--- /dev/null
+import os, time, md5, random
+from mod_python import apache, util
+import osrf.cache
+from osrf.system import osrfConnect
+from osrf.json import osrfJSONToObject
+from osrf.conf import osrfConfigValue
+from osrf.set import osrfSettingsValue
+from osrf.const import *
+from osrf.net import *
+Proof of concept OpenSRF-HTTP multipart streaming gateway.
+Example Apache mod_python config:
+<Location /osrf-http-translator>
+ SetHandler mod_python
+ PythonPath "['/path/to/translator-dir'] + sys.path"
+ PythonHandler osrf.http_translator
+ PythonOption OSRF_CONFIG /path/to/opensrf_core.xml
+ PythonOption OSRF_CONFIG_CONTEXT gateway
+ # testing only
+ PythonAutoReload On
+MULTIPART_CONTENT_TYPE = 'multipart/x-mixed-replace;boundary="%s"'
+JSON_CONTENT_TYPE = 'text/plain';
+# If true, all data sent to the client is also written to stderr (apache error log)
+def _dbg(s):
+ ''' testing only '''
+ sys.stderr.write("%s\n\n" % str(s))
+ sys.stderr.flush()
+initComplete = False
+def childInit(req):
+ ''' At time of writing, mod_python doesn't support a childInit handler,
+ so this function is called once per process to initialize
+ the opensrf connection '''
+ global initComplete, ROUTER_NAME, OSRF_DOMAIN
+ if initComplete:
+ return
+ ops = req.get_options()
+ conf = ops['OSRF_CONFIG']
+ ctxt = ops.get('OSRF_CONFIG_CONTEXT') or 'opensrf'
+ osrfConnect(conf, ctxt)
+ ROUTER_NAME = osrfConfigValue('router_name')
+ OSRF_DOMAIN = osrfConfigValue('domains.domain')
+ initComplete = True
+ servers = osrfSettingsValue('cache.global.servers.server')
+ if not isinstance(servers, list):
+ servers = [servers]
+ osrf.cache.CacheClient.connect(servers)
+def handler(req):
+ ''' Create the translator and tell it to process the request. '''
+ childInit(req)
+ return HTTPTranslator(req).process()
+class HTTPTranslator(object):
+ def __init__(self, apreq):
+ self.apreq = apreq
+ if apreq.header_only:
+ return
+ try:
+ post = util.parse_qsl(apreq.read(int(apreq.headers_in['Content-length'])))
+ self.body = [d for d in post if d[0] == 'osrf-msg'][0][1]
+ except:
+ self.body = None
+ return
+ self.messages = []
+ self.complete = False
+ self.handle = osrfGetNetworkHandle()
+ self.handle.setRecvCallback(None)
+ self.to = apreq.headers_in.get(OSRF_HTTP_HEADER_TO)
+ self.service = apreq.headers_in.get(OSRF_HTTP_HEADER_SERVICE)
+ self.thread = apreq.headers_in.get(OSRF_HTTP_HEADER_THREAD) or "%s%s" % (os.getpid(), time.time())
+ self.timeout = apreq.headers_in.get(OSRF_HTTP_HEADER_TIMEOUT) or 1200
+ self.multipart = str(apreq.headers_in.get(OSRF_HTTP_HEADER_MULTIPART)).lower() == 'true'
+ # generate a random multipart delimiter
+ m = md5.new()
+ m.update("%f%d%d" % (time.time(), os.getpid(), random.randint(100,10000000)))
+ self.delim = m.hexdigest()
+ self.remoteHost = self.apreq.get_remote_host(apache.REMOTE_NOLOOKUP)
+ self.cache = osrf.cache.CacheClient()
+ def process(self):
+ if self.apreq.header_only:
+ return apache.OK
+ if not self.body:
+ return apache.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST
+ if not self.setToAddr():
+ return apache.HTTP_BAD_REQUEST
+ while self.handle.recv(0):
+ pass # drop stale messages
+ netMsg = osrfNetworkMessage(to=self.to, thread=self.thread, body=self.body)
+ self.handle.send(netMsg)
+ firstWrite = True
+ while not self.complete:
+ netMsg = self.handle.recv(self.timeout)
+ if not netMsg:
+ return apache.GATEWAY_TIME_OUT
+ if not self.checkStatus(netMsg):
+ continue
+ if firstWrite:
+ self.initHeaders(netMsg)
+ firstWrite = False
+ if self.multipart:
+ self.respondChunk(netMsg)
+ else:
+ self.messages.append(netMsg.body)
+ if self.complete:
+ # condense the sets of arrays into a single array of messages
+ json = self.messages.pop(0)
+ while len(self.messages) > 0:
+ m = self.messages.pop(0)
+ json = "%s,%s" % (json[0:len(json)-1], m[1:])
+ self.write("%s" % json)
+ return apache.OK
+ def setToAddr(self):
+ ''' Determines the TO address. Returns false if
+ the address is missing or ambiguous. '''
+ if self.service:
+ if self.to:
+ # specifying both a SERVICE and a TO is not allowed
+ return False
+ self.to = "%s@%s/%s" % (ROUTER_NAME, OSRF_DOMAIN, self.service)
+ return True
+ else:
+ if self.to:
+ # If the client specifies a specific TO address, verify it's the same
+ # address that was cached with the previous request.
+ obj = self.cache.get(self.thread)
+ if obj and obj['ip'] == self.remoteHost and obj['jid'] == self.to:
+ return True
+ return False
+ def initHeaders(self, netMsg):
+ self.apreq.headers_out[OSRF_HTTP_HEADER_FROM] = netMsg.sender
+ if self.multipart:
+ self.apreq.content_type = MULTIPART_CONTENT_TYPE % self.delim
+ self.write("--%s\n" % self.delim)
+ else:
+ self.apreq.content_type = JSON_CONTENT_TYPE
+ self.cache.put(self.thread, {'ip':self.remoteHost, 'jid': netMsg.sender}, CACHE_TIME)
+ def checkStatus(self, netMsg):
+ ''' Checks the status of the server response.
+ If we received a timeout message, we drop it.
+ if it's any other non-continue status, we mark this session as
+ complete and carry on.
+ @return False if there is no data to return to the caller
+ (dropped message, eg. timeout), True otherwise '''
+ osrfMsgs = osrfJSONToObject(netMsg.body)
+ lastMsg = osrfMsgs.pop()
+ if lastMsg.type() == OSRF_MESSAGE_TYPE_STATUS:
+ code = int(lastMsg.payload().statusCode())
+ # remove any existing thread cache for this session and drop the message
+ self.cache.delete(netMsg.thread)
+ return False
+ self.complete = True
+ return True
+ def respondChunk(self, resp):
+ ''' Writes a single multipart-delimited chunk of data '''
+ self.write("Content-type: %s\n\n" % JSON_CONTENT_TYPE)
+ self.write("%s\n\n" % resp.body)
+ if self.complete:
+ self.write("--%s--\n" % self.delim)
+ else:
+ self.write("--%s\n" % self.delim)
+ self.apreq.flush()
+ def write(self, msg):
+ ''' Writes data to the client stream. '''
+ sys.stderr.write(msg)
+ sys.stderr.flush()
+ self.apreq.write(msg)