#include "opensrf/osrf_message.h"
-int main() {
- char* x = "<oils:root xmlns:oils='http://open-ils.org/xml/namespaces/oils_v1'><oils:domainObject name='oilsMessage'><oils:domainObjectAttr value='STATUS' name='type'/><oils:domainObjectAttr value='12' name='threadTrace'/><oils:domainObject name='oilsMethodException'><oils:domainObjectAttr value=' *** Call to [div] failed for session [1351200643.110915057523738], thread trace [12]: JabberDisconnected Exception This JabberClient instance is no longer connected to the server' name='status'/><oils:domainObjectAttr value='500' name='statusCode'/></oils:domainObject></oils:domainObject></oils:root>";
- */
- /*
- char* x = "<oils:root xmlns:oils='http://open-ils.org/xml/namespaces/oils_v1'>"
- "<oils:domainObject name='oilsMessage'>"
- "<oils:domainObjectAttr value='STATUS' name='type'/>"
- "<oils:domainObjectAttr value='1' name='threadTrace'/>"
- "<oils:domainObject name='oilsConnectStatus'>"
- "<oils:domainObjectAttr value='Connection Successful' name='status'/>"
- "<oils:domainObjectAttr value='200' name='statusCode'/>"
- "</oils:domainObject></oils:domainObject>"
- "<oils:domainObject name='oilsMessage'>"
- "<oils:domainObjectAttr value='STATUS' name='type'/>"
- "<oils:domainObjectAttr value='1' name='threadTrace'/>"
- "<oils:domainObject name='oilsConnectStatus'>"
- "<oils:domainObjectAttr value='Request Complete' name='status'/>"
- "<oils:domainObjectAttr value='205' name='statusCode'/>"
- "</oils:domainObject></oils:domainObject>"
- "</oils:root>";
- */
- osrf_message* arr[4];
- memset(arr, 0, 4);
- int ret = osrf_message_from_xml( x, arr );
- fprintf(stderr, "RET: %d\n", ret );
- if(ret<=0)
- fatal_handler( "none parsed" );
- osrf_message* xml_msg = arr[0];
- printf("Message name: %s\nstatus %s, \nstatusCode %d\n", xml_msg->status_name, xml_msg->status_text, xml_msg->status_code );
-// xml_msg = arr[1];
-// printf("Message 2 status %s, statusCode %d\n", xml_msg->status_text, xml_msg->status_code );
- return 0;
- /*
- osrf_message* msg = osrf_message_init( STATUS, 1, 1 );
-// osrf_message* msg = osrf_message_init( CONNECT, 1, 1 );
- //osrf_message* msg = osrf_message_init( REQUEST, 1, 1 );
- osrf_message_set_status_info( msg, "oilsConnectStatus", "Connection Succsesful", 200 );
- json* params = json_object_new_array();
- json_object_array_add(params, json_object_new_int(1));
- json_object_array_add(params, json_object_new_int(2));
- osrf_message_set_request_info( msg, "add", params );
- //osrf_message_set_result_content( msg, params );
- json_object_put( params );
- char* xml = osrf_message_to_xml( msg );
- printf( "\n\nMessage as XML\n%s", xml );
- osrf_message* xml_msg = osrf_message_from_xml( xml );
- printf( "Message stuff \n\ntype %d"
- "\nthread_trace %d \nprotocol %d "
- "\nstatus_name %s"
- "\nstatus_text %s\nstatus_code %d"
- "\nresult_content %s \nparams %s"
- "\n", xml_msg->m_type,
- xml_msg->thread_trace, xml_msg->protocol, xml_msg->status_name,
- xml_msg->status_text, xml_msg->status_code,
- json_object_to_json_string( xml_msg->result_content),
- json_object_to_json_string(xml_msg->params)
- );
- free(xml);
- osrf_message_free( msg );
- osrf_message_free( xml_msg );
- return 0;
osrf_message* osrf_message_init( enum M_TYPE type, int thread_trace, int protocol ) {
osrf_message* msg = safe_malloc(sizeof(osrf_message));
void osrf_message_set_result_content( osrf_message* msg, json* result_content ) {
if( msg == NULL )
fatal_handler( "Bad params to osrf_message_set_result_content()" );
- msg->result_content = json_tokener_parse(json_object_to_json_string(result_content));
+ msg->result_string = strdup(json_object_to_json_string(result_content));
+ debug_handler("Setting result_string to %s\n", msg->result_string );
+ msg->result_content = json_tokener_parse(msg->result_string);
if( msg->result_content != NULL )
json_object_put( msg->result_content );
+ if( msg->result_string != NULL )
+ free( msg->result_string);
if( msg->method_name != NULL )
xmlSetProp( status_code_node, BAD_CAST "value", BAD_CAST stc);
content_node = xmlNewChild( result_node, NULL,
- BAD_CAST "domainObject", BAD_CAST json_object_to_json_string( msg->result_content ) );
+ BAD_CAST "domainObject", BAD_CAST msg->result_string );
xmlSetProp( content_node, BAD_CAST "name", BAD_CAST "oilsScalar" );
if(!strcmp(result_nodes->name,"domainObject")) {
xmlChar* r_name = xmlGetProp( result_nodes, BAD_CAST "name" );
if(r_name) {
- if( !strcmp((char*)r_name,"oilsScalar") && result_nodes->children->content )
+ if( !strcmp((char*)r_name,"oilsScalar") && result_nodes->children->content ) {
+ new_msg->result_string = strdup(result_nodes->children->content);
new_msg->result_content = json_tokener_parse(result_nodes->children->content);
+ }