+<div class="row reg-field-row" ng-repeat="type in opt_in_setting_types">
+ <div class="col-md-3 reg-field-label">
+ <label>{{type.label()}}</label>
+ </div>
+ <div class="col-md-3 reg-field-input">
+ <input type='checkbox' ng-model="user_settings[type.name()]"/>
+ </div>
<!-- addresses -->
<div ng-repeat="addr in patron.addresses">
<div class="alert alert-success row" role="alert">
<div class="col-md-3">[% l('Address') %]</div>
<div class="col-md-3 reg-field-label">
- <div class="col-md-3 reg-field-input">
- <div class="btn-group" dropdown>
- <button type="button" class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle">
- <span style="padding-right: 5px;"></span>
- <span class="caret"></span>
- </button>
- <ul class="dropdown-menu">
- <li ng-repeat="question in survey.questions()">
- <a href ng-click=""> {{question.question()}} </a>
- </li>
- </ul>
+ <div class="col-md-6">
+ <div class="row" ng-repeat="question in survey.questions()"
+ style="margin-bottom: 10px;">
+ <div class="col-md-6">{{question.question()}}</div>
+ <div class="col-md-6">
+ <div class="btn-group" dropdown>
+ <button type="button" class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle">
+ <span style="padding-right: 5px;">
+ {{survey_responses[question.id()].answer()}}
+ </span>
+ <span class="caret"></span>
+ </button>
+ <ul class="dropdown-menu">
+ <li ng-repeat="answer in question.answers()">
+ <a href ng-click="survey_responses[question.id()] = answer">
+ {{answer.answer()}}
+ </a>
+ </li>
+ </ul>
+ </div>
+ </div>
.factory('patronRegSvc', ['$q', 'egCore', function($q, egCore) {
var service = {
- field_doc : {}, // config.idl_field_doc
- profiles : [], // permission groups
+ field_doc : {}, // config.idl_field_doc
+ profiles : [], // permission groups
sms_carriers : [],
- user_settings : {}, // applied user settings
- user_setting_types : {}, // config.usr_setting_type
- virt_id : -1 // virtual ID for new objects
+ user_settings : {}, // applied user settings
+ user_setting_types : {}, // config.usr_setting_type
+ opt_in_setting_types : {}, // config.usr_setting_type for event-def opt-in
+ survey_questions : {},
+ survey_answers : {},
+ survey_responses : {}, // survey.responses for loaded patron in progress
+ orig_survey_responses : {},// survey.responses for loaded patron
+ virt_id : -1 // virtual ID for new objects
// launch a series of parallel data retrieval calls
return egCore.pcrud.search('asv',
{owner : org_ids},
- {flesh : 1, flesh_fields : {asv : ['questions']}},
+ { flesh : 2,
+ flesh_fields : {
+ asv : ['questions'],
+ asvq : ['answers']
+ }
+ },
{atomic : true}
).then(function(surveys) {
service.surveys = surveys;
+ angular.forEach(surveys, function(survey) {
+ angular.forEach(survey.questions(), function(question) {
+ service.survey_questions[question.id()] = question;
+ angular.forEach(question.answers(), function(answer) {
+ service.survey_answers[answer.id()] = answer;
+ });
+ });
+ });
+ if (!service.patron_id) return;
+ // existing survey responses.
+ service.orig_survey_responses = [];
+ // when building responses in via the form, we track
+ // question ID's to answer objects. these are later turned
+ // into survey_response's during save time.
+ return egCore.pcrud.search('asvr', {usr : service.patron_id})
+ .then(null, null, function(resp) {
+ service.orig_survey_responses.push(resp);
+ service.survey_responses[resp.question()] =
+ service.survey_answers[resp.answer()];
+ });
service.get_user_settings = function() {
var org_ids = egCore.org.ancestors(egCore.auth.user().ws_ou(), true);
+ var static_types = [
+ 'circ.holds_behind_desk',
+ 'circ.collections.exempt',
+ 'opac.hold_notify',
+ 'opac.default_phone',
+ 'opac.default_pickup_location',
+ 'opac.default_sms_carrier',
+ 'opac.default_sms_notify'];
return egCore.pcrud.search('cust', {
'-or' : [
- {name : [ // common user settings
- 'circ.holds_behind_desk',
- 'circ.collections.exempt',
- 'opac.hold_notify',
- 'opac.default_phone',
- 'opac.default_pickup_location',
- 'opac.default_sms_carrier',
- 'opac.default_sms_notify']},
+ {name : static_types}, // common user settings
{name : { // opt-in notification user settings
'in': {
select : {atevdef : ['opt_in_setting']},
angular.forEach(setting_types, function(stype) {
service.user_setting_types[stype.name()] = stype;
+ if (static_types.indexOf(stype.name()) == -1) {
+ service.opt_in_setting_types[stype.name()] = stype;
+ }
if (service.patron_id) {
patron.profile = current.profile(); // pre-hash version
patron.net_access_level = current.net_access_level();
patron.ident_type = current.ident_type();
+ patron.survey_responses = service.orig_survey_responses;
['juvenile', 'barred', 'active', 'master_account'],
addr.within_city_limits(addr.within_city_limits() ? 't' : 'f');
if (addr_hash._is_mailing) patron.mailing_address(addr);
if (addr_hash._is_billing) patron.billing_address(addr);
- console.log('deleted? ' + addr.isdeleted());
- console.log(patron.addresses());
+ angular.forEach(service.survey_responses, function(answer) {
+ var existing = patron.survey_responses().filter(
+ function(resp) {
+ return resp.question() == answer.question();
+ })[0];
+ if (existing) {
+ if (existing.answer() != answer.id()) {
+ // answer changed
+ existing.answer(answer.id());
+ existing.answer_date('now');
+ existing.ischanged(true);
+ existing.isnew(false);
+ patron.survey_responses().push(existing);
+ }
+ } else {
+ // first-time answering this question
+ // find the question object linked to this answer
+ var question = service.survey_questions[answer.question()];
+ var resp = new egCore.idl.asvr();
+ resp.isnew(true);
+ resp.survey(question.survey());
+ resp.question(question.id());
+ resp.answer(answer.id());
+ resp.usr(patron.id());
+ resp.answer_date('now');
+ patron.survey_responses().push(resp);
+ }
+ });
if (!patron.isnew()) patron.ischanged(true);
$scope.ident_types = prs.ident_types;
$scope.net_access_levels = prs.net_access_levels;
$scope.user_setting_types = prs.user_setting_types;
+ $scope.opt_in_setting_types = prs.opt_in_setting_types;
$scope.org_settings = prs.org_settings;
$scope.sms_carriers = prs.sms_carriers;
$scope.stat_cats = prs.stat_cats;
$scope.surveys = prs.surveys;
+ $scope.survey_responses = prs.survey_responses;
$scope.user_settings = prs.user_settings;
// clone the user settings back into the patronRegSvc so
$scope.hold_notify_email = true;
if (prs.org_settings['ui.patron.default_ident_type']) {
- $scope.patron.ident_type =
- prs.org_settings['ui.patron.default_ident_type'];
+ // $scope.patron needs this field to be an object
+ var id = prs.org_settings['ui.patron.default_ident_type'];
+ var ident_type = $scope.ident_types.filter(
+ function(type) { return type.id() == id })[0];
+ $scope.patron.ident_type = ident_type;
if (prs.org_settings['ui.patron.default_inet_access_level']) {
- $scope.patron.ident_type =
- prs.org_settings['ui.patron.default_inet_access_level'];
+ // $scope.patron needs this field to be an object
+ var id = prs.org_settings['ui.patron.default_inet_access_level'];
+ var level = $scope.net_access_levels.filter(
+ function(lvl) { return lvl.id() == id })[0];
+ $scope.patron.net_access_level = level;
if (prs.org_settings['ui.patron.default_country']) {
$scope.patron.addresses[0].country =