use strict; use warnings;
use File::Spec;
+use Time::HiRes qw/time sleep/;
+use OpenSRF::Utils::Cache;
use OpenSRF::Utils::Logger qw/$logger/;
use OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor qw/:funcs/;
use OpenILS::Utils::Fieldmapper;
use OpenILS::Application::AppUtils;
use OpenSRF::MultiSession;
my $U = 'OpenILS::Application::AppUtils';
my $ro_object_subs; # cached subs
return Apache2::Const::REDIRECT;
+my $unapi_cache;
sub get_records_and_facets {
my ($self, $rec_ids, $facet_key, $unapi_args) = @_;
$unapi_args->{depth} ||= $self->ctx->{aou_tree}->()->ou_type->depth;
$unapi_args->{flesh_depth} ||= 5;
- my @data;
+ $unapi_cache ||= OpenSRF::Utils::Cache->new('global');
+ my $unapi_cache_key_suffix = join(
+ '_',
+ $unapi_args->{site},
+ $unapi_args->{depth},
+ $unapi_args->{flesh_depth},
+ ($unapi_args->{pref_lib} || '')
+ );
+ my %tmp_data;
my $outer_self = $self;
$self->timelog("get_records_and_facets(): about to call multisession");
my $ses = OpenSRF::MultiSession->new(
} else {
$logger->warn("Missing 901 subfield 'c' in " . $xml->toString());
- push(@data, {id => $bre_id, marc_xml => $xml});
+ $tmp_data{$bre_id} = {id => $bre_id, marc_xml => $xml};
+ if ($bre_id) {
+ # Let other backends grab our data now that we're done.
+ my $key = 'TPAC_unapi_cache_'.$bre_id.'_'.$unapi_cache_key_suffix;
+ my $cache_data = $unapi_cache->get_cache($key);
+ if ($$cache_data{running}) {
+ $unapi_cache->put_cache($key, { id => $bre_id, marc_xml => $data->{'unapi.bre'} }, 10);
+ }
+ }
$outer_self->timelog("get_records_and_facets(): end of success handler");
$self->timelog("get_records_and_facets(): about to call unapi.bre via json_query (rec_ids has " . scalar(@$rec_ids));
- $ses->request(
- 'open-ils.cstore.json_query',
- {from => [
- 'unapi.bre', $_, 'marcxml','record',
- $unapi_args->{flesh},
- $unapi_args->{site},
- $unapi_args->{depth},
- 'acn=>' . $unapi_args->{flesh_depth} . ',acp=>' . $unapi_args->{flesh_depth},
- undef, undef, $unapi_args->{pref_lib}
- ]}
- ) for @$rec_ids;
+ my @loop_recs = @$rec_ids;
+ my %rec_timeout;
+ while (my $bid = shift @loop_recs) {
+ sleep(0.1) if $rec_timeout{$bid};
+ my $unapi_cache_key = 'TPAC_unapi_cache_'.$bid.'_'.$unapi_cache_key_suffix;
+ my $unapi_data = $unapi_cache->get_cache($unapi_cache_key) || {};
+ if ($unapi_data->{running}) { #cache entry from ongoing, concurrent retrieval
+ if (!$rec_timeout{$bid}) {
+ $rec_timeout{$bid} = time() + 10;
+ }
+ if ( time() > $rec_timeout{$bid} ) { # we've waited too long. just do it
+ $unapi_data = {};
+ delete $rec_timeout{$bid};
+ } else { # we'll pause next time around to let this one try again
+ push(@loop_recs, $bid);
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($unapi_data->{marc_xml}) { # we got data from the cache
+ $unapi_data->{marc_xml} = XML::LibXML->new->parse_string($unapi_data->{marc_xml})->documentElement;
+ $tmp_data{$unapi_data->{id}} = $unapi_data;
+ } else { # we're the first or we timed out. success_handler will populate the real value
+ $unapi_cache->put_cache($unapi_cache_key, { running => $$ }, 10);
+ $ses->request(
+ 'open-ils.cstore.json_query',
+ {from => [
+ 'unapi.bre', $bid, 'marcxml','record',
+ $unapi_args->{flesh},
+ $unapi_args->{site},
+ $unapi_args->{depth},
+ 'acn=>' . $unapi_args->{flesh_depth} . ',acp=>' . $unapi_args->{flesh_depth},
+ undef, undef, $unapi_args->{pref_lib}
+ ]}
+ );
+ }
+ }
$self->timelog("get_records_and_facets():almost ready to fetch facets");
- return ($facets, @data);
+ return ($facets, map { $tmp_data{$_} } @$rec_ids);
sub _resolve_org_id_or_shortname {