+++ /dev/null
-;(function () {
- 'use strict'
- var article = document.querySelector('article.doc')
- var toolbar = document.querySelector('.toolbar')
- function decodeFragment (hash) {
- return hash && (~hash.indexOf('%') ? decodeURIComponent(hash) : hash).slice(1)
- }
- function computePosition (el, sum) {
- if (article.contains(el)) {
- return computePosition(el.offsetParent, el.offsetTop + sum)
- } else {
- return sum
- }
- }
- function jumpToAnchor (e) {
- if (e) {
- window.location.hash = '#' + this.id
- e.preventDefault()
- }
- window.scrollTo(0, computePosition(this, 0) - toolbar.getBoundingClientRect().bottom)
- }
- window.addEventListener('load', function jumpOnLoad (e) {
- var fragment, target
- if ((fragment = decodeFragment(window.location.hash)) && (target = document.getElementById(fragment))) {
- jumpToAnchor.bind(target)()
- setTimeout(jumpToAnchor.bind(target), 0)
- }
- window.removeEventListener('load', jumpOnLoad)
- })
- Array.prototype.slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('a[href^="#"]')).forEach(function (el) {
- var fragment, target
- if ((fragment = decodeFragment(el.hash)) && (target = document.getElementById(fragment))) {
- el.addEventListener('click', jumpToAnchor.bind(target))
- }
- })
--- /dev/null
+/* Copyright (c) 2018 OpenDevise Inc. and individual contributors.
+ *
+ * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
+ * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
+ * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
+ */
+;(function () {
+ 'use strict'
+ var sidebar = document.querySelector('aside.toc.sidebar')
+ if (!sidebar) return
+ var doc
+ var headings
+ if (
+ document.querySelector('.body.-toc') ||
+ !(headings = find('h1[id].sect0, .sect1 > h2[id]', (doc = document.querySelector('article.doc')))).length
+ ) {
+ sidebar.parentNode.removeChild(sidebar)
+ return
+ }
+ var lastActiveFragment
+ var links = {}
+ var menu
+ var list = headings.reduce(function (accum, heading) {
+ var link = toArray(heading.childNodes).reduce(function (target, child) {
+ if (child.nodeName !== 'A') target.appendChild(child.cloneNode(true))
+ return target
+ }, document.createElement('a'))
+ links[(link.href = '#' + heading.id)] = link
+ var listItem = document.createElement('li')
+ listItem.appendChild(link)
+ accum.appendChild(listItem)
+ return accum
+ }, document.createElement('ul'))
+ if (!(menu = sidebar && sidebar.querySelector('.toc-menu'))) {
+ menu = document.createElement('div')
+ menu.className = 'toc-menu'
+ }
+ var title = document.createElement('h3')
+ title.textContent = 'On This Page'
+ menu.appendChild(title)
+ menu.appendChild(list)
+ if (sidebar) {
+ window.addEventListener('load', function () {
+ onScroll()
+ window.addEventListener('scroll', onScroll)
+ })
+ }
+ var startOfContent = doc.querySelector('h1.page ~ :not(.labels)')
+ if (startOfContent) {
+ var embeddedToc = document.createElement('aside')
+ embeddedToc.className = 'toc embedded'
+ embeddedToc.appendChild(menu.cloneNode(true))
+ doc.insertBefore(embeddedToc, startOfContent)
+ }
+ function onScroll () {
+ // NOTE doc.parentNode.offsetTop ~= doc.parentNode.getBoundingClientRect().top + window.pageYOffset
+ //var targetPosition = doc.parentNode.offsetTop
+ // NOTE no need to compensate wheen using spacer above [id] elements
+ var targetPosition = 0
+ var activeFragment
+ headings.some(function (heading) {
+ if (Math.floor(heading.getBoundingClientRect().top) <= targetPosition) {
+ activeFragment = '#' + heading.id
+ } else {
+ return true
+ }
+ })
+ if (activeFragment) {
+ if (activeFragment !== lastActiveFragment) {
+ if (lastActiveFragment) {
+ links[lastActiveFragment].classList.remove('is-active')
+ }
+ var activeLink = links[activeFragment]
+ activeLink.classList.add('is-active')
+ if (menu.scrollHeight > menu.offsetHeight) {
+ menu.scrollTop = Math.max(0, activeLink.offsetTop + activeLink.offsetHeight - menu.offsetHeight)
+ }
+ lastActiveFragment = activeFragment
+ }
+ } else if (lastActiveFragment) {
+ links[lastActiveFragment].classList.remove('is-active')
+ lastActiveFragment = undefined
+ }
+ }
+ function find (selector, from) {
+ return toArray((from || document).querySelectorAll(selector))
+ }
+ function toArray (collection) {
+ return [].slice.call(collection)
+ }
--- /dev/null
+;(function () {
+ 'use strict'
+ var article = document.querySelector('article.doc')
+ var toolbar = document.querySelector('.toolbar')
+ function decodeFragment (hash) {
+ return hash && (~hash.indexOf('%') ? decodeURIComponent(hash) : hash).slice(1)
+ }
+ function computePosition (el, sum) {
+ if (article.contains(el)) {
+ return computePosition(el.offsetParent, el.offsetTop + sum)
+ } else {
+ return sum
+ }
+ }
+ function jumpToAnchor (e) {
+ if (e) {
+ window.location.hash = '#' + this.id
+ e.preventDefault()
+ }
+ window.scrollTo(0, computePosition(this, 0) - toolbar.getBoundingClientRect().bottom)
+ }
+ window.addEventListener('load', function jumpOnLoad (e) {
+ var fragment, target
+ if ((fragment = decodeFragment(window.location.hash)) && (target = document.getElementById(fragment))) {
+ jumpToAnchor.bind(target)()
+ setTimeout(jumpToAnchor.bind(target), 0)
+ }
+ window.removeEventListener('load', jumpOnLoad)
+ })
+ Array.prototype.slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('a[href^="#"]')).forEach(function (el) {
+ var fragment, target
+ if ((fragment = decodeFragment(el.hash)) && (target = document.getElementById(fragment))) {
+ el.addEventListener('click', jumpToAnchor.bind(target))
+ }
+ })
+++ /dev/null
-;(function () {
- 'use strict'
- var toggle = document.querySelector('.page-versions .version-menu-toggle')
- if (!toggle) return
- var selector = document.querySelector('.page-versions')
- toggle.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
- selector.classList.toggle('is-active')
- // don't let this event get smothered
- e.stopPropagation()
- })
- document.documentElement.addEventListener('click', function () {
- selector.classList.remove('is-active')
- })
+++ /dev/null
-document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
- var navbarToggles = Array.prototype.slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('.navbar-burger'), 0)
- if (navbarToggles.length === 0) return
- navbarToggles.forEach(function (el) {
- el.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
- e.stopPropagation()
- el.classList.toggle('is-active')
- document.getElementById(el.dataset.target).classList.toggle('is-active')
- document.documentElement.classList.toggle('is-clipped--navbar')
- })
- })
--- /dev/null
+;(function () {
+ 'use strict'
+ var toggle = document.querySelector('.page-versions .version-menu-toggle')
+ if (!toggle) return
+ var selector = document.querySelector('.page-versions')
+ toggle.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
+ selector.classList.toggle('is-active')
+ // don't let this event get smothered
+ e.stopPropagation()
+ })
+ document.documentElement.addEventListener('click', function () {
+ selector.classList.remove('is-active')
+ })
--- /dev/null
+document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function () {
+ var navbarToggles = Array.prototype.slice.call(document.querySelectorAll('.navbar-burger'), 0)
+ if (navbarToggles.length === 0) return
+ navbarToggles.forEach(function (el) {
+ el.addEventListener('click', function (e) {
+ e.stopPropagation()
+ el.classList.toggle('is-active')
+ document.getElementById(el.dataset.target).classList.toggle('is-active')
+ document.documentElement.classList.toggle('is-clipped--navbar')
+ })
+ })