a_l = apacheGetFirstParamValue( params, "api_level" );
mparams = apacheGetParamValues( params, "param" ); /* free me */
+ /* set the user defined timeout value */
+ int timeout = 60;
+ char* tout = apacheGetFirstParamValue( params, "timeout" ); /* request timeout in seconds */
+ if( tout ) {
+ timeout = atoi(tout);
+ osrfLogDebug(OSRF_LOG_MARK, "Client supplied timeout of %d", timeout);
+ }
if (a_l)
api_level = atoi(a_l);
char* statustext = NULL;
char* output = NULL;
- while((omsg = osrfAppSessionRequestRecv( session, req_id, 60 ))) {
+ while((omsg = osrfAppSessionRequestRecv( session, req_id, timeout ))) {
statuscode = omsg->status_code;
jsonObject* res;