = 0');
+is($value, 2, 'def item price = 4, price = 2, cost = undef, value = 2');
+is($value, 4, 'def item price = 4, price = undef, cost = 0, value = 4');
+is($value, 0, 'def item price = 4, price = 0, cost = 0, value = 0');
+is($value, 2, 'def item price = 4, price = 2, cost = 0, value = 2');
+is($value, 4, 'def item price = 4, price = undef, cost = 3, value = 4');
+is($value, 0, 'def item price = 4, price = 0, cost = 3, value = 0');
+is($value, 2, 'def item price = 4, price = 2, cost = 3, value = 2');
+delete_setting(1, OILS_SETTING_DEF_ITEM_PRICE);
+$e->commit; $e = new_editor(xact => 1); $e->init;
+adjust_setting(1, OILS_SETTING_PRIMARY_ITEM_VALUE_FIELD, '"cost"');
+$e->commit; $e = new_editor(xact => 1); $e->init;
+is($value, 0, 'primary = cost, price = undef, cost = undef, value = 0');
+is($value, 0, 'primary = cost, price = 0, cost = undef, value = 0');
+is($value, 0, 'primary = cost, price = 2, cost = undef, value = 0');
+is($value, 0, 'primary = cost, price = undef, cost = 0, value = 0');
+is($value, 0, 'primary = cost, price = 0, cost = 0, value = 0');
+is($value, 0, 'primary = cost, price = 2, cost = 0, value = 0');
+is($value, 3, 'primary = cost, price = undef, cost = 3, value = 3');
+is($value, 3, 'primary = cost, price = 0, cost = 3, value = 3');
+is($value, 3, 'primary = cost, price = 2, cost = 3, value = 3');
+adjust_setting(1, OILS_SETTING_DEF_ITEM_PRICE, 4);
+$e->commit; $e = new_editor(xact => 1); $e->init;
+adjust_setting(1, OILS_SETTING_PRIMARY_ITEM_VALUE_FIELD, '"cost"');
+$e->commit; $e = new_editor(xact => 1); $e->init;
+is($value, 4, 'def item price = 4, primary = cost, price = undef, cost = undef, value = 4');
+is($value, 4, 'def item price = 4, primary = cost, price = 0, cost = undef, value = 4');
+is($value, 4, 'def item price = 4, primary = cost, price = 2, cost = undef, value = 4');
+is($value, 0, 'def item price = 4, primary = cost, price = undef, cost = 0, value = 0');
+is($value, 0, 'def item price = 4, primary = cost, price = 0, cost = 0, value = 0');
+is($value, 0, 'def item price = 4, primary = cost, price = 2, cost = 0, value = 0');
+is($value, 3, 'def item price = 4, primary = cost, price = undef, cost = 3, value = 3');
+is($value, 3, 'def item price = 4, primary = cost, price = 0, cost = 3, value = 3');
+is($value, 3, 'def item price = 4, primary = cost, price = 2, cost = 3, value = 3');
+adjust_setting(1, OILS_SETTING_DEF_ITEM_PRICE, 4);
+$e->commit; $e = new_editor(xact => 1); $e->init;
+adjust_setting(1, OILS_SETTING_PRIMARY_ITEM_VALUE_FIELD, '"cost"');
+$e->commit; $e = new_editor(xact => 1); $e->init;
+adjust_setting(1, OILS_SETTING_SECONDARY_ITEM_VALUE_FIELD, '"price"');
+$e->commit; $e = new_editor(xact => 1); $e->init;
+is($value, 4, 'def item price = 4, primary = cost, secondary = price, price = undef, cost = undef, value = 4');
+is($value, 0, 'def item price = 4, primary = cost, secondary = price, price = 0, cost = undef, value = 0');
+is($value, 2, 'def item price = 4, primary = cost, secondary = price, price = 2, cost = undef, value = 2');
+is($value, 0, 'def item price = 4, primary = cost, secondary = price, price = undef, cost = 0, value = 0');
+is($value, 0, 'def item price = 4, primary = cost, secondary = price, price = 0, cost = 0, value = 0');
+is($value, 0, 'def item price = 4, primary = cost, secondary = price, price = 2, cost = 0, value = 0');
+is($value, 3, 'def item price = 4, primary = cost, secondary = price, price = undef, cost = 3, value = 3');
+is($value, 3, 'def item price = 4, primary = cost, secondary = price, price = 0, cost = 3, value = 3');
+is($value, 3, 'def item price = 4, primary = cost, secondary = price, price = 2, cost = 3, value = 3');
+adjust_setting(1, OILS_SETTING_DEF_ITEM_PRICE, 4);
+$e->commit; $e = new_editor(xact => 1); $e->init;
+adjust_setting(1, OILS_SETTING_PRIMARY_ITEM_VALUE_FIELD, '"cost"');
+$e->commit; $e = new_editor(xact => 1); $e->init;
+adjust_setting(1, OILS_SETTING_SECONDARY_ITEM_VALUE_FIELD, '"price"');
+$e->commit; $e = new_editor(xact => 1); $e->init;
+adjust_setting(1, OILS_SETTING_CHARGE_LOST_ON_ZERO, '"true"');
+$e->commit; $e = new_editor(xact => 1); $e->init;
+is($value, 4, 'charge_on_zero = true, def item price = 4, primary = cost, secondary = price, price = undef, cost = undef, value = 4');
+is($value, 4, 'charge_on_zero = true, def item price = 4, primary = cost, secondary = price, price = 0, cost = undef, value = 4');
+is($value, 2, 'charge_on_zero = true, def item price = 4, primary = cost, secondary = price, price = 2, cost = undef, value = 2');
+is($value, 4, 'charge_on_zero = true, def item price = 4, primary = cost, secondary = price, price = undef, cost = 0, value = 4');
+is($value, 4, 'charge_on_zero = true, def item price = 4, primary = cost, secondary = price, price = 0, cost = 0, value = 4');
+is($value, 2, 'charge_on_zero = true, def item price = 4, primary = cost, secondary = price, price = 2, cost = 0, value = 2');
+is($value, 3, 'charge_on_zero = true, def item price = 4, primary = cost, secondary = price, price = undef, cost = 3, value = 3');
+is($value, 3, 'charge_on_zero = true, def item price = 4, primary = cost, secondary = price, price = 0, cost = 3, value = 3');
+is($value, 3, 'charge_on_zero = true, def item price = 4, primary = cost, secondary = price, price = 2, cost = 3, value = 3');
+sub delete_setting {
+ my ($org, $setting) = (shift, shift);
+ my $obj = $e->search_actor_org_unit_setting([{ org_unit => $org, name => $setting }, {} ])->[0];
+ if (defined $obj) {
+ $e->delete_actor_org_unit_setting($obj);
+ }
+sub adjust_setting {
+ my ($org, $setting, $value) = (shift, shift, shift);
+ my $obj = $e->search_actor_org_unit_setting([{ org_unit => $org, name => $setting }, {} ])->[0];
+ my $update = defined $obj;
+ $obj = Fieldmapper::actor::org_unit_setting->new unless $update;
+ $obj->org_unit($org);
+ $obj->name($setting);
+ $obj->value($value);
+ return $update ? $e->update_actor_org_unit_setting($obj) : $e->create_actor_org_unit_setting($obj);
+sub fetchSettings {
+ $def_price = $U->ou_ancestor_setting_value(1, OILS_SETTING_DEF_ITEM_PRICE, $e);
+ $min_price = $U->ou_ancestor_setting_value(1, OILS_SETTING_MIN_ITEM_PRICE, $e);
+ $max_price = $U->ou_ancestor_setting_value(1, OILS_SETTING_MAX_ITEM_PRICE, $e);
+ $charge_on_0 = $U->ou_ancestor_setting_value(1, OILS_SETTING_CHARGE_LOST_ON_ZERO, $e);
+ $primary_field = $U->ou_ancestor_setting_value(1, OILS_SETTING_PRIMARY_ITEM_VALUE_FIELD, $e);
+ $backup_field = $U->ou_ancestor_setting_value(1, OILS_SETTING_SECONDARY_ITEM_VALUE_FIELD, $e);
+ $def_price = defined $def_price ? $def_price : '';
+ $min_price = defined $min_price ? $min_price : '';
+ $max_price = defined $max_price ? $max_price : '';
+ $charge_on_0 = defined $charge_on_0 ? $charge_on_0 : '';
+ $primary_field = defined $primary_field ? $primary_field : '';
+ $backup_field = defined $backup_field ? $backup_field : '';
+ diag("def_price = $def_price charge_on_0 = $charge_on_0 primary_field = $primary_field backup_field = $backup_field");
+sub summarize {
+ $value = $U->get_copy_price($e, $copy, $copy->call_number);
+ $value = length $value ? $value : '';
+ $price = length $copy->price ? $copy->price : '';
+ $cost = length $copy->cost ? $copy->cost : '';
+ #diag("Using settings -> def_price: $def_price min_price: $min_price max_price: $max_price charge_on_0: $charge_on_0 primary: $primary_field backup: $backup_field");
+ #diag("Using copy " . $copy->id . " -> price: $price cost: $cost value: $value");
+sub setupLogin {
+ my $workstation = $e->search_actor_workstation([ {name => WORKSTATION_NAME, owning_lib => WORKSTATION_LIB } ])->[0];
+ if(!$workstation )
+ {
+ $script->authenticate({
+ username => 'admin',
+ password => 'demo123',
+ type => 'staff'});
+ ok( $script->authtoken, 'Have an authtoken');
+ my $ws = $script->register_workstation(WORKSTATION_NAME,WORKSTATION_LIB);
+ ok( ! ref $ws, 'Registered a new workstation');
+ $script->logout();
+ }
+ $script->authenticate({
+ username => 'admin',
+ password => 'demo123',
+ type => 'staff',
+ workstation => WORKSTATION_NAME});
+ ok( $script->authtoken, 'Have an authtoken associated with the workstation');