If you have saved your changes and you don't see them, you may have to click
the Reload button in the upper left side of the staff client screen.
+Managing role-based permission groups in the staff client
+Main permission groups are granted in the staff client through Edit in the patron record using the Main (Profile) Permission Group field. Additional permission
+groups can be granted using secondary permission groups.
+Secondary Group Permissions
+The _Secondary Groups_ button functionality enables supplemental permission groups to be added to staff accounts. The _Secondary Groups_ button is only
+visible to those users who have permission to grant secondary permission groups.
+In general when creating a secondary permission group do not grant the permissions to login to Evergreen.
+Granting Secondary Permissions Groups
+. Open the account of the user you wish to grant secondary permission group to.
+. Click _Edit_.
+. Click _Secondary Groups_, located to the right of the _Main (Profile) Permission Group_.
+image::media/sup-permissions-1.png [Secondary Permissions Group]
+. From the dropdown menu select one of the secondary permission groups.
+image::media/sup-permissions-2.png [Secondary Permission Group List]
+. Click _Add_.
+. Click _Save_.
+image::media/sup-permissions-3.png [Secondary Permission Group Save]
+. Click _Save_ in the top right hand corner of the _Edit Screen_ to save the user's account.
+Removing Secondary Group Permissions
+. Open the account of the user you wish to remove the secondary permission group from.
+. Click _Edit_.
+. Click _Secondary Groups_, located to the right of the _Main (Profile) Permission Group_.
+image::media/sup-permissions-1.png [Secondary Permissions Group]
+. Click _Delete_ beside the permission group you would like to remove.
+image::media/sup-permissions-4.png [Secondary Permissions Group Delete]
+. Click _Save_.
+image::media/sup-permissions-5.png [Secondary Permissions Group Save]
+. Click _Save_ in the top right hand corner of the _Edit Screen_ to save the user's account.
Managing role-based permission groups in the database
While the ability to assign a user to multiple permission groups has existed in