--- /dev/null
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use DateTime;
+use Getopt::Long;
+use OpenSRF::AppSession;
+use OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor;
+use OpenILS::Utils::Fieldmapper;
+use OpenILS::Utils::RemoteAccount;
+use OpenSRF::Utils::Logger qw/$logger/;
+my $osrf_config = '/openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml';
+my $remote_account = '';
+my $remote_file = '';
+my $local_dir = '/tmp'; # locally stored file directory
+my $local_file = ''; # locally stored file name
+my $response_file = ''; # local file with response data
+my $delete_file = 0;
+my $verbose = 0;
+my $help = 0;
+my $remote_conn = undef;
+ 'osrf-config=s' => \$osrf_config,
+ 'remote-account=s' => \$remote_account,
+ 'remote-file=s' => \$remote_file,
+ 'local-file=s' => \$local_file,
+ 'local-dir=s' => \$local_dir,
+ 'response-file=s' => \$response_file,
+ 'delete-file' => \$delete_file,
+ 'help' => \$help,
+ 'verbose' => \$verbose
+sub help {
+ print <<HELP;
+Collect CSV notification results file and update affected events. The assumed
+format is "event-id","event-status".
+# Fetch notification response file from a remote site and delete the file when
+# done.
+$0 \
+ --osrf-config /openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml \
+ --remote-account 1 \
+ --remote-file some-file.csv \
+ --local-dir /tmp \
+ --local-file csv-result-file.csv \
+ --delete-file \
+ --verbose
+ --osrf-config [/openils/conf/opensrf_core.xml]
+ Full path to opensrf_core.xml configuration file
+ --remote-account
+ Identifier of the config.remote_account entry from which files should
+ be retrieved
+ --remote-file
+ Name of file on the remote site to retrieve and process
+ --local-file
+ Name given to local copy of retrieved files
+ --local-dir [/tmp]
+ Directory to store retrieved files
+ --response-file
+ Name of local file which contains results.
+ --delete-file
+ Delete the remote file after processing. If the user did not specify
+ a value for --local-file, the local file will be deleted as well.
+ --help
+ Print this help
+ --verbose
+ Display debug information during execution
+ exit;
+help() if $help;
+die "--response-file OR --remote-account and --remote-file required\n"
+ unless $response_file or ($remote_account and $remote_file);
+OpenSRF::System->bootstrap_client(config_file => $osrf_config);
+Fieldmapper->import(IDL =>
+ OpenSRF::Utils::SettingsClient->new->config_value("IDL"));
+my $editor = OpenILS::Utils::CStoreEditor->new;
+if (!$response_file and $remote_account) {
+ # fetch data remotely and push the data into $response_file
+ my $racct = $editor->retrieve_config_remote_account($remote_account);
+ die "No such remote account $remote_account" unless $racct;
+ my $type;
+ my $host = $racct->host;
+ ($host =~ s/^(S?FTP)://i and $type = uc($1)) or
+ ($host =~ s/^(SSH|SCP)://i and $type = 'SCP');
+ $host =~ s#//##;
+ if ($local_file) {
+ # user specified local file name
+ $response_file = "$local_dir/$local_file";
+ } else {
+ $response_file = File::Temp->new()->filename;
+ }
+ print "Connecting to host $host\n" if $verbose;
+ $remote_conn = OpenILS::Utils::RemoteAccount->new(
+ type => $type,
+ remote_host => $host,
+ account_object => $racct,
+ local_file => $response_file,
+ remote_file => $remote_file
+ );
+ my $res = $remote_conn->get;
+ die "Unable to fetch from remote server [$remote_account] : " .
+ $remote_conn->error . "\n" unless $res;
+ print "Fetched file $remote_file => $response_file\n" if $verbose;
+# at this point, $file contains CSV, because it was already
+# there or because we just fetched it from the remote account
+open(FILE, $response_file) or
+ die "Unable to open response file: '$response_file' : $!\n";
+binmode(FILE, ":utf8");
+while (<FILE>) {
+ chomp;
+ my ($id, $stat) = /"(.+)","(.+)"/g;
+ next unless $id and $stat;
+ $logger->info("csv: processing event $id; stat $stat");
+ my $event = $editor->retrieve_action_trigger_event($id);
+ if (!$event) {
+ $logger->warn("csv: unable to find event $id");
+ next;
+ }
+ if ($event->async_output) {
+ $logger->info("csv: skipping event $id; async_output already set");
+ next;
+ }
+ $editor->xact_begin;
+ # store the response output
+ my $output = Fieldmapper::action_trigger::event_output->new;
+ $output->data($stat);
+ unless ($editor->create_action_trigger_event_output($output)) {
+ $logger->warn("csv: error creating event ".
+ "output for event $id: ". $editor->die_event);
+ next;
+ }
+ # link the async response output to the original event
+ $event->async_output($output->id);
+ unless ($editor->update_action_trigger_event($event)) {
+ $logger->warn("csv: error updating event $id: ". $editor->die_event);
+ next;
+ }
+ $editor->xact_commit;
+if ($delete_file) {
+ # after we have successfully processed the file,
+ # delete it from the remote server.
+ $remote_conn->delete($remote_file);
+ # delete the local file unless the user
+ # specified a location to save the file
+ unlink($response_file) unless $local_file;