typedef struct osrf_app_request_struct osrfAppRequest;
+#define OSRF_MSG_CHUNK_SIZE 104858 /* 0.1 MB */
@brief Representation of a session with another application.
//char* paramNotes; /**< Description of the params expected for this method. */
int options; /**< Bit switches setting various options for this method. */
void* userData; /**< Opaque pointer to application-specific data. */
- size_t bufsize; /**< How big a buffer to use for non-atomic methods */
+ size_t max_bundle_size; /**< How big a buffer to use for non-atomic methods */
+ size_t max_chunk_size; /**< Maximum content size per message; 0 means no limit */
int sysmethod;
int osrfAppRegisterExtendedMethod( const char* appName, const char* methodName,
const char* symbolName, const char* notes, int argc, int options, void* );
-int osrfMethodSetBufferSize( const char* appName, const char* methodName, size_t bufsize );
+int osrfMethodSetBundleSize( const char* appName, const char* methodName, size_t max_bundle_size );
osrfMethod* _osrfAppFindMethod( const char* appName, const char* methodName );
/** Linked list of responses to the request. */
osrfMessage* result;
+ /** Buffer used to collect partial response messages */
+ growing_buffer* part_response_buffer;
/** Boolean; if true, then a call that is waiting on a response will reset the
timeout and set this variable back to false. */
int reset_timeout;
req->reset_timeout = 0;
req->next = NULL;
req->prev = NULL;
+ req->part_response_buffer = NULL;
return req;
req->result = next_msg;
+ if (req->part_response_buffer)
+ buffer_free(req->part_response_buffer);
free( req );
if(req == NULL || result == NULL)
+ if (result->status_code == OSRF_STATUS_PARTIAL) {
+ osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "received partial message response");
+ if (!req->part_response_buffer) {
+ // assume the max_chunk_size of the server matches ours for
+ // buffer initialization, since the setting will usually be
+ // a site-wide value.
+ req->part_response_buffer = buffer_init(OSRF_MSG_CHUNK_SIZE + 1);
+ }
+ const char* partial = jsonObjectGetString(result->_result_content);
+ if (partial != NULL) {
+ osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+ "adding %d bytes to response buffer", strlen(partial));
+ // add the partial contents of the message to the buffer
+ buffer_add(req->part_response_buffer, partial);
+ }
+ // all done. req and result are freed by the caller
+ return;
+ } else if (result->status_code == OSRF_STATUS_NOCONTENT) {
+ if (req->part_response_buffer && req->part_response_buffer->n_used) {
+ // part_response_buffer contains a stitched-together JSON string
+ osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+ "partial response complete, parsing %d bytes",
+ req->part_response_buffer->n_used);
+ // coerce the partial-complete response into a standard RESULT.
+ osrf_message_set_status_info(result, NULL, "OK", OSRF_STATUS_OK);
+ // use the stitched-together JSON string as the result conten
+ osrf_message_set_result_content(
+ result, req->part_response_buffer->buf);
+ // free string, keep the buffer
+ buffer_reset(req->part_response_buffer);
+ } else {
+ osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK,
+ "Received OSRF_STATUS_NOCONTENT with no preceeding content");
+ return;
+ }
+ }
osrfLogDebug( OSRF_LOG_MARK, "App Session pushing request [%d] onto request queue",
result->thread_trace );
if(req->result == NULL) {
req->result = result; // Add the first node
@brief Default size of output buffer.
-#define OSRF_MSG_BUFFER_SIZE 10240
+#define OSRF_MSG_BUNDLE_SIZE 10240
@brief Represent an Application.
method->userData = user_data;
- method->bufsize = OSRF_MSG_BUFFER_SIZE;
+ method->max_bundle_size = OSRF_MSG_BUNDLE_SIZE;
+ method->max_chunk_size = OSRF_MSG_CHUNK_SIZE;
return method;
@brief Set the effective output buffer size for a given method.
@param appName Name of the application.
@param methodName Name of the method.
- @param bufsize Desired size of the output buffer, in bytes.
+ @param max_bundle_size Desired size of the output buffer, in bytes.
@return Zero if successful, or -1 if the specified method cannot be found.
A smaller buffer size may result in a lower latency for the first response, since we don't
This function has no effect on atomic methods, because all responses are sent in a single
message anyway. Likewise it has no effect on a method that returns only a single response.
-int osrfMethodSetBufferSize( const char* appName, const char* methodName, size_t bufsize ) {
+int osrfMethodSetBundleSize( const char* appName, const char* methodName, size_t max_bundle_size ) {
osrfMethod* method = _osrfAppFindMethod( appName, methodName );
if( method ) {
osrfLogInfo( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
"Setting outbuf buffer size to %lu for method %s of application %s",
- (unsigned long) bufsize, methodName, appName );
- method->bufsize = bufsize;
+ (unsigned long) max_bundle_size, methodName, appName );
+ method->max_bundle_size = max_bundle_size;
return 0;
} else {
osrfLogWarning( OSRF_LOG_MARK,
"Unable to set outbuf buffer size to %lu for method %s of application %s",
- (unsigned long) bufsize, methodName, appName );
+ (unsigned long) max_bundle_size, methodName, appName );
return -1;
// If the new message would overflow the buffer, flush the output buffer first
int len_so_far = buffer_length( ctx->session->outbuf );
- if( len_so_far && (strlen( json ) + len_so_far + 3 >= ctx->method->bufsize )) {
+ if( len_so_far && (strlen( json ) + len_so_far + 3 >= ctx->method->max_bundle_size )) {
if( flush_responses( ctx->session, ctx->session->outbuf ))
return -1;