+++ /dev/null
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-# Copyright (C) 2008 Equinox Software, Inc.
-# Bill Erickson <erickson@esilibrary.com>
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
-# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
-# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
-# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
-# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
-# 02110-1301, USA
-# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
-Provides an environment for managing OpenSRF services written in Python
-import sys, getopt, os, signal
-import osrf.system, osrf.server, osrf.app, osrf.set, osrf.json
-def do_help():
- '''
- Print help for the OpenSRF Python application process manager
- '''
- print '''
- Manage OpenSRF application processes
- Options:
- -a <action>
- start -- Start a service
- stop -- stop a service
- restart -- restart a service
- start_all -- Start all services
- stop_all -- Stop all services
- restart_all -- Restart all services
- -s <service>
- The service name
- -f <config file>
- The OpenSRF config file
- -c <config context>
- The OpenSRF config file context
- -p <PID dir>
- The location of application PID files. Default is /tmp
- -d
- If set, run in daemon (background) mode. This creates a PID
- file for managing the process.
- -l
- If set, run in 'localhost' mode
- -h
- Prints help message
- '''
- sys.exit(0)
-def get_pid_file(service):
- '''
- Return the PID file for the named service
- '''
- return "%s/%s.pid" % (pid_dir, service)
-def do_init():
- '''
- Initialize the Python service environment
- '''
- global domain
- global settings
- # connect to the OpenSRF network
- osrf.system.System.net_connect(
- config_file = config_file, config_context = config_ctx)
- if as_localhost:
- domain = 'localhost'
- else:
- domain = osrf.conf.get('domain')
- osrf.set.load(domain)
- settings = osrf.set.get('apps')
- for key in settings.keys():
- svc = settings[key]
- if isinstance(svc, dict) and 'language' in svc and svc['language'] == 'python':
- services[key] = svc
-def do_start(service):
- '''
- Start the named Python service
- '''
- pidfile = get_pid_file(service)
- if service not in services:
- print "* service %s is not a 'python' application" % service
- return
- if os.path.exists(pidfile):
- print "* service %s already running" % service
- return
- print "* starting %s" % service
- if as_daemon:
- if osrf.system.System.daemonize(False):
- return # parent process returns
- # write PID file
- pid_fd = open(pidfile, 'w')
- pid_fd.write(str(os.getpid()))
- pid_fd.close()
- svc_settings = services[service]
- osrf.app.Application.load(service, svc_settings['implementation'])
- osrf.app.Application.register_sysmethods()
- osrf.app.Application.application.global_init()
- controller = osrf.server.Controller(service)
- controller.max_requests = svc_settings['unix_config']['max_requests']
- controller.max_children = svc_settings['unix_config']['max_children']
- controller.min_children = svc_settings['unix_config']['min_children']
- controller.keepalive = svc_settings['keepalive']
- controller.run()
- os._exit(0)
-def do_start_all():
- '''
- Start all Python services listed in the OpenSRF configuration file
- '''
- print "* starting all services for %s " % domain
- for service in services.keys():
- do_start(service)
-def do_stop_all():
- '''
- Stop all Python services listed in the OpenSRF configuration file
- '''
- print "* stopping all services for %s " % domain
- for service in services.keys():
- do_stop(service)
-def do_stop(service):
- '''
- Stop the named Python service
- '''
- pidfile = get_pid_file(service)
- if not os.path.exists(pidfile):
- print "* %s is not running" % service
- return
- print "* stopping %s" % service
- pid_fd = open(pidfile)
- pid = pid_fd.read()
- pid_fd.close()
- try:
- os.kill(int(pid), signal.SIGTERM)
- except:
- pass
- os.remove(pidfile)
-# -----------------------------------------------------
-# Parse the command line options
-ops, args = None, None
- ops, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'a:s:f:c:p:dhl')
-except getopt.GetoptError, e:
- print '* %s' % str(e)
- do_help()
-options = dict(ops)
-if '-a' not in options or '-f' not in options:
- do_help()
-action = options['-a']
-config_file = options['-f']
-pid_dir = options['-p']
-service_name = options.get('-s')
-config_ctx = options.get('-c', 'config.opensrf')
-as_localhost = '-l' in options
-as_daemon = '-d' in options
-domain = None
-settings = None
-services = {}
-if action == 'start':
- do_start(service_name)
-elif action == 'stop':
- do_stop(service_name)
-elif action == 'restart':
- do_stop(service_name)
- do_start(service_name)
-elif action == 'start_all':
- do_start_all()
-elif action == 'stop_all':
- do_stop_all()
-elif action == 'restart_all':
- do_stop_all()
- do_start_all()
-elif action == 'help':
- do_help()
--- /dev/null
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Copyright (C) 2008 Equinox Software, Inc.
+# Bill Erickson <erickson@esilibrary.com>
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+# Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
+# 02110-1301, USA
+# -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+Provides an environment for managing OpenSRF services written in Python
+import sys, getopt, os, signal
+import osrf.system, osrf.server, osrf.app, osrf.set, osrf.json
+def do_help():
+ '''
+ Print help for the OpenSRF Python application process manager
+ '''
+ print '''
+ Manage OpenSRF application processes
+ Options:
+ -a <action>
+ start -- Start a service
+ stop -- stop a service
+ restart -- restart a service
+ start_all -- Start all services
+ stop_all -- Stop all services
+ restart_all -- Restart all services
+ -s <service>
+ The service name
+ -f <config file>
+ The OpenSRF config file
+ -c <config context>
+ The OpenSRF config file context
+ -p <PID dir>
+ The location of application PID files. Default is /tmp
+ -d
+ If set, run in daemon (background) mode. This creates a PID
+ file for managing the process.
+ -l
+ If set, run in 'localhost' mode
+ -h
+ Prints help message
+ '''
+ sys.exit(0)
+def get_pid_file(service):
+ '''
+ Return the PID file for the named service
+ '''
+ return "%s/%s.pid" % (pid_dir, service)
+def do_init():
+ '''
+ Initialize the Python service environment
+ '''
+ global domain
+ global settings
+ # connect to the OpenSRF network
+ osrf.system.System.net_connect(
+ config_file = config_file, config_context = config_ctx)
+ if as_localhost:
+ domain = 'localhost'
+ else:
+ domain = osrf.conf.get('domain')
+ osrf.set.load(domain)
+ settings = osrf.set.get('apps')
+ for key in settings.keys():
+ svc = settings[key]
+ if isinstance(svc, dict) and 'language' in svc and svc['language'] == 'python':
+ services[key] = svc
+def do_start(service):
+ '''
+ Start the named Python service
+ '''
+ pidfile = get_pid_file(service)
+ if service not in services:
+ print "* service %s is not a 'python' application" % service
+ return
+ if os.path.exists(pidfile):
+ print "* service %s already running" % service
+ return
+ print "* starting %s" % service
+ if as_daemon:
+ if osrf.system.System.daemonize(False):
+ return # parent process returns
+ # write PID file
+ pid_fd = open(pidfile, 'w')
+ pid_fd.write(str(os.getpid()))
+ pid_fd.close()
+ svc_settings = services[service]
+ osrf.app.Application.load(service, svc_settings['implementation'])
+ osrf.app.Application.register_sysmethods()
+ osrf.app.Application.application.global_init()
+ controller = osrf.server.Controller(service)
+ controller.max_requests = svc_settings['unix_config']['max_requests']
+ controller.max_children = svc_settings['unix_config']['max_children']
+ controller.min_children = svc_settings['unix_config']['min_children']
+ controller.keepalive = svc_settings['keepalive']
+ controller.run()
+ os._exit(0)
+def do_start_all():
+ '''
+ Start all Python services listed in the OpenSRF configuration file
+ '''
+ print "* starting all services for %s " % domain
+ for service in services.keys():
+ do_start(service)
+def do_stop_all():
+ '''
+ Stop all Python services listed in the OpenSRF configuration file
+ '''
+ print "* stopping all services for %s " % domain
+ for service in services.keys():
+ do_stop(service)
+def do_stop(service):
+ '''
+ Stop the named Python service
+ '''
+ pidfile = get_pid_file(service)
+ if not os.path.exists(pidfile):
+ print "* %s is not running" % service
+ return
+ print "* stopping %s" % service
+ pid_fd = open(pidfile)
+ pid = pid_fd.read()
+ pid_fd.close()
+ try:
+ os.kill(int(pid), signal.SIGTERM)
+ except:
+ pass
+ os.remove(pidfile)
+# -----------------------------------------------------
+# Parse the command line options
+ops, args = None, None
+ ops, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], 'a:s:f:c:p:dhl')
+except getopt.GetoptError, e:
+ print '* %s' % str(e)
+ do_help()
+options = dict(ops)
+if '-a' not in options:
+ do_help()
+action = options['-a']
+config_file = options.get('-f', '@CONF_DIR@/opensrf_core.xml')
+pid_dir = options.get('-p', '@PID_DIR@/run/opensrf')
+service_name = options.get('-s')
+config_ctx = options.get('-c', 'config.opensrf')
+as_localhost = '-l' in options
+as_daemon = '-d' in options
+domain = None
+settings = None
+services = {}
+if action == 'start':
+ do_start(service_name)
+elif action == 'stop':
+ do_stop(service_name)
+elif action == 'restart':
+ do_stop(service_name)
+ do_start(service_name)
+elif action == 'start_all':
+ do_start_all()
+elif action == 'stop_all':
+ do_stop_all()
+elif action == 'restart_all':
+ do_stop_all()
+ do_start_all()
+elif action == 'help':
+ do_help()