|Checkout fills related hold|When a patron checks out an item and they have no holds that directly target the item, the system will attempt to find a hold for the patron that could be fulfilled by the checked out item and fulfills it. On the Staff Client you may notice that when a patron checks out an item under a title on which he/she has a hold, the hold will be treated as filled though the item has not been assigned to the patron's hold.|True/false|
|Checkout fills related hold on valid copy only|When filling related holds on checkout only match on items that are valid for opportunistic capture for the hold. Without this set a Title or Volume hold could match when the item is not holdable. With this set only holdable items will match.|True/False|
|Checkout auto renew age|When an item has been checked out for at least this amount of time, an attempt to check out the item to the patron that it is already checked out to will simply renew the circulation. If the checkout attempt is done within this time frame, Evergreen will prompt for choosing Renewing or Check-in then Checkout the item.|Duration|
+|Custom PATRON_EXCEEDS_FINES penalty|Specifies a custom penalty to use in place of the stock penalty. Context org unit is the circulation library.|Selection List|Penalties can be defined in Local Administration -> Standing Penalties.
+|Custom PATRON_EXCEEDS_OVERDUE_COUNT penalty|Specifies a custom penalty to use in place of the stock penalty. Context org unit is the circulation library.|Selection List|Penalties can be defined in Local Administration -> Standing Penalties.
+|Custom PATRON_EXCEEDS_CHECKOUT_COUNT penalty|Specifies a custom penalty to use in place of the stock penalty. Context org unit is the circulation library.|Selection List|Penalties can be defined in Local Administration -> Standing Penalties.
+|Custom PATRON_EXCEEDS_COLLECTIONS_WARNING penalty|Specifies a custom penalty to use in place of the stock penalty. Context org unit is the circulation library.|Selection List|Penalties can be defined in Local Administration -> Standing Penalties.
+|Custom PATRON_EXCEEDS_LOST_COUNT penalty|Specifies a custom penalty to use in place of the stock penalty. Context org unit is the circulation library.|Selection List|Penalties can be defined in Local Administration -> Standing Penalties.
+|Custom PATRON_IN_COLLECTIONS penalty|Specifies a custom penalty to use in place of the stock penalty. Context org unit is the circulation library.|Selection List|Penalties can be defined in Local Administration -> Standing Penalties.
+|Custom PATRON_EXCEEDS_LONGOVERDUE_COUNT penalty|Specifies a custom penalty to use in place of the stock penalty. Context org unit is the circulation library.|Selection List|Penalties can be defined in Local Administration -> Standing Penalties.
|Display copy alert for in-house-use|Setting to true for an organization will cause an alert to appear with the copy's alert message, if it has one, when recording in-house-use for the copy.|True/False|
|Display copy location check in alert for in-house-use|Setting to true for an organization will cause an alert to display a message indicating that the item needs to be routed to its location if the location has check in alert set to true.|True/False|
|Do not change fines/fees on zero-balance LOST transaction|When an item has been marked lost and all fines/fees have been completely paid on the transaction, do not void or reinstate any fines/fees EVEN IF "Void lost item billing when returned" and/or "Void processing fee on lost item return" are enabled|True/False|
NOTE: The Name field cannot be edited for any of the stock penalties since they are referenced by name in legacy code.
NOTE: Do not use spaces in the penalty name.
== Creating a Standing Penalty Type ==
Standing penalties can be shared and used by the full Evergreen consortium.
-TIP: If you add a penalty, a stock Evergreen system cannot automatically apply the new penalty. Added penalties need to be manually applied by a staff member to a patron account, or custom code needs to be written to automatically apply the new penalty. See the documentation about xref:circulation:circulation_patron_records_web_client.adoc#patron_blocks[circulation blocks] for more information about manually applying a penalty.
+TIP: If you add a penalty, a stock Evergreen system cannot automatically apply the new penalty unless it is mapped as a custom penalty (see below). Any other added penalties need to be manually applied by a staff member to a patron account, or custom code needs to be written to automatically apply the new penalty. See the documentation about xref:circulation:circulation_patron_records_web_client.adoc#patron_blocks[circulation blocks] for more information about manually applying a penalty.
== Deleting a Standing Penalty Type ==
To delete a standing penalty type, either select the row and then navigate to Delete Selected in the Actions Menu on the upper right of the grid or right click on the row and choose Delete Selected.
-WARNING: The interface does not warn you before deleting a standing penalty type, and deleting stock standing penalty types may cause unintended negative consequences in your Evergreen system. Proceed with extreme caution.
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+WARNING: The interface does not warn you before deleting a standing penalty type, and deleting stock standing penalty types may cause unintended negative consequences in your Evergreen system. Proceed with extreme caution.
+== Custom Penalties ==
+As of *VERSION*, administrators may customize system-applied penalties by using the following library settings to establish a mapping between a system-applied penalty and a new standing penalty that you create:
+* Custom PATRON_EXCEEDS_FINES penalty
+The library setting instructs Evergreen to use the custom standing penalty in place of the system standing penalty, and will automatically apply the custom penalty in the same manner as its mapped standing penalty.
+The library setting uses the circulation library as the context organizational unit. Per standard library setting rules, the "closest" setting to the circulation will be applied.
+For example, if a Branch has a custom penalty set this will be applied to circulations at that Branch regardless of custom penalties set at the System or Consortium level. If the Branch has no value set for the custom penalty, it will inherit a value set at the System level.
+Custom penalties can be given thresholds in Administration -> Local Administration -> Group Penalty Thresholds as normal.
+To set up a custom penalty, take the following steps:
+. Create a new Standing Penalty Type as instructed above.
+. Navigate to *Administration -> Local Administration -> Group Penalty Thresholds* and establish a threshold, organizational unit, and group for your penalty.
+.. See the documentation on xref:local_admin:group_penalty_thresholds.adoc[Group Penalty Thresholds] for more information.
+. Navigate to *Administration -> Local Administration -> Library Settings, and location the Library Setting for the sytem penalty you want to replace with your custom penalty.
+. Select the name of your custom penalty from the dropdown, and select the organizational unit to which the custom penalty should apply.
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* PATRON_EXCEEDS_COLLECTION_WARNING: Blocks specified circulation actions if patron exceeds X in fines. A user with this penalty will be flagged for review by the Collections API.
* PATRON_IN_COLLECTIONS: Blocks specified circulation actions if patron exceeds X in fines. This penalty is set by the Collections API.
+If your system uses custom penalties, you can set thresholds for them in the Group Penalty Threshold interface as well. See the documentation on xref:admin:lsa-standing_penalties.adoc#custom_penalties[custom penalties] for more information.
Accounts that meet or exceed penalty thresholds display an alert message when opened and require staff overrides for blocked transactions.
-To configure which circulation actions are blocked by each penalty, navigate to *Administration -> Local Administration -> Standing Penalties* and refer to the documentation for xref:admin:lsa-standing_penalties.adoc[Standing Penalties]. Note that the Org Depth of the standing penalty matters if your Group Penalty Threshold is not at the top of the organization tree. If you want all penalty blocks to take effect everywhere, you will need to set the standing penalty Org Depth to 0, otherwise penalty blocks will only apply at the level they are mapped to a threshold.
+To configure which circulation actions are blocked by each penalty, navigate to *Administration->Local Administration->Standing Penalties* and refer to the documentation for xref:admin:lsa-standing_penalties.adoc[Standing Penalties]. Note that the Org Depth of the standing penalty matters if your Group Penalty Threshold is not at the top of the organization tree. If you want all penalty blocks to take effect everywhere, you will need to set the standing penalty Org Depth to 0, otherwise penalty blocks will only apply at the level they are mapped to a threshold.
Group Penalty Thresholds may be set up on different levels in terms of patron profiles and libraries. Penalties on more specific levels of profile and/or library take precedence. This allows you to set up penalties on a higher level of profile and/or library system instead of branch, for most profiles and/or branches to share. If there are rules applied to lower level profiles or a branch, you just need to set them up for these specific profile/branch.
.. _ID_: The system-assigned ID for the Group Penalty Threshold.
.. _Penalty_: The penalty for which the threshold should be set.
.. _Org Unit_: The library organizational unit to which the threshold should apply. Child organizaional units will be included in this threshold unless they have their own more specific threshold set.
-... *Note:* This dropdown includes several penalties for which numerical thresholds are not applicable. For the purposes of the Group Penalty Thresholds interface, you can ignore ALERT_NOTE, SILENT_NOTE, and anything that starts with INVALID_ or STAFF_
+... *Note:* This dropdown includes several penalties for which numerical thresholds are not applicable. For the purposes of the Group Penalty Thresholds interface, you can ignore ALERT_NOTE, SILENT_NOTE, and anything that starts with INVALID_ or STAFF_.
.. _Threshold_: The numeric value of the threshold. This can represent a monetary value or a count value depending on the selected penalty.
. Select *Save* to save your changes, or *Cancel* to exit the modal without saving.